[mythtv] Re:Transcoding pvr-250 files

Vinton Coffman vintonc at redzone.com
Tue Sep 2 20:58:53 EDT 2003

I just updated my cvs (sept 2 @ 5:20 p.m. EDT).  I transcoded a 30 
minute show.  The audio, video, and elapse time all look correct.  The 
elapse time after cutting commercials is 21:27.  i haven't timed it, 
but it seems really reasonable.  Skipping and scanning still work 
correctly too.

However, the files sizes still seem too large for the amount of 
material removed.  A rough calculation suggests the file should be ~753 
ls -la |grep '1051_20030901223000_20030901230000'
-rw-r--r--    1 mythtv   mythtv   977937376 Sep  2 19:17 
-rw-r--r--    1 mythtv   mythtv   1051557824 Sep  1 23:00 

For an exaggerated case I clipped a 30 min show down to the last 5 
minutes and here are the file sizes.  rough calc 175 MB

ls -la |grep '1052_20030829000000_20030829003000'
-rw-r--r--    1 mythtv   mythtv   225309239 Sep  2 19:38 
-rw-r--r--    1 mythtv   mythtv   1048426432 Aug 29 00:30 
-rw-rw-r--    1 mythtv   mythtv      37272 Aug 30 01:31 

Both transcoded file sizes seem to be off by 22%!  Is this just a 

I ran the mysql commands you suggested and here are the results.

mysql> use mythconverg
Reading table information for completion of table and column names
You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A

Database changed
mysql> select codecparams.* from codecparams,recordingprofiles where 
codecparams.profile = recordingprofiles.id and recordingprofiles.name = 
| profile | name                     | value |
|       3 | hardwaremjpeghdecimation | 4     |
|       3 | hardwaremjpegquality     | 100   |
|       3 | hardwaremjpegvdecimation | 4     |
|       3 | height                   | 480   |
|       3 | mp3quality               | 4     |
|       3 | mpeg4bitrate             | 4000  |
|       3 | mpeg4maxquality          | 2     |
|       3 | mpeg4minquality          | 15    |
|       3 | mpeg4option4mv           | 1     |
|       3 | mpeg4optionvhq           | 1     |
|       3 | mpeg4qualdiff            | 3     |
|       3 | mpeg4scalebitrate        | 1     |
|       3 | rtjpegchromafilter       | 0     |
|       3 | rtjpeglumafilter         | 0     |
|       3 | rtjpegquality            | 170   |
|       3 | samplerate               | 48000 |
|       3 | width                    | 640   |
17 rows in set (0.03 sec)

mysql> select * from recordingprofiles where name = "Transcode";
| id | name      | videocodec | audiocodec   |
|  3 | Transcode | MPEG-4     | Uncompressed |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)


Let me know what else I can do to help.

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