[mythtv-users] snes9x fullscreen on TV? (yet again)

Andy Grundman andy at hybridized.org
Thu Jan 15 15:06:25 EST 2004

Thanks, I think I will try zsnes.  I think it would be a simple matter 
to add support to mythgame for zsnes... just replace all the config 
options.  I might see about doing this myself if I can get it working 
happily with my xbox gamepads (a whole separate nightmare!) and at 
fullscreen.  Should be easy enough from there to add support for other 
emulators like gens, visualboyadvance, etc.

Craig Meyer wrote:

> Andy,
> After trying to get snes9x to go fullscreen and getting fed up with it I
> finally installed zsnes instead. To get zsnes to work full screen all you
> have to do is load it outside of MythTV, hit escape to enter the menu,
> find the fullscreen setting and save your changes. It works excellent.
> Then you have to go into the mythgame settings and set the binary file to
> zsnes instead of snes9x.
> Unfortunatly, MythGame is coded particularly for snes9x and you need to
> shut off EVERY command line option that MythGame passes when starting the
> emulator. Otherwise zsnes will fail. The only way that I know of to do
> this now is manually through the editor in mythgame. This is very time
> consuming.
> It's too bad MythGame only currently supports snes9x directly because I
> don't think it works well for many people. I wonder if the developers are
> intending on adding direct support for something more hearty like zsnes?
> -Craig
>>I've gotten it to work before; if you don't use the -fs option at first,
>>And then switch to fullscreen after it starts by hitting the key
>>(I think it's alt-f) then it displays well fullscreen.  There may be
>>black bars along the sides but this seemed to work the best.
>>I don't remember the exact command line I used, but switching from
>>windowed to full screen with the key combination was the trick.
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: mythtv-users-bounces at mythtv.org
>>[mailto:mythtv-users-bounces at mythtv.org] On Behalf Of Andy Grundman
>>Sent: Thursday, January 15, 2004 12:24 PM
>>To: mythtv-users at mythtv.org
>>Subject: [mythtv-users] snes9x fullscreen on TV? (yet again)
>>I have seen a few posts about getting snes9x to run fullscreen on a TV
>>display, but all the discussions stop short of a solution.
>>As I understand it, the -fs option tries to make X change resolution to
>>something like 320x240, which will never work on a TV.
>>Xmame is able to go fullscreen if you use xmame.x11, but snes9x only
>>supports SDL so it can't use fullscreen.  Does that sound right?
>>So does everyone settle for the -y option which doubles the size and
>>then just play in a window?  I tried -scale but it doesn't work if you
>>aren't fullscreen.  Is there a solution, or would snes9x have to be
>>patched to support non-SDL modes (probably a HUGE amount of work).

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