[mythtv-users] Zap2it and rebroadcast cable

Jim Paris jim at jtan.com
Wed Oct 15 01:02:02 EDT 2003

> I attend a tiny college in Minnesotta where they rebroadcast us Dish 
> Network from St. Cloud, MN.  It's really good service and all, but 
> Zap2it obviously doesn't post the listings for our one network of about 
> 4000 viewers.  I was hoping that someone else had rebroadcast service 
> that had channels all mixed up and could recommend a way of 
> downloading/reparsing the Zap2it data using just good old scripting 
> languages.  I don't have a background in scripting languages, but I do 
> have a friend willing to help and a very open mind on how to work this out.

Configure tv_grab_na to use the original provider (ie the one with all
the channels and more).  Then edit your tv_grab_na.conf and add "not "
before the channels that you don't actually receive.  Finally,
go into your database and edit the channels table so that the "chanid"
column matches Zap2it's idea of the channel number (plus 1000*n for
the card number), and the "channum" column matches what you actually
see on your TV.  For example, I have:

> select chanid, channum from channels;
| chanid | channum |
|   2006 | 5       |
|   2008 | 6       |
|   2009 | 2       |
|   2010 | 10      |

which means that what Zap2it says the satellite is broadcasting on
channel 6 shows up at my college on channel 5, etc.


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