[mythtv-users] Using mythtv as a picture frame

Steve Peters - Priority Electronics steve at priorityelectronics.com
Tue Mar 24 19:20:45 UTC 2009

Hello all,

I have a mythbox that I want to use as a picture frame. I'll be using a few
scripts to run at scheduled times to start the frame in the morning and put
the screen to "sleep" and myth to the main menu at nighttime.

What I want to be able to do is not put it to "sleep" if I'm watching a
movie or tv on the frame. So is there a way to have my script only put the
screen to sleep if mythgallery is running?

I see that with telnet I can do a query location to get the info I need, but
how would I pass that to a script?

So far my simple script to start the frame is:

telnet localhost 6546
jump mythgallery
key m down enter

And to stop it at night is:

telnet localhost 6546
jump mainmenu

The screen then shuts off after a few minutes due to inactivity. 

What I'm looking to do is something like this:

telnet localhost 6546
Query location
If location=mythgallery
Then end
Else jump mainmenu

Any ideas?


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