[mythtv-users] Audio is not working for all files

Steve V olivuts at yahoo.com
Fri Jul 10 20:35:14 UTC 2009

----- Original Message ----
> From: Allen Edwards <allen.p.edwards at gmail.com>
> To: Discussion about mythtv <mythtv-users at mythtv.org>
> Sent: Saturday, 11 July, 2009 2:05:33 AM
> Subject: Re: [mythtv-users] Audio is not working for all files
> On Fri, Jul 10, 2009 at 3:20 AM, Steve V wrote:
> >
> > I have some issues with my audio.
> >
> > My set up is an on board HDMI connection to my TV and an analogue connection 
> from the motherboard (headphone jack) to my receiver.
> >
> > I set it up using Allen's Digital audio How To and the outcome is:
> >
> > I get audio over the HDMI connection for all of my myth recordings and for any 
> DVDs that have been ripped to iso. Also my music plays through the HDMI 
> connection. However avi files in mythvideo play without any sound.
> >
> > If I turn on my reciever I get audio for the avi files that would not output 
> sound via the HDMI. But with the analogue I get no sound for myth recordings. 
> Music and ripped DVDs don't play through this output either.
> >
> > So the sources will play via one or the other output but not both.
> >
> > I would like to get it working so that both outputs play all audio.
> >
> > I'd appreciate any help on this.
> >
> > Steve
> >
> I believe there is a setting in mythvideo (or was that mythaudio???)
> for the sound.  At that point everything should go to the HDMI and you
> will likely have no sound to the analog connector.  Look around and
> let me know if you can't find it and I will check next time I am at
> the system.
> I would also love to have analog and digital output at the same time
> but was unable to solve this.  I believe some people had sound cards
> that allowed this but my Intel-Audio onboard sound is unable to do
> this.  I ended up using a second spdif decoder to decode stereo for my
> TV.  My receiver is digital input.  In your case, you might end up
> with analog into the TV as well as the hi-fi as I would assume your TV
> speakers probably cannot tell the difference.
> If you figure out how to get digital and analog at the same time,
> please let me know.  I will add it to my wiki and eliminate one piece
> of gear from my system.
> Allen
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Hi Allen,

Thanks for your help here and your Wiki.

I couldn't find anything in the video setup  
setup|Media Settings|Video Settings
for audio.

I did notice that the video player is set to mplayer with a command mplayer -fs -zoom -quiet -vo xv %s

I'll do some research and see if I can modify this setting to give me audio on the avi files.

Sounds like concurrent analogue and digital is unlikely. Is it possible to get HDMI output concurrently with SPDIF. My motherboard has a coax output and the receiver has a coax input.


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