[mythtv] API for scheduling/unscheduling recordings from perl application ?

Erland Isaksson erland_i at hotmail.com
Tue Apr 21 05:27:47 UTC 2009


I'm trying to implement a simple MythTV plugin for the SqueezeCenter 
perl application. The plan is to be able to list current, upcoming 
recordings and also list programs on different channels.

Besides this I also like to select an item in the program list or in a 
recording list and selects to record it or don't record it. Pretty much 
the same as the "Dont Record" and "Record This" buttons that are 
available in the MythWeb "Upcoming Recordings" web interface. I like to 
have something similar in the program listings so I easily can select to 
record a program directly from the listing.

The goal is to be able to  be able to schedule recordings through a 
Squeezebox Duet remote control or through an iPhone/iPod Touch (using 
the iPeng iPhone application that works towards SqueezeCenter).

I've gotten most the listings to work through the Myth Perl bindings, I 
just got some problem with listing upcoming programs (not recordings) 
where I was required to use SQL directly to retrieve the list from the 
"program" table. I'm not sure if there is a better way to list all 
programs on all channels broadcast during the two hours ? I didn't find 
anything suitable in the Myth Perl bindings API.

Anyway, is the Perl bindings the correct way to go ?
The documentation I've found is very limited and I'm getting a but 
unsure about the state of the API when I look at the code. Is the Perl 
bindings maintained or is there some other API which would be preferred ?

It would be good if the API worked on both Windows, Linux and OSX, but 
if that's a problem it would be enough if it just worked on Linux.

I suppose I could always write directly to the MythTV database but it 
doesn't feel good as I suspect the databsae structure will change more 
often than an official API.

If the Perl API is the correct way to go, I would appreciate if someone 
give me some indication about how to:
- Remove an existing based on a MythTV::Program object
- Schedule a new recording based on a MythTV::Program object


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