[mythtv-users] SVN update problem?

Michael T. Dean mtdean at thirdcontact.com
Wed Oct 4 20:40:14 UTC 2006

On 10/04/06 14:28, A JM wrote:

>>( echo Last Updated: `date` |
>>  tee mythtv-update.log &&
>>   exit $PIPESTATUS ) &&
>>svn update mythtv mythplugins myththemes 2>&1 |
>>  tee -a mythtv-update.log
>Thanks Mike, this will also help "svn up mythtv mythplugins myththemes"
>Are you running this from a script? Is it widely available or yours personally?
I haven't copyrighted it, if that's what you mean.  ;)

I have a file with notes containing information on every command I run 
to install every program on every one of my (11 desktop + 1 laptop) 
computers.  So, I just copy those commands out of the notes when I next 
rebuild MythTV.

In truth--because I often mess around with the MythTV source code and 
because "svn revert -R mythtv" doesn't do anything about all the junk I 
leave in the MythTV source directory structure and because sometimes I 
like having multiple working copies of MythTV (so I can make different 
changes in different directories)--I do the above commands but also I 
/only/ do an "svn update" into a "pristine" source directory and then 
tar up all the files so I can go back to a known-good clean directory 
structure without wasting any of Isaac's bandwidth.*  The only downside 
to this is a longer compile time for new versions (which takes a lot of 
my computer's CPU time away from SETI at home), but I'm certain it's saved 
me a lot of /my/ time trying to track down bugs that aren't bugs because 
I failed to clean/distclean when required (my computer is working even 
when I'm not, so compiling doesn't take my time).

So, the commands I use to maintain my working copy are:

cd /path/where/I/keep/my/Myth/src &&
rm -rf * &&
tar xjf ../myth-20061003_021844.tar.bz2 &&
( echo Last Updated: `date` |
  tee mythtv-update.log &&
  exit $PIPESTATUS ) &&
( svn update mythtv mythplugins myththemes 2>&1 |
  tee -a mythtv-update.log &&
  exit $PIPESTATUS ) &&
tar cjf ../myth-`date +'%Y%m%d_%H%M%S'`.tar.bz2 *

If you keep them around in a notes file, you're welcome to use them 
also.  Just make sure you never put junk in your tarball and you'll 
always have a clean copy of the source.  Oh, and, of course, be careful 
with the "rm -rf *"--I recommend you never do the above as the root 
user.  :)


*For those who want to say, "SVN and/or make clean/distclean can clean 
it up for you," look up all the threads on the lists where someone 
reported a problem, was told to do an "svn revert" and/or "make 
clean/distclean" and it didn't work, and then they replied back later 
with, "A clean checkout fixed it."  I can show you how to easily mess up 
any SVN working copy so that these won't fix all the issues.  I can't 
mess up Isaac's SVN repository.  :)

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