[mythtv-users] Scheduler mysql problems

David Engel david at istwok.net
Fri Mar 29 22:23:37 UTC 2013

On Fri, Mar 29, 2013 at 08:40:26PM +0000, Paul Wootton wrote:
> I've started seeing the following sql error messages in my backend logs...
> Mar 23 20:57:10 boswell mythlogserver: mythbackend[8485]: E Scheduler mythdbcon.cpp:837 (prepare) Error preparing query: REPLACE INTO recordmatch (recordid, chanid, starttime, manualid,                           oldrecduplicate, findid) SELECT record.recordid, program.chanid, program.starttime,  IF(search = 5, record.recordid, 0), (CASE   WHEN record.type IN (1, 7, 8) THEN  0   WHEN record.type IN (6, 9, 10) THEN  -1   ELSE (program.generic - 1)  END) , (CASE record.type   WHEN 6    THEN record.findid   WHEN 9    THEN to_days(date_sub(convert_tz(program.starttime, 'UTC', 'SYSTEM'),             interval time_format(record.findtime, '%H:%i') hour_minute))   WHEN 10    THEN floor((to_days(date_sub(convert_tz(program.starttime, 'UTC',             'SYSTEM'), interval time_format(record.findtime, '%H:%i')             hour_minute)) - record.findday)/7) * 7 + record.findday   WHEN 7    THEN record.findid   ELSE 0  END) FROM (record, program INNER JOIN channel       ON channel.chanid 
>  = program.chanid)  WHERE record.recordid = :NR0RECID AND program.manualid = 0 AND ( title like '%rhod gilbert%' ) AND channel.visible = 1  AND program.endtime > (NOW() - INTERVAL 480 MINUTE) AND (((record.filter & 1) = 0) OR (program.previouslyshown = 0)) AND (((record.filter & 2) = 0) OR (program.generic = 0)) AND (((record.filter & 4) = 0) OR (program.first > 0)) AND (((record.filter & 8) = 0) OR (HOUR(CONVERT_TZ(program.starttime, 'UTC', 'SYSTEM')) >= 19 AND HOUR(CONVERT_TZ(program.starttime, 'UTC', 'SYSTEM')) < 22)) AND (((record.filter & 16) = 0) OR (channel.commmethod = -2)) AND (((record.filter & 32) = 0) OR (program.hdtv > 0)) AND (((record.filter & 64) = 0) OR ((record.programid <> '' AND program.programid = record.programid) OR (record.programid = '' AND program.subtitle = record.subtitle AND program.description = record.description))) AND (((record.filter & 128) = 0) OR ((record.seriesid <> '' AND program.seriesid = record.seriesid))) AND ((record.type = 4 OR reco
>  rd.type = 6 OR record.type = 9 OR record.type
> Mar 23 20:57:10 boswell mythlogserver: mythbackend[8485]: E Scheduler mythdbcon.cpp:839 (prepare) Driver error was [2/1052]:#012QMYSQL3: Unable to prepare statement#012Database error was:#012Column 'title' in where clause is ambiguous
> I've done a check and repair in mythweb, and also restarted the backend, but I'm still seeing the messages.
> Are they serious, and what can I do to help diagnose/fix them?

"title like '%rhod gilbert%'" is the problem.  Did you recently create
a power or other type of search with the SQL phrase?

David Engel
david at istwok.net

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