[mythtv-users] Mythweb: Force recording on specific encoder?

Bruce Markey bjm at lvcm.com
Wed Nov 15 22:10:53 UTC 2006

Chris Petersen wrote:
> Mark Paulus wrote:
>> I have 2 BEs, with several cards, including 1 or 2 cards that I may be 
>> experimenting with at any time.  I see that in mythfrontend, there is 
>> the option to select the "preferred encoder".  Would it be possible to 
>> get that same selection dropdown available in the mythweb interface, for 
>> such an occasion?
> I just found out about this feature 2 nights ago, and it's high on my
> list. It'll probably go in tonight.

Great. It never crossed my mind that this needed to be added
for mythweb (doh). The trick is to provide a user readable
list of input names. I used the same convention as the OSD
messages when you change inputs; use the cardinput.displayname
if present else <cardid>: <inputname> .

Here's the code from libs/libmythtv/sr_items.cpp in case
it helps:

void SRInput::fillSelections()
    addSelection(QString(QObject::tr("Use any available input")), 0);

    MSqlQuery query(MSqlQuery::InitCon());
    query.prepare("SELECT cardinputid,cardid,inputname,displayname "
                  "FROM cardinput ORDER BY cardinputid");

    if (query.exec() && query.isActive() && query.size() > 0)
        while (query.next())
            QString input_name = query.value(3).toString();
            if (input_name == "")
                input_name = QString("%1: %2")
            addSelection(QObject::tr("Prefer input %1")
                     .arg(input_name), query.value(0).toInt());

Once the selection is made, the 'cardinput.cardinputid' int
for the selected input should be written into 'record.prefinput'
for the selected rule.

--  bjm

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