Backup your database

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Revision as of 02:07, 17 August 2008 by Sphery (talk | contribs) (Add a link to the official backup (and restore) scripts.)

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Before making any changes that may cause problems (such as upgrades), you should always back up your MythTV database.

The official MythTV backup (and restore) scripts

MythTV 0.22 adds a new scripted approach for performing database backups and restores. Although the scripts are only distributed with post-0.21 versions of MythTV, they were written to work with any version of MythTV (including 0.21-fixes and before) and can be downloaded and used without modifying your existing installation. See Database Backup and Restore.

The mysqldump command

$ mysqldump -u <myth_user> -p --extended-insert --databases <myth_db_name> > mythdatabase.bak
Password: <myth_password>

Be sure to replace <myth_user>, <myth_db_name>, and <myth_password> with the appropriate values.

The mysqldump command produces a text file that contains all of the mySQL commands necessary to recreate your database. The syntax used here assumes you will delete the database and recreate it from scratch if you need to restore it. In this case you probably will need to use the root mySQL user to do the restore because your <myth_user> userid may not have the necessary privileges in mySQL to create a new database.

The --extended-insert option causes mysqldump to generate multi-value INSERT commands inside the backup text file which results in the file being smaller and the restore running faster.

The command to restore the database using the backup file generated by mysqldump would be:

$ mysql -u <root_user> -p <mythdatabase.bak
Password: <root_password>

If you get errors with this try using..

$mysql -u root -p mythconverg < myth_bakup.sql
Password: <password>

Remember, the backup file is a text file and therefore can be compressed into a much smaller file. If you plan to keep it around consider using something like gzip or bzip2 to save some major space.

Also, move the file some place safe if you are doing major surgery on your MythTV server.

If you would simply like to back up the data in your database in a manner such that it can be restored back into an existing database without having to destroy and recreate the entire database, then adding the --no-create-db and --add-drop-table options to the mysqldump command will tell mysqldump not to generate the commands to create the database and to add commands to "DROP" each database table before recreating and reloading it, effectively clearing the tables of existing data before reloading them. This mysqldump command would look like this:

$ mysqldump -u<myth_user> -p --extended-insert --no-create-db --add-drop-table --databases <myth_db_name> >mythdatabase.bak
Password: <myth_password>

You could then use your <myth_user> to restore the data to the database:

$ mysql -u<myth_user> -p mythconverg < mythdatabase.bak
Password: <myth_password>

Backing up for new hardware

Select only the appropriate tables (record recorded oldrecorded recordedprogram recordedrating recordedmarkup recordedseek) to backup for newer hardware. Under bash:

$ for table in record recorded oldrecorded recordedprogram recordedrating recordedmarkup recordedseek; 
 echo backing up table $table;
 mysqldump -u <myth_user> -p <myth_db_name> --extended-insert --tables $table > $table.sql; 
Password: <myth_password>

Note - Do not use this to restore data to a mythtv version newer (where the Db Schema changed) than the version from which it was dumped. There is a 'DROP TABLE' statement in the output that can cause your Db Schema to become corrupt in that situation. Unless you know, don't use this during an upgrade.


You might also like to automate this activity on a daily Crontab schedule , otherwise you can use script utilities like : automysqlbackup to manage process. This particular script generates daily and monthly snapshots of your database.


There are many backup scripts out there, optimized for various things; we encourage your to post yours here, and don't forget to sign them.

My backup script runs as a cron job after Nothing too fancy, but easy to understand and modify for your needs.

DATE=`date '+%Y%m%d'`
mysqldump -umythtv -pmythtv -hlocalhost --extended-insert --databases mythconverg > $infile
gzip $infile
cp $infile.gz /drive1/backup/$filename.gz
cp $infile.gz /drive2/backup/$filename.gz
rm $infile.gz

My backup script below keeps up to a week's worth of database backups and has the option to copy the backup to another location after a successful backup. It should be run through cron on a daily basis. - Sdkovacs

#! /bin/bash
# Created on 3/22/2006 by sdkovacs
# Script: mythbackup
# Creates a backup of the mythconverg database in the form
# mythbackup.dayofweek.sql.gz. For example Monday would be mythbackup.Mon.sql.gz.
# This allows for a rotating 7-day backup of the mythconverg database. If ${BACKPATH} exists
# and contains a valid directory, the script will copy the backup to that directory in addition to
# /home/mythtv. This is useful for redundant backups. My ${BACKPATH} is a separate physical drive.
BACKFILE="/home/mythtv/mythbackup.`date +%a`.sql.gz"

mysqldump -u mythtv -pmythtv mythconverg -c | gzip -c > ${BACKFILE}
if [ $? -ne "0" ]
        echo "Mythtv database backup failed! Exiting..."
        exit 1

if [[ -d ${BACKPATH} ]]
        cp ${BACKFILE} ${BACKPATH} || echo "Could not copy ${BACKFILE} to ${BACKPATH}. Please investigate."

My daily backup script gets your myth username and password from your config file, optionally compresses the backups, and rotates old backups by age, keeping backups from roughly 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 15, 23, and 31 days ago. I put it in /usr/local/bin, and run it with a line like "HOME=/home/peter /usr/local/bin/ -b" in my myth daily mantenance script in /etc/cron.daily . --PeterSchachte 04:10, 26 April 2008 (UTC)

# - make a daily backup of the myth database, rotate old backups
# Peter Schachte (schachte at
# Origin  13 May 2006, last updated 26 Apr 2008

# Defaults

usage="Usage:  $0 [options]
	-d dir	store backups in dir [default $backupdir]
	-n name	base name of backup file [default $backupbasename]
	-k num	keep at most backups [default $backuplimit]
	-s sw	pass sw as switches to mysqldump
	-z	compress backup with gzip
	-b	compress backup with bzip2
        -h      print this help text

Backup the myth database and rotate old backups.  Keeps backups of at least
the last two days, with older backups falling off exponentially.  The myth
username, password, and database name are found by reading the myth config
file (~/.mythtv/mysql.txt or /etc/mythtv/mysql.txt).  One of these must

You may pass multiple switches to mysqldump by repeating the -s option, or by
enclosing multiple options in quotes.

while [ $# -gt 0 ] ; do
    case "$1" in
        -d)     backupdir="$2" ; shift ;;
	-n)	backupbasename="$2" ; shift ;;
        -k)     backuplimit="$2" ; shift ;;
        -s)     backupswitches="$backupswitches $2" ; shift ;;
        -z)     compresscmd="gzip" ; suffix=".gz" ;;
        -b)     compresscmd="bzip2" ; suffix=".bz" ;;
        -h | --help)
                echo "$usage" ; exit ;;
        -*)     echo "Unknown switch $1" ; echo "$usage" ; exit 1 ;;
        *)      echo "$usage" ; exit 1 ;;

if [ -r $HOME/.mythtv/mysql.txt ] ; then
    . $HOME/.mythtv/mysql.txt
elif [ -r /etc/mythtv/mysql.txt ] ; then
    . /etc/mythtv/mysql.txt
    echo "Can't read either ~/.mythtv/mysql.txt or $HOME/.mythtv/mysql.txt"
    echo "Ensure one of these files exist before using this script"
    exit 1

backupcmd="mysqldump -u $DBUserName -p$DBPassword $backupswitches $DBName"

date="$(date +%F)"
timestamp="$(expr $(date +%s) / 86400)"
backupfilestart=$(echo "$backupfilestart" | sed 's|\([\\/]\)|\\\1|g' )
backupfileend=$(  echo "$backupfileend"   | sed 's|\([\\/]\)|\\\1|g' )

# First make new backup; overwrites any earlier backup from the same day
$backupcmd | $compresscmd > $newbackupfile
if [ ! $? ] ; then
    echo "$0:  backup failed"
    exit 1

# Do we have too many backups?
backupcount=$(echo $backupfilepattern | wc -w)
[ -z "$backuplimit" -o $backupcount -le $backuplimit ] && exit 0

# Too many backups, pick one to delete
# Specifically, by default, this script keeps backups from roughly 1, 2, 3,
# 5, 7, 11, 15, 23, and 31 days ago.  These ages vary, but the script tries
# to keep the *spacing* between the backup ages to a pattern of 1, 1, 2, 2,
# 4, 4, 8, 8, etc days.  Each time a new backup is written, if there are too
# many backups, the script decides which backup to delete by looking for a
# place where a spacing repeats 3 times, and deletes the second oldest of the
# backups with that spacing, effectively doubling the spacing before the
# oldest two of those backups.

target=$(echo $backupfilepattern | tr ' ' '\n' | awk "
	fname[NR] = \$0;
	num[NR] = \$0;
	maxgaprun = 0;
	maxgap = 0;
	gaprun = 1;
	# go through files from newest to oldest looking at days between them
	for (i=NR-1; i>=1; --i) {
	    gap = num[i+1] - num[i];
	    if (gap > maxgap) {
		maxgap = gap;
		gaprun = 1;
	    } else {
	    if (gaprun > maxgaprun) {
		maxgaprun = gaprun;
		if (maxgaprun > 2) target = fname[i+1];
	if (target) print target; else print fname[1];
rm $target


Simon Kenyon <> posted the following to the mythtv-dev mailing list:
i thought i'd pass this on - because it took me a long time to diagnose what was going on.

some time ago i was having problems with my database, so i decided to dump in and then recreate it. all went fine and thing seemed to work. i kept having strange problems. i finally tracked it down to this:

for some versions of mysql, the mysqldump command would not save either the fact that a column was auto_increment, or the current value of the auto_increment variable.

so i had a database with no auto_increment attribute on some of the columns.

well i fixed it by dumping the database and then restoring it after editing the dump with the help of mythtv/libs/libmythtv/dbcheck.cpp

perhaps not the most elegant solution, but functional.

hope this helps somebody else in the future