[mythtv-users] MySQL datadir is empty or invalid - error msg.

Mike Wohlgemuth mjw at woogie.net
Sun Mar 12 18:02:32 UTC 2006

Bill Suit wrote:

>Now, back to reality. Gentoo kernel 2.6.15-r5. MySQL-5.0.18-r30. 
>Mythtv-0.19_p9163. I have un/re emerged once, maybe twice (my brain is 
>starting to glaze over now).
Is there any reason you are using mysql 5.x?  The latest unmasked 
version of mysql in portage is 4.1.14.  It will put the files where you 
expect them.

Either way, it sounds like you might need to run mysql_install_db, which 
will actually create a default database for you.


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