[mythtv-users] Myth 0.24

Robert McNamara robert.mcnamara at gmail.com
Fri Nov 26 15:36:11 UTC 2010

On Fri, Nov 26, 2010 at 7:15 AM, Donn Washburn <n5xwb at comcast.net> wrote:
> You found it.  My eye missed it but Thanks for looking.  You would have
> thought I would have seen that.

Please bottom post on our lists.

Also, note that this configure is absolutely freaking insane.  Please
instead try:

./configure --enable-valgrind --enable-dvb --enable-vdpau
--disable-opengl-video --with-bindings=perl,python --enable-proc-opts

Problems with your current configure:

* Do not set processor options manually.  Use --enable-proc-opts.
* If all the paths you have set are where you say they are, they will
be autodetected, you don't need to manually specify them.
* What's the point of specifying a dvb dir if you are disabling dvb?
Are you *sure* you want to disable it and not enable it?  You probably
want this enabled.
* Are you sure you want to disable opengl video?  Why?
* Why are you enabling a mac bundle on what appears to be a linux system?
* "oerl" is not a binding, perl is.
* --python=python3.1 is not a valid argument for this command, nor is
python 3 supported if that's what you meant.

The configure you posted is going to produce something very, very
broken.  The one I propose above will almost certainly give what you
want, and actually work.


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