[mythtv] [PATCH] ALSA threaded/buffered rewrite

Kevin Kuphal kuphal at dls.net
Sat Jul 3 03:04:48 EDT 2004

At the suggestion on the list here a little while back, I took the time 
to basically duplicate the OSS audio code (threading, buffers, etc) into 
the ALSA functions.  I've tested this on my system and I can playback 
with my audio device as ALSA:spdif with no studdering or jumping but the 
audio is not in sync with the video and I was hoping someone here that 
understands such things more than I could take a look at it.  I'm no 
ALSA expert nor am I an audio expert.

Anyways, here are the two files attached.  This really seems to be close 
to providing a workable native ALSA interface.  I'm sure I'm just 
missing something obvious (probably because it's 2am) and I hope someone 
here can find the problem and fix it.  Once the audio is synced up it 
should be another easy task to combine these two codebases using more 
common code/classes for the threading and buffering since their 
differences now are minimal.

-------------- next part --------------

#include <vector>
#include <qstring.h>
#include <qmutex.h>

#include <alsa/asoundlib.h>

#include "audiooutput.h"

using namespace std;

#define AUDBUFSIZE 512000

class AudioOutputALSA : public AudioOutput
    AudioOutputALSA(QString audiodevice, int laudio_bits, 
                   int laudio_channels, int laudio_samplerate);
    virtual ~AudioOutputALSA();
    virtual void SetBlocking(bool blocking);
    virtual void Reset(void);
    virtual void Reconfigure(int laudio_bits, 
                             int laudio_channels, int laudio_samplerate);

    virtual void AddSamples(char *buffer, int samples, long long timecode);
    virtual void AddSamples(char *buffers[], int samples, long long timecode);
    virtual void SetTimecode(long long timecode);
    virtual void SetEffDsp(int dsprate);

    virtual bool GetPause(void);
    virtual void Pause(bool paused);
    virtual int GetAudiotime(void);

    inline int SetParameters(snd_pcm_t *handle, snd_pcm_access_t access,
                             snd_pcm_format_t format, unsigned int channels,
                             unsigned int rate, unsigned int buffer_time,
                             unsigned int period_time);

    void KillAudio();
    void OutputAudioLoop(void);
    static void *kickoffOutputAudioLoop(void *player);


    int audiolen(bool use_lock); // number of valid bytes in audio buffer
    int audiofree(bool use_lock); // number of free bytes in audio buffer

    void WriteAudio(unsigned char *aubuf, int size);

    inline int getSpaceOnSoundcard(void);
    void SetFragSize(void);
    void SetAudiotime(void);

    bool killaudio;

    QString audiodevice;
    snd_pcm_t *pcm_handle;

    int effdsp; // from the recorded stream

    int audio_channels;
    int audio_bytes_per_sample;
    int audio_bits;
    int audio_samplerate;
    int audio_buffer_unused;
    int fragment_size;

    bool pauseaudio, audio_actually_paused;
    bool blocking; // do AddSamples calls block?
    int lastaudiolen;

    pthread_t output_audio;
    pthread_mutex_t audio_buflock; /* adjustments to audiotimecode, waud, and
                                      raud can only be made while holding this
                                      lock */
    pthread_cond_t audio_bufsig;  /* condition is signaled when the buffer
                                     gets more free space. Must be holding
                                     audio_buflock to use. */
    pthread_mutex_t avsync_lock; /* must hold avsync_lock to read or write
                                    'audiotime' and 'audiotime_updated' */
    int audiotime; // timecode of audio leaving the soundcard (same units as
                   //                                          timecodes) ...
    struct timeval audiotime_updated; // ... which was last updated at this time

    /* Audio circular buffer */
    unsigned char audiobuffer[AUDBUFSIZE];  /* buffer */
    int raud, waud;     /* read and write positions */
    int audbuf_timecode;    /* timecode of audio most recently placed into
                   buffer */

    int numbadioctls;
    int numlowbuffer;

    QMutex killAudioLock;


-------------- next part --------------
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <time.h>

using namespace std;

#include "mythcontext.h"
#include "audiooutputalsa.h"

AudioOutputALSA::AudioOutputALSA(QString audiodevice, int laudio_bits, 
                               int laudio_channels, int laudio_samplerate)
              : AudioOutput()
    pthread_mutex_init(&audio_buflock, NULL);
    pthread_mutex_init(&avsync_lock, NULL);
    pthread_cond_init(&audio_bufsig, NULL);
    this->audiodevice = audiodevice;
    pcm_handle = NULL;
    output_audio = 0;
    audio_bits = -1;
    audio_channels = -1;
    audio_samplerate = -1;    

    Reconfigure(laudio_bits, laudio_channels, laudio_samplerate);


void AudioOutputALSA::Reconfigure(int laudio_bits, int laudio_channels, 
                                 int laudio_samplerate)
    snd_pcm_t *new_pcm_handle;
    snd_pcm_format_t format;
    unsigned int buffer_time = 500000, period_time = 100000;

    int err;

    if (laudio_bits == audio_bits && laudio_channels == audio_channels &&
        laudio_samplerate == audio_samplerate)

//  printf("Starting reconfigure\n");
    new_pcm_handle = pcm_handle;
    pcm_handle = NULL;



    lastaudiolen = 0;
    waud = raud = 0;
    audio_actually_paused = false;
    audio_channels = laudio_channels;
    audio_bits = laudio_bits;
    audio_samplerate = laudio_samplerate;
    if(audio_bits != 8 && audio_bits != 16)
        Error("AudioOutputALSA only supports 8 or 16bit audio.");
    audio_bytes_per_sample = audio_channels * audio_bits / 8;
    killaudio = false;
    pauseaudio = false;
    numbadioctls = 0;
    numlowbuffer = 0;

    VERBOSE(VB_GENERAL, QString("Opening ALSA audio device '%1'.")
    err = snd_pcm_open(&pcm_handle, audiodevice,

    if (err < 0)
        Error(QString("Error opening audio device (%1), the"
                " error was: %2").arg(audiodevice).arg(strerror(errno)));


    audio_bytes_per_sample = audio_channels * audio_bits / 8;
    // audio_buf_info info;
    // ioctl(audiofd, SNDCTL_DSP_GETOSPACE, &info);
    // fragment_size = info.fragsize;
    fragment_size = 8192;

    VERBOSE(VB_GENERAL, QString("Audio fragment size: %1")

    snd_pcm_uframes_t avail = 0;
    snd_pcm_hw_params_t *hw_params;
    snd_pcm_hw_params_any(pcm_handle, hw_params);
    snd_pcm_hw_params_get_buffer_size(hw_params, &avail); // frames

    audio_buffer_unused = (avail * audio_bytes_per_sample) - (fragment_size * 4);
    if(audio_buffer_unused < 0)
       audio_buffer_unused = 0;

    if (!gContext->GetNumSetting("AggressiveSoundcardBuffer", 0))
        audio_buffer_unused = 0;

    if(audio_bits == 8)
        format = SND_PCM_FORMAT_S8;
    else if(audio_bits == 16)
        // is the sound data coming in really little-endian or is it
        // CPU-endian?
        format = SND_PCM_FORMAT_S16_LE;
    else if(audio_bits == 24)
        format = SND_PCM_FORMAT_S24_LE;
        Error(QString("Unknown sample format: %1 bits.").arg(audio_bits));

    err = SetParameters(pcm_handle, SND_PCM_ACCESS_MMAP_INTERLEAVED,
                        format, audio_channels, audio_samplerate, buffer_time,
    if (err < 0) {

    audbuf_timecode = 0;
    audiotime = 0;
    effdsp = audio_samplerate * 100;
    gettimeofday(&audiotime_updated, NULL);

    pthread_create(&output_audio, NULL, kickoffOutputAudioLoop, this);
    VERBOSE(VB_AUDIO, "Ending reconfigure");

 * Set the fragsize to something slightly smaller than the number of bytes of
 * audio for one frame of video.
void AudioOutputALSA::SetFragSize()
    // I think video_frame_rate isn't necessary. Someone clearly thought it was
    // useful but I don't see why. Let's just hardcode 30 for now...
    // if there's a problem, it can be added back.
    const int video_frame_rate = 30;
    const int bits_per_byte = 8;

    // get rough measurement of audio bytes per frame of video
    int fbytes = (audio_bits * audio_channels * audio_samplerate) / 
                        (bits_per_byte * video_frame_rate);

    // find the next smaller number that's a power of 2 
    // there's probably a better way to do this
    int count = 0;
    while ( fbytes >> 1 )
        fbytes >>= 1;

    if (count > 4)
        // High order word is the max number of fragments
        int frag = 0x7fff0000 + count;
        // ioctl(audiofd, SNDCTL_DSP_SETFRAGMENT, &frag);
        // ignore failure, since we check the actual fragsize before use

void AudioOutputALSA::KillAudio()

    VERBOSE(VB_AUDIO, "Killing AudioOutputDSP");
    if (output_audio)
        killaudio = true;
        pthread_join(output_audio, NULL);
        output_audio = 0;

    if (pcm_handle != NULL)


bool AudioOutputALSA::GetPause(void)
    return audio_actually_paused;

void AudioOutputALSA::Pause(bool paused)
    pauseaudio = paused;
    audio_actually_paused = false;

void AudioOutputALSA::Reset()

    raud = waud = 0;
    audbuf_timecode = 0;
    audiotime = 0;
    gettimeofday(&audiotime_updated, NULL);


void AudioOutputALSA::WriteAudio(unsigned char *aubuf, int size)
    if (pcm_handle == NULL)

    unsigned char *tmpbuf;
    int written = 0, lw = 0;
    int frames = size / audio_bytes_per_sample;

    tmpbuf = aubuf;

    // VERBOSE(VB_AUDIO, QString("Preparing %1 (%2) bytes in WriteAudio").arg(size).arg(frames));
    while (frames > 0) 
        lw = snd_pcm_mmap_writei(pcm_handle, tmpbuf, frames);
        // VERBOSE(VB_AUDIO, QString("Wrote %1 frames in WriteAudio").arg(lw));
        if (lw >= 0)
	    frames -= lw;
            tmpbuf += lw * audio_bytes_per_sample; // bytes
        else if (lw == -EAGAIN)
            VERBOSE(VB_AUDIO, QString("Soundcard is blocked.  Waiting for card to become ready"));
	    snd_pcm_wait(pcm_handle, 10);
        else if (lw < 0)
            Error(QString("Error writing to audio device (%1), unable to"
                  " continue. The error was: %2").arg(audiodevice)
            pcm_handle = NULL;

void AudioOutputALSA::SetTimecode(long long timecode)
    audbuf_timecode = timecode;

void AudioOutputALSA::SetEffDsp(int dsprate)
    VERBOSE(VB_AUDIO, QString("SetEffDsp: %1").arg(dsprate));
    effdsp = dsprate;

void AudioOutputALSA::SetBlocking(bool blocking)
    this->blocking = blocking;

int AudioOutputALSA::audiolen(bool use_lock)
    /* Thread safe, returns the number of valid bytes in the audio buffer */
    int ret;
    if (use_lock) 

    if (waud >= raud)
        ret = waud - raud;
        ret = AUDBUFSIZE - (raud - waud);

    if (use_lock)

    return ret;

int AudioOutputALSA::audiofree(bool use_lock)
    return AUDBUFSIZE - audiolen(use_lock) - 1;
    /* There is one wasted byte in the buffer. The case where waud = raud is
       interpreted as an empty buffer, so the fullest the buffer can ever
       be is AUDBUFSIZE - 1. */

int AudioOutputALSA::GetAudiotime(void)
    /* Returns the current timecode of audio leaving the soundcard, based
       on the 'audiotime' computed earlier, and the delay since it was computed.

       This is a little roundabout...

       The reason is that computing 'audiotime' requires acquiring the audio 
       lock, which the video thread should not do. So, we call 'SetAudioTime()'
       from the audio thread, and then call this from the video thread. */
    int ret;
    struct timeval now;

    if (audiotime == 0)
        return 0;


    gettimeofday(&now, NULL);

    ret = audiotime;
    ret += (now.tv_sec - audiotime_updated.tv_sec) * 1000;
    ret += (now.tv_usec - audiotime_updated.tv_usec) / 1000;

    return ret;

void AudioOutputALSA::SetAudiotime(void)
    if (audbuf_timecode == 0)

    // long soundcard_buffer = 0;
    int totalbuffer;

    /* We want to calculate 'audiotime', which is the timestamp of the audio
       which is leaving the sound card at this instant.

       We use these variables:

       'effdsp' is samples/sec, multiplied by 100.
       Bytes per sample is assumed to be 4.

       'audiotimecode' is the timecode of the audio that has just been 
       written into the buffer.

       'totalbuffer' is the total # of bytes in our audio buffer, and the
       sound card's buffer.

       'ms/byte' is given by '25000/effdsp'...

    // ioctl(audiofd, SNDCTL_DSP_GETODELAY, &soundcard_buffer); // bytes
    snd_pcm_uframes_t soundcard_buffer = 0;
    snd_pcm_hw_params_t *hw_params;
    snd_pcm_hw_params_any(pcm_handle, hw_params);
    snd_pcm_hw_params_get_buffer_size(hw_params, &soundcard_buffer); // frames

    totalbuffer = audiolen(false) + (soundcard_buffer * audio_bytes_per_sample);
    audiotime = audbuf_timecode - (int)(totalbuffer * 100000.0 /
                                        (audio_bytes_per_sample * effdsp));
    gettimeofday(&audiotime_updated, NULL);


void AudioOutputALSA::AddSamples(char *buffers[], int samples, 
                                long long timecode)
    VERBOSE(VB_AUDIO, QString("AddSamples[] %1")
                              .arg(samples * audio_bytes_per_sample));

    int audio_bytes = audio_bits / 8;
    // VERBOSE(VB_AUDIO, QString("audio_bytes : %1").arg(audio_bytes));
    int afree = audiofree(false);
    // VERBOSE(VB_AUDIO, QString("afree : %1").arg(afree));
    while (samples * audio_bytes_per_sample > afree)
        if (blocking)
            VERBOSE(VB_AUDIO, "Waiting for free space");
            // wait for more space
            pthread_cond_wait(&audio_bufsig, &audio_buflock);
            afree = audiofree(false);
            VERBOSE(VB_IMPORTANT, "Audio buffer overflow, audio data lost!");
            samples = afree / audio_bytes_per_sample;
    for (int itemp = 0; itemp < samples*audio_bytes; itemp+=audio_bytes)
        for(int chan = 0; chan < audio_channels; chan++)
            audiobuffer[waud++] = buffers[chan][itemp];
            if(audio_bits == 16)
                audiobuffer[waud++] = buffers[chan][itemp+1];
            if (waud >= AUDBUFSIZE)
                waud -= AUDBUFSIZE;

    lastaudiolen = audiolen(false);

    if (timecode < 0) 
        timecode = audbuf_timecode; // add to current timecode
    audbuf_timecode = timecode + (int)((samples * 100000.0) / effdsp);


void AudioOutputALSA::AddSamples(char *buffer, int samples, long long timecode)
    VERBOSE(VB_AUDIO, QString("AddSamples %1")
                              .arg(samples * audio_bytes_per_sample));

    int afree = audiofree(false);

    int len = samples * audio_bytes_per_sample;
    while (len > afree)
        if (blocking)
            VERBOSE(VB_AUDIO, "Waiting for free space");
            // wait for more space
            pthread_cond_wait(&audio_bufsig, &audio_buflock);
            afree = audiofree(false);
            VERBOSE(VB_IMPORTANT, "Audio buffer overflow, audio data lost!");
            len = afree;

    int bdiff = AUDBUFSIZE - waud;
    if (bdiff < len)
        memcpy(audiobuffer + waud, buffer, bdiff);
        memcpy(audiobuffer, buffer + bdiff, len - bdiff);
        memcpy(audiobuffer + waud, buffer, len);

    waud = (waud + len) % AUDBUFSIZE;

    lastaudiolen = audiolen(false);

    if (timecode < 0) 
        timecode = audbuf_timecode; // add to current timecode
    /* we want the time at the end -- but the file format stores
       time at the start of the chunk. */
    audbuf_timecode = timecode + (int)((samples * 100000.0) / effdsp);


inline int AudioOutputALSA::getSpaceOnSoundcard(void)
    // audio_buf_info info;
    // long avail = 0;
    int space = 0;
    int err = 0;

    if (pcm_handle == NULL)
	return 0;

    // ioctl(audiofd, SNDCTL_DSP_GETOSPACE, &info);
    // avail = snd_pcm_avail_update(pcm_handle); // samples
    // err = snd_pcm_delay(pcm_handle, &avail);

    snd_pcm_uframes_t soundcard_buffer; // total buffer on soundcard
    snd_pcm_hw_params_t *hw_params;
    snd_pcm_hw_params_any(pcm_handle, hw_params);
    snd_pcm_hw_params_get_buffer_size(hw_params, &soundcard_buffer); // frames
    // avail = snd_pcm_avail_update(pcm_handle); // frames waiting to be written
    snd_pcm_sframes_t avail = 0;
    snd_pcm_delay(pcm_handle, &avail);

    // Free space is the total buffer minues the frames waiting to be written
    // space = snd_pcm_frames_to_bytes(pcm_handle, (soundcard_buffer - avail)) - audio_buffer_unused; 
    space = ((soundcard_buffer - avail) * audio_bytes_per_sample) - audio_buffer_unused;
    // VERBOSE(VB_AUDIO, QString("getSpaceOnSoundcard : %1 %2 %3").arg(soundcard_buffer).arg(avail).arg(space));
    // space = (avail * 4) - audio_buffer_unused;

    if (space < 0)
        if (numbadioctls > 2 || space < -5000)
            VERBOSE(VB_IMPORTANT, "Your soundcard is not reporting free space"
                    " correctly. Falling back to old method...");
            audio_buffer_unused = 0;
            // space = info.bytes;
            space = avail;
        numbadioctls = 0;

    return space;

void AudioOutputALSA::OutputAudioLoop(void)
    int space_on_soundcard;
    unsigned char zeros[fragment_size];
    bzero(zeros, fragment_size);

    while (!killaudio)
        if (pcm_handle == NULL) 

        if (pauseaudio)
            audio_actually_paused = true;
            audiotime = 0; // mark 'audiotime' as invalid.

            // should this use ioctl(audio_fd, SNDCTL_DSP_POST, 0) instead ?
            space_on_soundcard = getSpaceOnSoundcard();
            if (fragment_size < space_on_soundcard)
                WriteAudio(zeros, fragment_size);
                VERBOSE(VB_AUDIO, QString("waiting for space to write 1024 "
                        "zeros on soundcard which has %1 bytes free")

        SetAudiotime(); // once per loop, calculate stuff for a/v sync

        /* do audio output */
        // wait for the buffer to fill with enough to play
        if (fragment_size >= audiolen(true))
            VERBOSE(VB_AUDIO, QString("audio thread waiting for buffer to fill"
                                      " fragment_size=%1, audiolen=%2")
        // wait for there to be free space on the sound card so we can write
        // without blocking.  We don't want to block while holding audio_buflock
        space_on_soundcard = getSpaceOnSoundcard();
        if (fragment_size > space_on_soundcard)
            VERBOSE(VB_AUDIO, QString("Waiting for space on soundcard: "
            if (numlowbuffer > 5 && audio_buffer_unused)
                VERBOSE(VB_IMPORTANT, "dropping back audio_buffer_unused");
                audio_buffer_unused /= 2;

            numlowbuffer = 0;

        pthread_mutex_lock(&audio_buflock); // begin critical section

        // re-check audiolen() in case things changed.
        // for example, ClearAfterSeek() might have run
        if (fragment_size < audiolen(false))
            int bdiff = AUDBUFSIZE - raud;
            if (fragment_size > bdiff)
                // always want to write whole fragments
                unsigned char fragment[fragment_size];
                memcpy(fragment, audiobuffer + raud, bdiff);
                memcpy(fragment + bdiff, audiobuffer, fragment_size - bdiff);
                WriteAudio(fragment, fragment_size);
                WriteAudio(audiobuffer + raud, fragment_size);

            /* update raud */
            raud = (raud + fragment_size) % AUDBUFSIZE;
            VERBOSE(VB_AUDIO, "Broadcasting free space avail");
        pthread_mutex_unlock(&audio_buflock); // end critical section
    //ioctl(audiofd, SNDCTL_DSP_RESET, NULL);

void *AudioOutputALSA::kickoffOutputAudioLoop(void *player)
    VERBOSE(VB_AUDIO, QString("kickoffOutputAudioLoop: pid = %1")
    ((AudioOutputALSA *)player)->OutputAudioLoop();
    VERBOSE(VB_AUDIO, "kickoffOutputAudioLoop exiting");
    return NULL;

int AudioOutputALSA::SetParameters(snd_pcm_t *handle, snd_pcm_access_t access,
                        snd_pcm_format_t format, unsigned int channels,
                        unsigned int rate, unsigned int buffer_time,
                        unsigned int period_time)
    int err, dir;
    snd_pcm_hw_params_t *params;
    snd_pcm_sw_params_t *swparams;
    snd_pcm_uframes_t buffer_size;
    snd_pcm_uframes_t period_size;

    /* choose all parameters */
    if((err = snd_pcm_hw_params_any(handle, params)) < 0)
        Error(QString("Broken configuration for playback; no configurations"
              " available: %1").arg(snd_strerror(err)));
        return err;

    /* set the interleaved read/write format */
    if((err = snd_pcm_hw_params_set_access(handle, params, access)) < 0)
        Error(QString("Access type not available: %1")
        return err;

    /* set the sample format */
    if((err = snd_pcm_hw_params_set_format(handle, params, format)) < 0)
        Error(QString("Sample format not available: %1")
        return err;

    /* set the count of channels */
    if((err = snd_pcm_hw_params_set_channels(handle, params, channels)) < 0)
        Error(QString("Channels count (%i) not available: %1")
        return err;

    /* set the stream rate */
    unsigned int rrate = rate;
    if((err = snd_pcm_hw_params_set_rate_near(handle, params, &rrate, 0)) < 0)
        Error(QString("Samplerate (%1Hz) not available: %2")
        return err;

    if (rrate != rate)
        Error(QString("Rate doesn't match (requested %1Hz, got %2Hz)")
        return -EINVAL;

    /* set the buffer time */
    if((err = snd_pcm_hw_params_set_buffer_time_near(handle, params,
                                                     &buffer_time, &dir)) < 0)
        Error(QString("Unable to set buffer time %1 for playback: %2")
        return err;

    if((err = snd_pcm_hw_params_get_buffer_size(params, &buffer_size)) < 0)
        Error(QString("Unable to get buffer size for playback: %1")
        return err;

    /* set the period time */
    if((err = snd_pcm_hw_params_set_period_time_near(
                    handle, params, &period_time, &dir)) < 0)
        Error(QString("Unable to set period time %1 for playback: %2")
        return err;

    if((err = snd_pcm_hw_params_get_period_size(params, &period_size,
                                                &dir)) < 0) {
        Error(QString("Unable to get period size for playback: %1")
        return err;

    /* write the parameters to device */
    if((err = snd_pcm_hw_params(handle, params)) < 0) {
        Error(QString("Unable to set hw params for playback: %1")
        return err;
    /* get the current swparams */
    if((err = snd_pcm_sw_params_current(handle, swparams)) < 0)
        Error(QString("Unable to determine current swparams for playback:"
                      " %1").arg(snd_strerror(err)));
        return err;
    /* start the transfer after period_size */
    if((err = snd_pcm_sw_params_set_start_threshold(handle, swparams, 
                                                    period_size)) < 0)
        Error(QString("Unable to set start threshold mode for playback: %1")
        return err;

    /* allow the transfer when at least period_size samples can be processed */
    if((err = snd_pcm_sw_params_set_avail_min(handle, swparams,
                                              period_size)) < 0)
        Error(QString("Unable to set avail min for playback: %1")
        return err;

    /* align all transfers to 1 sample */
    if((err = snd_pcm_sw_params_set_xfer_align(handle, swparams, 1)) < 0)
        Error(QString("Unable to set transfer align for playback: %1")
        return err;

    /* write the parameters to the playback device */
    if((err = snd_pcm_sw_params(handle, swparams)) < 0)
        Error(QString("Unable to set sw params for playback: %1")
        return err;

    return 0;

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