API parameters 0.27

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Revision as of 19:21, 9 November 2015 by PhilB (talk | contribs) (Bug fixes, added Myth, added headings & categories)

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This page lists all the service APIs, their type (GET or POST) and their calling parameters in a 0.27 system. The list has been generated automatically from wsdl pages.

API routines in 0.27.20141016-1

Capture service

 Capture/AddCaptureCard             type: POST
 Params: AudioDevice, AudioRateLimit, Brightness, CardType, ChannelTimeout, 
         Colour, Contrast, DVBDiSEqCType, DVBEITScan, DVBOnDemand, DVBSWFilter, 
         DVBSatType, DVBTuningDelay, DVBWaitForSeqStart, DiSEqCId, FirewireConnection, 
         FirewireModel, FirewireSpeed, HostName, Hue, SignalTimeout, SkipBTAudio, 
         VBIDevice, VideoDevice
 Capture/AddCardInput               type: POST
 Params: CardId, ChangerDevice, ChangerModel, DishnetEIT, DisplayName, 
         ExternalCommand, HostName, InputName, LiveTVOrder, Quicktune, 
         RecPriority, SchedOrder, SourceId, StartChan, TuneChan
 Capture/GetCaptureCard             type: GET 
 Params: CardId
 Capture/GetCaptureCardList         type: GET 
 Params: CardType, HostName
 Capture/RemoveCaptureCard          type: POST
 Params: CardId
 Capture/RemoveCardInput            type: POST
 Params: CardInputId
 Capture/UpdateCaptureCard          type: POST
 Params: CardId, Setting, Value
 Capture/UpdateCardInput            type: POST
 Params: CardInputId, Setting, Value

Channel service

 Channel/AddDBChannel               type: POST
 Params: ATSCMajorChannel, ATSCMinorChannel, CallSign, ChannelID, ChannelName, 
         ChannelNumber, DefaultAuthority, Format, FrequencyID, Icon, MplexID, 
         ServiceID, SourceID, UseEIT, XMLTVID, visible
 Channel/AddVideoSource             type: POST
 Params: ConfigPath, FreqTable, Grabber, LineupId, NITId, Password, SourceName, 
         UseEIT, UserId
 Channel/FetchChannelsFromSource    type: GET 
 Params: CardId, SourceId, WaitForFinish
 Channel/GetChannelInfo             type: GET 
 Params: ChanID
 Channel/GetChannelInfoList         type: GET 
 Params: Count, SourceID, StartIndex
 Channel/GetDDLineupList            type: GET 
 Params: Password, Source, UserId
 Channel/GetVideoMultiplex          type: GET 
 Params: MplexID
 Channel/GetVideoMultiplexList      type: GET 
 Params: Count, SourceID, StartIndex
 Channel/GetVideoSource             type: GET 
 Params: SourceID
 Channel/GetVideoSourceList         type: GET 
   Params:  (none)
 Channel/GetXMLTVIdList             type: GET 
 Params: SourceID
 Channel/RemoveDBChannel            type: POST
 Params: ChannelID
 Channel/RemoveVideoSource          type: POST
 Params: SourceID
 Channel/UpdateDBChannel            type: POST
 Params: ATSCMajorChannel, ATSCMinorChannel, CallSign, ChannelID, ChannelName, 
         ChannelNumber, DefaultAuthority, Format, FrequencyID, Icon, MplexID, 
         ServiceID, SourceID, UseEIT, XMLTVID, visible
 Channel/UpdateVideoSource          type: POST
 Params: ConfigPath, FreqTable, Grabber, LineupId, NITId, Password, SourceID, 
         SourceName, UseEIT, UserId

Content service

 Content/AddLiveStream              type: GET 
 Params: AudioBitrate, Bitrate, FileName, Height, HostName, MaxSegments, 
         SampleRate, StorageGroup, Width
 Content/AddRecordingLiveStream     type: GET 
 Params: AudioBitrate, Bitrate, ChanId, Height, MaxSegments, SampleRate, 
         StartTime, Width
 Content/AddVideoLiveStream         type: GET 
 Params: AudioBitrate, Bitrate, Height, Id, MaxSegments, SampleRate, Width
 Content/DownloadFile               type: POST
 Params: StorageGroup, URL
 Content/GetAlbumArt                type: GET 
 Params: Height, Id, Width
 Content/GetFile                    type: GET 
 Params: FileName, StorageGroup
 Content/GetFileList                type: GET 
 Params: StorageGroup
 Content/GetHash                    type: GET 
 Params: FileName, StorageGroup
 Content/GetImageFile               type: GET 
 Params: FileName, Height, StorageGroup, Width
 Content/GetLiveStream              type: GET 
 Params: Id
 Content/GetLiveStreamList          type: GET 
 Params: FileName
 Content/GetMusic                   type: GET 
 Params: Id
 Content/GetPreviewImage            type: GET 
 Params: ChanId, Height, SecsIn, StartTime, Width
 Content/GetProgramArtworkList      type: GET 
 Params: Inetref, Season
 Content/GetRecording               type: GET 
 Params: ChanId, StartTime
 Content/GetRecordingArtwork        type: GET 
 Params: Height, Inetref, Season, Type, Width
 Content/GetRecordingArtworkList    type: GET 
 Params: ChanId, StartTime
 Content/GetVideo                   type: GET 
 Params: Id
 Content/GetVideoArtwork            type: GET 
 Params: Height, Id, Type, Width
 Content/RemoveLiveStream           type: GET 
 Params: Id
 Content/StopLiveStream             type: GET 
 Params: Id

Dvr service

 Dvr/AddRecordSchedule              type: POST
 Params: AutoCommflag, AutoExpire, AutoMetaLookup, AutoTranscode, AutoUserJob1, 
         AutoUserJob2, AutoUserJob3, AutoUserJob4, Category, ChanId, Description, 
         DupIn, DupMethod, EndOffset, EndTime, Episode, Filter, FindDay, 
         FindTime, Inactive, Inetref, MaxEpisodes, MaxNewest, ParentId, 
         PlayGroup, PreferredInput, ProgramId, RecGroup, RecPriority, 
         RecProfile, SearchType, Season, SeriesId, StartOffset, StartTime, 
         Station, StorageGroup, Subtitle, Title, Transcoder, Type
 Dvr/DisableRecordSchedule          type: POST
 Params: RecordId
 Dvr/EnableRecordSchedule           type: POST
 Params: RecordId
 Dvr/GetConflictList                type: GET 
 Params: Count, StartIndex
 Dvr/GetEncoderList                 type: GET 
   Params:  (none)
 Dvr/GetExpiringList                type: GET 
 Params: Count, StartIndex
 Dvr/GetRecGroupList                type: GET 
   Params:  (none)
 Dvr/GetRecordSchedule              type: GET 
 Params: ChanId, MakeOverride, RecordId, StartTime, Template
 Dvr/GetRecordScheduleList          type: GET 
 Params: Count, StartIndex
 Dvr/GetRecorded                    type: GET 
 Params: ChanId, StartTime
 Dvr/GetRecordedList                type: GET 
 Params: Count, Descending, RecGroup, StartIndex, StorageGroup, TitleRegEx
 Dvr/GetTitleInfoList               type: GET 
   Params:  (none)
 Dvr/GetTitleList                   type: GET 
   Params:  (none)
 Dvr/GetUpcomingList                type: GET 
 Params: Count, ShowAll, StartIndex
 Dvr/RemoveRecordSchedule           type: POST
 Params: RecordId
 Dvr/RemoveRecorded                 type: GET 
 Params: ChanId, StartTime
 Dvr/UpdateRecordSchedule           type: POST
 Params: AutoCommflag, AutoExpire, AutoMetaLookup, AutoTranscode, AutoUserJob1, 
         AutoUserJob2, AutoUserJob3, AutoUserJob4, Category, ChanId, Description, 
         DupIn, DupMethod, EndOffset, EndTime, Episode, Filter, FindDay, 
         FindTime, Inactive, Inetref, MaxEpisodes, MaxNewest, PlayGroup, 
         PreferredInput, ProgramId, RecGroup, RecPriority, RecProfile, 
         RecordId, SearchType, Season, SeriesId, StartOffset, StartTime, 
         Station, StorageGroup, Subtitle, Title, Transcoder, Type

Frontend service

 Frontend/GetActionList             type: GET 
 Params: Context
 Frontend/GetContextList            type: GET 
   Params:  (none)
 Frontend/GetStatus                 type: GET 
   Params:  (none)
 Frontend/PlayRecording             type: GET 
 Params: ChanId, StartTime
 Frontend/PlayVideo                 type: GET 
 Params: Id, UseBookmark
 Frontend/SendAction                type: GET 
 Params: Action, Height, Value, Width
 Frontend/SendMessage               type: GET 
 Params: Message, Timeout
 Frontend/SendNotification          type: GET 
 Params: Description, Error, Extra, Fullscreen, Image, Message, Origin, 
         Priority, Progress, ProgressText, Timeout, Type, Visibility

Guide service

 Guide/GetChannelIcon               type: GET 
 Params: ChanId, Height, Width
 Guide/GetProgramDetails            type: GET 
 Params: ChanId, StartTime
 Guide/GetProgramGuide              type: GET 
 Params: Details, EndTime, NumChannels, StartChanId, StartTime

Myth service

 Myth/AddStorageGroupDir            type: POST
 Params: DirName, GroupName, HostName
 Myth/BackupDatabase                type: POST
   Params:  (none)
 Myth/ChangePassword                type: POST
 Params: NewPassword, OldPassword, UserName
 Myth/CheckDatabase                 type: POST
 Params: Repair
 Myth/GetConnectionInfo             type: GET 
 Params: Pin
 Myth/GetHostName                   type: GET 
   Params:  (none)
 Myth/GetHosts                      type: GET 
   Params:  (none)
 Myth/GetKeys                       type: GET 
   Params:  (none)
 Myth/GetLogs                       type: GET 
 Params: Application, Filename, FromTime, Function, HostName, Level, Line, 
         MsgContains, PID, TID, Thread, ToTime
 Myth/GetSetting                    type: GET 
 Params: Default, HostName, Key
 Myth/GetStorageGroupDirs           type: GET 
 Params: GroupName, HostName
 Myth/GetTimeZone                   type: GET 
   Params:  (none)
 Myth/ProfileDelete                 type: POST
   Params:  (none)
 Myth/ProfileSubmit                 type: POST
   Params:  (none)
 Myth/ProfileText                   type: GET 
   Params:  (none)
 Myth/ProfileURL                    type: GET 
   Params:  (none)
 Myth/ProfileUpdated                type: GET 
   Params:  (none)
 Myth/PutSetting                    type: POST
 Params: HostName, Key, Value
 Myth/RemoveStorageGroupDir         type: POST
 Params: DirName, GroupName, HostName
 Myth/SendMessage                   type: GET 
 Params: Address, Message, Timeout, udpPort
 Myth/SendNotification              type: GET 
 Params: Address, Description, Error, Extra, Fullscreen, Image, Message, 
         Origin, Priority, Progress, ProgressText, Timeout, Type, Visibility, 
 Myth/TestDBSettings                type: POST
 Params: DBName, HostName, Password, UserName, dbPort

Video service

 Video/AddVideo                     type: POST
 Params: FileName, HostName
 Video/GetBluray                    type: GET 
 Params: Path
 Video/GetVideo                     type: GET 
 Params: Id
 Video/GetVideoByFileName           type: GET 
 Params: FileName
 Video/GetVideoList                 type: GET 
 Params: Count, Descending, StartIndex
 Video/LookupVideo                  type: GET 
 Params: AllowGeneric, Episode, GrabberType, Inetref, Season, Subtitle, 
 Video/RemoveVideoFromDB            type: POST
 Params: Id