[mythtv] Script to get Title & Subtitle given a cryptic mythtv filename.

Rob Snow lists at dympna.com
Sun Mar 30 00:52:12 EST 2003

Okay, this should fix the /\ issue.  It's nowhere close to 'correct' in my 
eyes, but should at least not make a bad filename...unless funky characters 


On Sat, 29 Mar 2003 14:40:53 -0500, Andy Davidoff wrote
> This seems like a pretty useful function to other clients as well. 
>  I'd do the substitution in SQL and put that code into a setting in 
> the database to ensure consistency between clients and to let people 
> use the setup GUI to tweak the transform.  This solves cross-client 
> and cross-code issues...
> #if Rob Snow /* Mar 29, 13:28 */
> > Good point,
> >
> > I think I'll add a switch to sanitize the filename today, for those who
> > are going to use it in a script with -o `getshowname.pl <filename>`.  I'm
> > thinking of just replacing all symbol characters with <something> or 
> > just removing them.  That should make the returned string legal in almost
> > all filesystems.
> >
> > Thoughts?
> #endif /* lists at dympna.com */
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-------------- next part --------------
## Script to extract show name and subtitle from DB given the filename.
## Hack and Slash done by Rob Snow (rsnow at dympna.com)
## 28 Mar 03	1.0	Hack
## 29 Mar 03	1.1	Added --legal to fix filenames for / and \
##			Should probably be fixed for other chars
##			but I'm to lazy.
## This is a very nasty hack of myth.rebuilddatabase.pl which was nicely 
## done by Greg Froese and instructions by Robert Kulagowski.  
## Those fine gentlemens information may be found below, however, please
## do not confuse them with the author of this hack...they do nice work.
## written by greg froese (g_froese at yahoo.com)
## install instructions by Robert Kulagowski (rkulagow at rocketmail.com)
## use at your own risk, i am not responsible for anything this program may
## or may not do.

##use strict;
use DBI;
use Getopt::Long;
use File::Basename;

## get command line args

my ($database, $host, $user, $pass, $verbose, $dir);

my $argc=@ARGV;
if ($argc == 0) {
   print "usage:  getshowname.pl [options] /path/to/store/1001_20030401190000_20030401200000.nuv

Where [options] is:
--host          - hostname or IP address of the mysql server (default: \"\")
--user          - DBUSERNAME (default: \"mythtv\")
--pass          - DBPASSWORD (default: \"mythtv\")
--database      - DATABASENAME (default: \"mythconverg\")
--replace	- Replace spaces with this string (--rep=. will return Daily.Show)
--sublen	- Maximum subtitle length (only useful with -s)
-s		- Add subtitle to string after a ':'
--legal		- Make sure the filename is legal (no '/', '\', etc.)

GetOptions('verbose+'=>\$verbose, 'database=s'=>\$database, 'host=s'=>\$host, 'user=s'=>\$user, 'pass=s'=>\$pass, 's+'=>\$sub, 'replace=s'=>\$rep, 'sublen=s'=>\$sublen, 'legal+'=>\$legal);

if (!$host) { $host=""; }
if (!$database) { $database="mythconverg"; }
if (!$user) { $user="mythtv"; }
if (!$pass) { $pass="mythtv"; }

my $dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:mysql:database=$database:host=$host","$user","$pass") or
		 die "Cannot connect to database ($!)\n";

 ($show, $path, $suffix)  = fileparse(@ARGV[0],"\.nuv");
  $channel = substr($show,0,4);
  $syear = substr($show, 5,4);
  $smonth = substr($show, 9,2);
  $sday = substr($show,11,2);
  $shour = substr($show,13,2);
  $sminute = substr($show,15,2);
  $ssecond = substr($show,17,2);
  $eyear = substr($show,20,4);
  $emonth = substr($show,24,2);
  $eday = substr($show,26,2);
  $ehour = substr($show,28,2);
  $eminute = substr($show,30,2);
  $esecond = substr($show,32,2);

 $q = "select title, subtitle, chanid, starttime, endtime from recorded where chanid=$channel and starttime='$syear$smonth$sday$shour$sminute$ssecond' and endtime='$eyear$emonth$eday$ehour$eminute$esecond'";
 $sth = $dbh->prepare($q);
 $sth->execute or die "Could not execute ($q)\n";

$title = $row[0];
$subtitle = $row[1];

if ($rep) {
	$subtitle=~s/\ /$rep/gio;
	$title=~s/\ /$rep/gio;
if ($sublen) {

if ($legal) {
	$nogood = " ";
	if ($rep) {
		$nogood = $rep;
	$title =~ s/\\/$nogood/gio;
	$subtitle =~ s/\\/$nogood/gio;
	$title =~ s/\//$nogood/gio;
	$subtitle =~ s/\//$nogood/gio;

print "$title";
if ($sub) {
	print ":$subtitle";
print "\n";


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