Recorded table

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Important.png Note: The correct title of this article is recorded table. It appears incorrectly here due to technical restrictions.

The recorded table, lists programs which have already been recorded (or recorded and then transcoded) and are still available for viewing, translating the Internal Filenames into something safe for human consumption.

Table Description

Field name Type Null Key Default Extras
chanid int(10) unsigned PRI 0 REFERENCES channel(chanid)
starttime datetime PRI 0000-00-00 00:00:00
endtime datetime MUL 0000-00-00 00:00:00
title varchar(128) MUL
subtitle varchar(128)
description text
season smallint(5) NULL
episode smallint(5) NULL
category varchar(64)
hostname varchar(255)
bookmark tinyint(1) 0
editing int(10) unsigned 0
cutlist tinyint(1) 0
autoexpire int(11) 0
commflagged int(10) unsigned 0
recgroup varchar(32) MUL Default REFERENCES recgrouppassword(recgroup)
recordid int(11) NULL MUL NULL REFERENCES record(recordid)
seriesid varchar(64) NULL MUL NULL
programid varchar(64) NULL MUL NULL
inetref varchar(40) NULL
filesize bigint(20) 0
stars float 0
previouslyshown tinyint(1) NULL 0
originalairdate date NULL NULL
preserve tinyint(1) 0
findid int(11) 0
deletepending tinyint(1) MUL 0
transcoder int(11) 0
timestretch float 1
recpriority int(11) 0
basename varchar(255)
progstart datetime 0000-00-00 00:00:00
progend datetime 0000-00-00 00:00:00
playgroup varchar(32) Default REFERENCES playgroup(name)
profile varchar(32)
duplicate tinyint(1) 0
transcoded tinyint(1) 0 Not Transcoded = 0, Transcoding Complete = 1, Transcoding Running = 2
watched tinyint(4) 0
storagegroup varchar(32) Default REFERENCES storagegroup(groupname)
bookmarkupdate timestamp 0000-00-00 00:00:00


  • bookmark=1 indicates that there is a 'Position Saved' for this recording (ie: user pressed space during playback, or exited playback early).
  • commflagged contains status of the commercial flagging, values are defined in programinfo.h:
    • 0 = not flagged
    • 1 = flagging done
    • 2 = processing
    • 3 = commfree (channel)
  • recgroup is the name of the recording group this recording belongs to. This relates to the recgroup field of the recgrouppassword table.
  • basename is the name of the actual file containing the recording. e.g. 1002_20120220183001.mpg
  • duplicate =1 indicates that the record is participating in duplicate matching; 0 indicates that the show may be re-recorded.