[mythtv-users] partitioning scheme

Lan Barnes lan at falleagle.net
Sat Apr 14 22:38:36 UTC 2007

On Sat, April 14, 2007 3:20 pm, matthew.garman at gmail.com wrote:
> I'm about to set up a new hard drive for my parents' MythTV system.
> I'm just wondering what kind of partitioning scheme is the "best"
> for a Myth system?
> I know there's no single "best" way, I'm just trying to figure out
> what the pros and cons of doing it one way or the other are.
> For every Linux machine I've ever built, I've always used separate
> partitions for /, /boot, /usr, /tmp, /var, /home and swap (swap
> obviously has to be its own partition).  But I feel like this may
> not be the most optimal use of space.
> It's 500 GB drive, and I'll be running Gentoo.

My partition philosophy has always been to partition those mounts that I
don't want to reformat on upgrade. I used to do what you pretty much
describe, but later found that things like making /var separate (to
protect the system if it filled up) made it _more_ likely to fill up. So
now I'm strictly into preserving things in case of an upgrade.

NB: This advice is only for home machines, not production servers.

In a regular machine, this generally means /home, /usr/local, and /data
(which is where I keep general semi static data or data base storage --
jpegs, svn archives, that kind of stuff). Everything else just spills out
under root.

On a myth BE, none of that makes much sense to me except /data (or
whatever you call wherever you keep your captures, photos, etc).

Of course, this presupposes that you have timely back up of your photos
and videos you want to save on DVD.

I suspect my position practices may be controversial. Heck, I may even
read a reply and change my own mind. But FWIW that's my thinking.

Lan Barnes

SCM Analyst              Linux Guy
Tcl/Tk Enthusiast        Biodiesel Brewer

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