[mythtv-users] Guide disappeared and errors with mythfilldatabase

Mickey Chandler mickc at whizardries.com
Tue Nov 8 10:01:03 EST 2005

At 11:10 PM 11/7/2005, Chris Cantrell wrote:
 >I am running FedoraCore 4, got everything working, including the
 >guide.  I was recording my first show in the Mac frontend and when I
 >was on the guide, suddenly all the information when to "Unknown
 >(Unknown)".  I tried to run mythfilldatabase and received the
 >following errors (pages of these).  I tried rebooting to clear up any
 >potential issues there and that did not help.  Any thoughts?  Thanks
 >in advance.

Which version of MySQL are you running?

The error, obviously, is saying that a temporary table can't be 
created.  In order to know more, we need better information on what 
you're running.

Mickey Chandler
Chief Operating Whizard
Whizardries, Inc.: <http://www.whizardries.com>
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