[mythtv] LIRC question

Calvin Harrigan charriglists at bellsouth.net
Mon Oct 31 09:29:51 EST 2005

Hal Burch wrote:

>The remote control system seems a bit hackish, translating remote
>events to keypress events.  Is this a conscience design, a result of
>the recent addition of native LIRC support, or the result of the Lirc
>It would seem better for the keybindings to natively support LIRC
>events (new column in keybinding).  This would make patches like trac
>#549 unnecessary, and might allow for greater flexibility.  I've fixed
>the remotekey-to-keypress mapping, and morphed my keybindings around
>to get the functionality mapping as much as reasonable.  If I ever
>actually wanted to use my keyboard, it would be difficult.
>However, this may be considered a problem or there may be some more
>fundamental reason for the current Lirc => KeyPress => action string
>=> function call process I've seen in multiple places of which I am
> - Hal
>mythtv-dev mailing list
>mythtv-dev at mythtv.org
I currently working on a little stand-alone app that will route lirc 
events directly into the input handler of the kernel.  That way I can 
use a standard keyboard/even wireless and then map (via config file) 
remote keyppresses to any key without having to remap the physical 
keyboard..  The original intention was to allow me to use 
more/additional programs without having to worry about lirc support.  
I've always had trouble with lirc and focus anyways, now I'll let X 
handle it.


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