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Important.png Note: The correct title of this article is It appears incorrectly here due to technical restrictions.

List-add.png Todo: Script needs to be updated to use Perl bindings for database credentials.

Author Hirobumi Shimada
Description Recording order by mail interface for OnTV Japan

MythTV added new recording order by mail interface mail format require OnTV "net remocon" and TV Guide format


#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# ATTENTION: this file used utf8 encoding
# MythTV added new recording order by mail interface
# mail format require OnTV<> "net remocon" and TV Guide format
# MythMail is distributed under GPL, version 2 only.
# If you don't have a copy of the GPL, get one at:
# Author: Hirobumi Shimada <>

use MIME::Parser;
use Date::Calc qw(check_time check_date This_Year Add_Delta_Days);
use Encode qw(from_to);
use DBI;

### default settings ###
%settings = (
	# mythtv's configuration file
	# please edit configuration path
	'configfile'	=> '/usr/local/share/mythtv/mysql.txt',

	# mail charset
	'mailcharset'  => 'iso-2022-jp',

	# generating new program if does not exist required program
	'generate_program' => '1',

	# 0	kNotRecording
	# 1	kSingleRecord
	# 2	kTimeslotRecord
	# 3	kChannelRecord
	# 4	kAllRecord
	# 5	WeekslotRecord
	'type' 		=> 1,

	# set MythTV recording profile
	'profile' 	=> 'Default',

	# any settings 
	'recpriority' 	=> 0,
	'recorddups' 	=> 0,
	'maxnewest' 	=> 0,
	'maxepisodes' 	=> 0,
	'autoexpire' 	=> 1,

	# searching postfix in, if needed
	'idpostfix'	=> '',

my @mail_parser_entry = (
	{ (	'title' => 'OnTV Guide Mail',
		'mail_parser' => mail_parser_guide_mail,
		'headeritem' => 'subject',
		'pattern' => 'TV Program Guide' ) },

	{ (	'title' => 'OnTV Remocon Mail',
		'mail_parser' => mail_parser_recording_mail,
		'headeritem' => 'return-path',
		'pattern' => '' ) },

my %blank_prg = (
	'chanid'	=> '',
	'starttime'	=> '',
	'startdate'	=> '',
	'endtime'	=> '',
	'enddate'	=> '',
	'title}'	=> '',
	'subtitle'	=> '',
	'desc'		=> '',
	'category'	=> '',

my $verbose = 1;
my $noupdate = 0;
my $dbprm;

# load database connecting parameters from mythtv's config file
open(CONF, "< $settings{configfile}") or die "cannot open config file:$settings{configfile}\n";

	$dbprm{$1} = $2;

# read mail
my $mail;
	local $/;
	$mail = <>;

	# convert encoding to utf8
	from_to($mail, $settings{mailcharset}, 'utf8');

# parse mail structure
my $parser = new MIME::Parser;

my $ent = $parser->parse_data($mail) or die "cannot parse this mail";

# get mail parser
my $mail_parser = get_mail_parser($ent) or die "no parser for this mail\n";

# connecting db
$dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:$dbprm{DBName}:$dbprm{DBHostName}",
		$dbprm{DBPassword}) or die $dbh->errstr;

# parsing mail
if (&$mail_parser($dbh, $ent))


### end of main

# find parser
sub get_mail_parser
	my ($ent) = @_;

	foreach $pi (@mail_parser_entry)
		if($ent->head->get($pi->{headeritem}) =~ /$pi->{pattern}/)
			warn "assume:$pi->{title}\n";
			return $pi->{mail_parser};

sub format_time {
	my ($time) = @_;
	my $rc;
	($hour, $min) = $time =~/(\d{2})(\d{2})/;
	if (check_time($hour, $min, 0)) {
		$rc = "$hour:$min:00";
	return $rc;

sub format_date 
	my ($date, $bias) = @_;
	my $year = This_Year;
	my $rc;

	($month, $day) = $date =~ /(\d{2})\/*(\d{2})/;
	if (check_date($year, $month, $day)) 
		($year, $month, $day) = Add_Delta_Days($year, $month, $day, $bias);
		$rc = "$year-$month-$day";
	return $rc;

sub get_chanid
	my ($dbh, $xmltvid, $callsign) = @_;

	my $sql = "SELECT chanid FROM channel";
	my $chanid;
	if ($xmltvid)
		$sql .= " WHERE xmltvid='$xmltvid.$settings{idpostfix}'";
		$sql .= " WHERE callsign='$callsign'";

	warn "get_chanid:$sql\n" if ($verbose);
	$sth = $dbh->prepare($sql);
	if (!$sth->execute)
		warn "$dbh->errstr\n";
		return 0;

	if ($sth->rows) 
		my @fields = $sth->fetchrow_array;
		$chanid = $fields[0];
	return $chanid;

sub check_program_existed
	my ($dbh, %prg) = @_;

	my $sql = "SELECT chanid FROM program" .
			" WHERE title='$prg{title}'" .
			" AND chanid=$prg{chanid}" .
			" AND starttime='$prg{startdate} $prg{starttime}'" .
			" AND endtime='$prg{enddate} $prg{endtime}'";
	warn "check_program:$sql\n" if ($verbose);
	my $sth = $dbh->prepare($sql);
	if (!$sth->execute)
		warn "$dbh->errstr\n";
		return FALSE;

	my $existed = $sth->rows > 0 ? TRUE : FALSE;
	warn "rows:$existed\n";

	return $existed;

sub generate_program
	my ($dbh, %prg) = @_;

	my $sql = "INSERT INTO program (chanid,starttime,endtime," .
                    "title,subtitle,description,category,airdate," .
                    "stars) VALUES(" .
		    "$prg{chanid}" .
		    ",'$prg{startdate} $prg{starttime}'" .
		    ",'$prg{enddate} $prg{endtime}'" .
		    ",'$prg{title}'" .
		    ",'$prg{subtitle}'" .
		    ",'$prg{desc}'" .
		    ",'$prg{category}'" .
		    ",'0', '0')";
	warn "generate_program:$sql\n";
	if(!$noupdate && $dbh->do($sql))
		warn "$dbh->errstr\n";
		return FALSE;
	return TRUE;

sub insert_recording_order 
	my ($dbh, %prg) = @_;

	if (!($prg{chanid} = get_chanid($dbh, $prg{xmltvid}, $prg{callsign}))) 
		warn "not configured channel [$prg{'xmltvid'}]\n";

	# non alphabet strings required utf8
	$prg{subtitle} = '' if (!$prg{subtitle});
	$prg{desc} = '' if (!$prg{desc});
	$prg{category} = '' if (!$prg{category});

		&& (!check_program_existed($dbh, %prg)
			|| !generate_program($dbh, %prg)))
		return FALSE;

	$sql = "INSERT INTO record(type, chanid, starttime, startdate" .
			", endtime, enddate, title, subtitle, description" .
			", category, profile, recpriority" .
			", recorddups, maxnewest, maxepisodes, autoexpire)" .
		"VALUES($settings{type}" .
			", $prg{chanid}" .
			", '$prg{starttime}'" .
			", '$prg{startdate}'" .
			", '$prg{endtime}'" .
			", '$prg{enddate}'" .
			", '$prg{title}'" .
			", '$prg{subtitle}'" .
			", '$prg{desc}'" . 
			", '$prg{category}'" .
			", '$settings{profile}'" .
			", '$settings{recpriority}'".
			", '$settings{recorddups}'" .
			", '$settings{maxnewest}'" .
			", '$settings{maxepisodes}'" .
			", '$settings{autoexpire}')";
	warn "set_recording:$sql\n" if ($verbose);

	if (!$noupdate && !$dbh->do($sql))
		warn "$dbh->errstr\n";
		return FALSE;

	return TRUE;

sub backend_notify_changes
	my ($dbh) = @_;
	my $sql = "UPDATE settings SET data='yes' WHERE value='RecordChanged'";
	warn "backend_notify_changes:$sql\n" if ($verbose);

	if (!$dbh->do($sql))
		warn "$dbh->errstr";
		return FALSE;
	return TRUE;

## mail parser define

# mail parser
# parse remocon mail
# mail format are
# open {keyword} {source? tv} {'SC'+channel} {starttime} {endtime} {startdate}
# {program title}
sub mail_parser_recording_mail
	my ($dbh, $ent) = @_;
	my %prg = %blank_prg;

	$_ = $ent->bodyhandle->as_string;
	return FALSE if (!/^(open) (.+) (.+) SC(\d+) (\d{4}) (\d{4}) (\d{4})\n(.*)\n/);

	$prg{header}	= $1;
	$prg{keyword}	= $2;
	$prg{source}	= $3;
	$prg{xmltvid}	= $4;
	$prg{starttime}	= $5;
	$prg{endtime}	= $6;
	$prg{startdate}	= $7;
	$prg{enddate}	= $7;
	$prg{title}	= $8;

	# if overlapped 2 days, enddate set tomorrow
	my $bias = $prg{starttime} ge $prg{endtime} ? 1: 0;
	if(!($prg{startdate} = format_date($prg{startdate}, 0))
		|| !($prg{enddate} = format_date($prg{enddate}, $bias))
		|| !($prg{starttime} = format_time($prg{starttime}))
		|| !($prg{endtime} = format_time($prg{endtime}))) 
		warn "broken format\n";
		return FALSE;

	return insert_recording_order($dbh, %prg);

# mail parser
# parse guide mail
# mail format is
# title line
# subtitle lines {optional}
# time info
# description {optional}
# {blank line}
# repeated ...
# ------END--------
sub mail_parser_guide_mail
	my ($dbh, $ent) = @_;
	my @lines = $ent->bodyhandle->as_lines;
	my %prg;
	my $phase = 0;
	my $run = 1;
	my $affected = FALSE;

	while ($run && chop($_ = shift(@lines))) 
		# check end of list
			$run = 0;
			$_ = "";

		# skip blank line
			if($phase < 2)
				warn "broken format\n";
				$affected = TRUE if (insert_recording_order($dbh, %prg));

			%prg = %blank_prg;
			$phase = 0;

		if($phase == 0)
			# first line is title
			$prg{title} = $_;
		elsif ($phase == 1)
			# few subtitle line and time info
				$prg{subtitle} .= $_;
				$prg{startdate} = $1;
				$prg{enddate} = $1;
				$prg{starttime} = $2;
				$prg{endtime} = $3;
				$prg{station} = $4;
				$prg{callsign} = $5;
				$prg{category} = $6;

				$prg{startdate} =~ s/\///;
				$prg{enddate} =~ s/\///;

				$prg{starttime} =~ s/[^\d]//g;
				my $sbias = $` =~ /æ·±/ ? 1 : 0;
				$prg{endtime} =~ s/[^\d]//g;
				my $ebias = $prg{starttime} ge $prg{endtime} 
					? $sbias+1 : $sbias;

				if(($prg{startdate} = format_date($prg{startdate}, $sbias))
					&& ($prg{enddate} = format_date($prg{enddate}, $ebias))
					&& ($prg{starttime} = format_time($prg{starttime}))
					&& ($prg{endtime} = format_time($prg{endtime})))
					warn "broken format:$_\n";
					%prg = ();
					$phase = 0;
			# description lines
			$prg{desc} .= $_;

	return $affected;
# end