[mythtv] QAM Issues with Air2PC

Taylor Jacob rtjacob at earthlink.net
Fri Mar 25 20:38:54 UTC 2005

Quoting Cory Papenfuss <papenfuss at juneau.me.vt.edu>:
>  	It shouldn't be a big deal, I wouldn't think.  All those tuners
> are standard parts with standard pinouts.  My guess is if you could find a
> replacement that would work, you could solder it in, hardcode the tuner
> type, and be good to go.

You could in theory remove a NIM from a DVB-T or DVB-C card and place an ATSC
demodulator on it and make yourself an ATSC card.. Might have to tweak some
drivers to support the new frontend you just put on the card, but yes you are
right assuming the pinouts are correct..


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