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== Creating Your First Plugin: Hello Myth ==
== Creating Your First Plugin: Hello Myth ==

Revision as of 04:53, 22 January 2007

Creating Your First Plugin: Hello Myth

This is a really simple skeleton plugin that doesn't do anything. It'll show you what is absolutely necessary to create a plugin. Then you can expand on that by disecting others.

As a disclaimer, I am also very new to plugin development and so please correct me where I might be wrong.

To start, download the mythplugin directory from SVN. Now create the following directory tree within the mythplugin directory:

<pre> mythplugin/ mythhello/ mythhello/ </pre>

mythhello.pro Files

The *.pro files are used by qmake to create the Makefiles.

1) Create a file called mythhello.pro in the first mythhello directory: <pre> TEMPLATE = subdirs # Directories SUBDIRS = <strong>mythhello</strong> </pre>

"mythhello" refers to the second mythhello directory.

2) Create another file called mythhello.pro in the second mythhello directory <pre> include ( ../../mythconfig.mak ) include ( ../../settings.pro ) TEMPLATE = lib CONFIG += plugin thread TARGET = <b>mythhello</b> target.path = $${LIBDIR}/mythtv/plugins INSTALLS += target uifiles.path = $${PREFIX}/share/mythtv/themes/default uifiles.files = <b>hello-ui.xml</b> installfiles.path = $${PREFIX}/share/mythtv installfiles.files = <b>hello-ui.xml</b> INSTALLS += uifiles # Input HEADERS += <b>mythhello.h</b> SOURCES += <b>main.cpp mythhello.cpp</b> macx { QMAKE_LFLAGS += -flat_namespace -undefined suppress } </pre>

All things in bold are specific to your plugin. Be sure that $${LIBDIR} and $${PREFIX} are set in mythplugins/mythconfig.mak to be the mythtv install prefix and library directory. Mine are set to: <pre> PREFIX=/usr/ LIBDIR=/usr/lib/ </pre>