[mythtv] [PATCH] win32 again

Ian Caulfield imc25 at cam.ac.uk
Tue Jan 20 16:46:21 EST 2004

I haven't found a way to get libmyth to link nicely with gContext being 
exported from the executable; it seems win32 dynamic imports need the name 
of the source file as well as the name of the symbol - so if I get libmyth 
to link against mythfrontend, it won't link against mythepg for example.

The attached patch moves the gContext definition if compiling under Windows 
- I'm still open to better suggestions. Also the definition of avcodeclock 
is moved from NVR.cpp to nuppeldecoder.cpp, as the windows build doesn't 
include NVR.

Also, I've added a vsync_win file which should make the Vsync handling a 
lot nicer. It still doesn't work though...

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