[mythtv] [PATCH] clean of generated mythconfig.{h,mak}

Daniel Kristjansson danielk at cat.nyu.edu
Sun May 22 14:32:36 UTC 2005

On Sun, 2005-05-22 at 08:29 +1000, Mark Spieth wrote:
> > > this fixes the distclean problem removing mythconfig.h and
> > > mythconfig.mak
> no but cant figure out a better way of doing it for a distclean.
> these files do need to be cleaned on a distclean. Im open to better
> solutions.
> a distclean does clean up the links in the base dir to these files, then
> configure doesnt regenerate them.
If you make a patch to fix this I'll apply it.

> fixing configure will just make it more robust but doesnt solve the basic
> problem.
> distclean should mean same as "cvs co"
> when I do a clean, I really mean clean so that it remakes completely.
> otherwise I dont clean when I make (personal pref).
I agree with you in theory. "make distclean" should delete the output of
configure, and delete all the "Makefile" files. But at the moment "make
clean" does not delete libraries so we need to do a "make distclean"
when we really mean "make clean". If you want distclean to really do
a distclean, then you have to fix "make clean" first.

-- Daniel

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