[mythtv-users] How to watch recordings on a laptop

Joseph Fry joe at thefrys.com
Fri Oct 1 17:32:15 UTC 2010

On Fri, Oct 1, 2010 at 12:45 PM, Jay Foster <jayf0ster at sbcglobal.net> wrote:

> On 10/1/2010 9:14 AM, mythtv-users-request at mythtv.org wrote:
>> >
>>> >  However, VLC and MPlayer WILL play the raw HDHR file in Linux on the
>>> >  backend, but the Windows versions will not over the network.
>>> >
>> Have you tried to copy the file to the windows machine to see if your
>> network is simply too slow.
> I haven't tried that yet with the raw (non-transcoded) file.  It does work
> just fine over the network after performing a lossless transcode (MPEG2-TS
> -> MPEG2-PS).

Is it possible that your lossless transcode is modifying something else,
audio, etc.  Is the resulting file the same size?  Is it fragmenting during
recording, while the transcoded file is not.  Are the recording and the
transcoded file on the same disk/array, same mount point, same permissions,
etc.  The only way to be sure that your playback issue is not the network is
to eliminate the network... same story with all of those other variables,
take them out of the euqation.  Copy the file to the windows machine and try
and play it.

>> Have you tried installing the HDHR software on your windows PC, and trying
>> to watch live tv on the windows box?
> The HDHR software is installed, but I don't use it because my HDHRs are on
> an isolated network to the backend.  I also am not interested in doing this
> for live TV, only my recordings.

You miss the point... I am trying to remove the backend from the equation as
a troubleshooting technique.  Of course you want to use myth with those
tuners, this is the mythtv mailinglist afterall.  If you can tune and watch
the live stream, then you know your machine is up to par for playback and
that your HDHR isn't corrupting the stream in any way.

>>  The HDHR simply puts out a raw MPEG stream... one that is easily played
>> on
>> just about any OS, with just about any MPEG2 compatible player.
>> Is it possible that your windows computers are simply under powered for
>> playing back such a high-bandwidth video?
> They play just fine if I first do the lossless transcode.  The laptop has a
> quad core i7 CPU with 6GB RAM.

I doubt that is the issue then, still could be a configuration issue on the
laptop, but MPEG-TS is not so much different than MPEG-PS that I would think
you could inadvertantly configure your computer such that it would play one
but not the other.
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