[Small PATCH as Req] + Re: [mythtv] frequent PlayBoxTransparency

Chris Pinkham cpinkham at bc2va.org
Thu Aug 19 20:40:04 EDT 2004

> Would some of the videos not be listed as "No Cover" and some as "San 
> Visage" (sorry I don't actually know any French, but I'm sure you'll 
> catch my drift).
> Does this not mean that the Metadata::getCoverImage method /should/ 
> check all possible translations of "None" and "No Cover" rather than 
> just the current translation??

If there is a problem with something like this, you should consider storing
this the same as the "All Programs" and "Default" recording group settings.
These 2 special cases are stored in English in the DB but translated onscreen
so that the user always sees their own native language.



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