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Revision as of 18:47, 12 October 2012 by Gtb (talk | contribs) (Significant updated to script to support fine grained locking)

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Author Gary Buhrmaster
Description Lirc Channel Change script with extensive configuration options
Supports Version25.png  Version251.png Version252.png Version26.png 

LircChannelChanger is a script that performs channel changing via lirc. It is designed to provide flexible configuration options to support many of the requirements of a channel changing script that uses lirc.

The definitive source location for this script is located on github

The script:

Script.png LircChannelChanger


# LircChannelChanger - Version 0.4 - 2012/08/08

# Copyright (c) 2009-2012 Gary Buhrmaster <>
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

# Channel Changing script for mythtv and lirc
# There are a lot of channel changing scripts for mythtv and lirc,
# this one differs in its ability to support more flexible options
# from the command line, allowing one script to do the work of many.
# It also supports locking, to insure that only one channel changer
# is being run at once (this is important with multiple tuners and
# with multiple programs independently running/changing channels
# since irsend "SET_TRANSMITTERS" is global).

# Our perl dependencies
use strict;
use Fcntl qw(:DEFAULT :flock);
use IPC::Semaphore;
use Getopt::Long qw(GetOptions GetOptionsFromString);
use Time::HiRes qw (sleep);
use FindBin qw($Bin $Script);
use File::Basename;
use File::Path qw(make_path);

# locktype can be either semaphore or file or none.
# semaphore only tested for linux (which has
# semaphore cleanup protections).  None is not
# recommended (since running multiple apps using
# lirc is going to eventually cause confusion).
my $locktype      = 'semaphore';
my $lockwait      = 0.5;             # Time to wait if locking fails
my $lockattempts  = 60;              # Number of attempts to obtain lock
my $lockfile      = '/tmp/LircChannelChanger.lock';
my $lockFH;
my $locksemkey    = 727522346;       # "Random" value for key
my $locksem;
my $lockperm      = 0777;            # Default lock file/semaphore permissions
my $lockfinegrain = 0;               # Fine Grained locking
my $lockobtained  = 0;               # Track locking (for last gasp release)

my @transmitters;                    # Transmitters to send on
my $key;                             # General key variable
my @FREQID;                          # The (possibly transformed) freqid string
my $prevkey       = '';              # Previously issued key
my $device;                          # lirc --device value
my $address;                         # lirc --address value
my $delay;                           # Delay after keys (for all)
my $tdelay        = 0;               # Delay after set_transmitters
my $bdelay;                          # Delay after before keys
my $adelay;                          # Delay after after keys
my $ddelay;                          # Delay after digit keys
my $rdelay        = 0;               # Delay between repeated keys
my $idelay        = 0;               # Delay after initialization (after lock)
my $edelay        = 0;               # Delay before exit (before lock release)
my $delayaccum    = 0;               # Delay accumulated
my @before;                          # Keys to send before channel
my @after;                           # Keys to send after channel
my $digitprefix;                     # Digit Keyname prefix (sometimes key_)
my $digitnames;                      # Use digit names (i.e. 1 -> One)
my $irsendoptions = '';              # Constructed options for irsend
my $debug         = 0;               # Debug messages
my $remote;                          # Remote name
my $channeldigits;                   # Number of channel digits
my $channeltransform;                # Channel number transform routine
my @precmds;                         # Pre lirc commands
my @postcmds;                        # Post lirc commands
my $help          = 0;               # Help?
my $irsend        = 'irsend';        # Lirc irsend program
my $irsendxmitter = 0;               # Set transmitter sent

my %digitname;
   $digitname{0}  = 'Zero'; 
   $digitname{1}  = 'One';
   $digitname{2}  = 'Two';
   $digitname{3}  = 'Three';
   $digitname{4}  = 'Four';
   $digitname{5}  = 'Five';
   $digitname{6}  = 'Six';
   $digitname{7}  = 'Seven';
   $digitname{8}  = 'Eight';
   $digitname{9}  = 'Nine';

# END block for freeing lock due to unusual exiting
# This *should* not be needed, since locks should be
# properly released at exit.  But better safe ....
    if ($lockobtained != 0)
        printf STDERR "END block invoked to free locks\n" if($debug);
        if (!lockFree())
            print "Unable to free lock\n";
            printf STDERR "Lock freed\n" if($debug);
    $lockobtained = 0;

# Try to insure that signals causes lock freeing
# Again, *should* not be needed, since process termination
# is expected to clean up correctly.  But better safe....
$SIG{INT} = $SIG{TERM} = $SIG{QUIT} = $SIG{HUP} = sub { my $sig = shift; die "\nSIG$sig received: $!\n"}; 

# Use GetOptions to process the command line options
if (!GetOptions ( "device=s"                     => \$device,
                  "address=s"                    => \$address,
                  "delay=f"                      => \$delay,
                  "tdelay=f"                     => \$tdelay,
                  "bdelay=f"                     => \$bdelay,
                  "adelay=f"                     => \$adelay,
                  "ddelay=f"                     => \$ddelay,
                  "rdelay=f"                     => \$rdelay,
                  "idelay=f"                     => \$idelay,
                  "edelay=f"                     => \$edelay,
                  "xmitter|transmitter=i"        => \@transmitters,
                  "beforekeys=s"                 => sub { push @before, split(' ', (@_[1]))},
                  "afterkeys=s"                  => sub { push @after, split(' ', (@_[1]))},
                  "digitprefix=s"                => \$digitprefix,
                  "digitnames!"                  => \$digitnames,
                  "channeldigits=i"              => \$channeldigits,
                  "channeltransform=s"           => \$channeltransform,
                  "remote=s"                     => \$remote,
                  "cf|configfilename=s"          => sub { processConfig(@_[1]) },
                  "locktype=s"                   => \$locktype,
                  "lockfilename=s"               => \$lockfile,
		  "lockkey=o"                    => \$locksemkey,
                  "lockperm=o"                   => \$lockperm,
                  "lockfinegrained!"             => \$lockfinegrain,
                  "precmd|precommand=s"          => \@precmds,
                  "postcmd|postcommand=s"        => \@postcmds,
                  "irsend=s"                     => \$irsend,
		  "help!"                        => \$help,
                  "debug!"                       => \$debug))
    exit 1;

# print out script usage for "help" argument or incorrect usage of command
if ($help)
    my $usage = <<ECHO;

    Script to perform channel changing for mythtv using lirc

    Usage: $Script <options> nnn

            --help                  Print help.
            --debug                 Print additional debugging info.
            --configfilename=       Read configuration options from a
                                    file (alt name is cf).  Default i
                                    no file.  *Usually* this options
                                    should be specified first (so that
                                    overrides can be specified).
            --remote=               Remote name for irsend (Reqd).
            --transmitter=          Transmitter to set (multiple allowed)     
                                    Default is none specified.
            --beforekeys=           Keys to send before channel numbers.
                                    Multiple allowed, or can be
                                    specified as a string of keys 
                                    (ex: "exit exit").  Default is none.
            --afterkeys=            Keys to send after channel numbers.
                                    Multiple allowed, or can be
                                    specified as a string of keys
                                    (ex: "enter end").  Default is none.
            --delay=                Delay after key sends (can be 
                                    fractional).  Default is 0.
            --tdelay=               Delay after set_transmitter (can
                                    be fractional).  Default is 0.
            --bdelay=               Delay after each before key
                                    (can be fractional).
                                    Default is delay value.
            --adelay=               Delay after each after key
                                    (can be fractional).
                                    Default is delay value.
            --ddelay=               Delay after each digit key 
                                    (can be fractional).
                                    Default is delay value.
            --rdelay=               Delay between repeated keys 
                                    (can be fractional)
                                    if needed by receiver to
                                    discriminate between two identical
                                    key presses (compensate for receiver
                                    bounce compensation detection).
                                    Default is 0.
            --idelay=               Delay after initialization (and 
                                    acquiring lock).  Default is 0.
            --edelay=               Delay before exit (and releasing
                                    lock).  Default is 0.
            --device=               --device=<s> for irsend.
                                    Default is irsend default.
            --address=              --address=<s> for irsend.
                                    Default is irsend default.
            --channeldigits=        Some STBs will change the channel
                                    faster if the exact number of
                                    digits are sent with leading 0s.
                                    Default is none.
            --channeltransform=     Channel digit transform routine.
                                    Mythtv allows one to send a string
                                    for the channel number.  This
                                    routine would transform the string
                                    into keys for irsend.
            --digitprefix=          Some remotes have now renamed and
                                    prefixed the channel key names with
                                    (usually) KEY_.  Specify
                                    --digitprefix=KEY_ for
                                    those.  NOTE: This *only* applies
                                    to the channel digits (i.e.
                                    '0' would be changed to 'KEY_0').
                                    Default is no prefix.
            --digitnames            Convert digits to names 
                                    (i.e. 1 -> One).  Default is no
            --locktype=             'none', 'file', or 'semaphore' and
                                    specifies the type of locking to
                                    perform.  Default is 'semaphore'.
            --lockfilename=         The lockfile name for locktype
                                    'file'.  The default is
            --lockkey=              The semaphore value for locktype
                                    'semaphore'.  Default 727522346 
                                    (an "arbitrary" value).
            --lockperm=             The lockfile/semaphore permissions.
                                    Default is 0777.
            --lockfinegrained       Implement a fine grained locking
                                    process where rather than locking
                                    over the entire execution, the lock
                                    is only obtained during the lirc
                                    activities (results in numerous
                                    lock/unlock activities), allowing,
                                    in theory, greater parallelism of
                                    channel tuning.  Except in the
                                    case of (extremely) long delay
                                    values, this is usually not
                                    necessary, and is not recommended
                                    (due to increased overheads, and
                                    the possibility of additional lock
            --precommand=           System commands (multiple allowed), 
                                    usually quoted, to issue before
                                    locking and irsend commands.
                                    Ex: "power_up_stb".
            --postcommand=          System commands (multiple allowed),
                                    usually quoted, to issue after lock
                                    release and before returning to
                                    caller.  Ex: "/bin/sleep 2".
                                    (might be useful where something
                                    like HDPVR needs time to sync with
                                    new source type).
            --irsend=               The lirc irsend executable binary.
                                    Default is 'irsend' which will
                                    search PATH.

       Note that option names can be abbreviated to the shortest unique name,
       so, for example locktype can be shortened to lockt, since that is the
       shortest unique value.

    print $usage;
    exit 1;     

# Do some option validation

# The one mandatory option is "remote"
if ((!defined($remote)) || ("$remote" eq ''))
    print "A remote name must be specified\n";
    exit 1;

# Do some sanity checking of any other options specified
if (defined($delay) && ($delay < 0))
    print "The delay value must be positive\n";
    exit 1;
if (defined($tdelay) && ($tdelay < 0))
    print "The tdelay value must be positive\n";
    exit 1;
if (defined($bdelay) && ($bdelay < 0))
    print "The bdelay value must be positive\n";
    exit 1;
if (defined($adelay) && ($adelay < 0))
    print "The adelay value must be positive\n";
    exit 1;
if (defined($ddelay) && ($ddelay < 0))
    print "The ddelay value must be positive\n";
    exit 1;
if (defined($rdelay) && ($rdelay < 0))
    print "The rdelay value must be positive\n";
    exit 1;
if (defined($idelay) && ($idelay < 0))
    print "The idelay value must be positive\n";
    exit 1;
if (defined($edelay) && ($edelay < 0))
    print "The edelay value must be positive\n";
    exit 1;
if (defined($channeldigits) && (($channeldigits < 0) || ($channeldigits > 10)))
    print "The channeldigits value must be positive and no greater than 10\n";
    exit 1;
if (scalar(@transmitters) > 0)
    foreach (@transmitters)
        if (("$_" !~ /^\d+$/) || ($_ < 1) || ($_ > 32))
            print "The transmitter value must be an integer between 1 and 32 (inclusive)\n";
            exit 1;
if (("$locktype" ne 'none') && ("$locktype" ne 'semaphore') && ("$locktype" ne 'file'))
    print "The locktype must be none, file, or semaphore\n";
    exit 1;
if (defined($locksemkey) && ($locksemkey < 0))
    print "The lockkey value must be positive\n";
    exit 1;
if (defined($channeltransform))
    if (! -e "$channeltransform")
        print "The channeltransform program was not found (not in PATH?) \n";
        exit 1;
    if (! -x "$channeltransform")
        print "The channeltransform program must be executable\n";
        exit 1;

# Make sure debugging output makes it out
if ($debug)
    select(STDERR); $| = 1;             # make unbuffered
    select(STDOUT); $| = 1;             # make unbuffered

# Simplify delay checks later
$delay = 0 if (!defined($delay));
$bdelay = $delay if (!defined($bdelay));
$adelay = $delay if (!defined($adelay));
$ddelay = $delay if (!defined($ddelay));

# Build up irsend options string
$irsendoptions .= " --address=$address" if (defined($address) && ("$address" ne ''));
$irsendoptions .= " --device=$device" if (defined($device) && ("$device" ne ''));

# Create our locks early (early exit if we can not do so)

# Process pre commands (issued before ir locking)
foreach (@precmds)

# Try to prevent multiple processes using the IR transciever
# by obtaining a lock (if not doing fined grained locking)
if ($lockfinegrain == 0)
    if (!lockGet())
        print "Unable to aquire lock\n";
        exit 1;
        printf STDERR "Lock acquired\n" if($debug);

# If requested, sleep at initialization
delayAccumulate($idelay, "due to initialization");

# Send the before keys, if any specified
foreach $key (@before)
    delayAccumulate($rdelay, "due to repeated key") if ("$key" eq "$prevkey");
    irsend("SEND_ONCE $remote $key");
    $prevkey = "$key";
    delayAccumulate($bdelay, "after before key");

# What remains is the channel number,
# although technically it is the "freqid"
# column, which may need to be transformed
# by an external script (if channeltransform
# is specified).  While not normally required,
# we support the capability for those special
# cases (and there are always special cases).
if (defined($channeltransform))
    my $a = join(' ', @FREQID);
    my $t = `$channeltransform $a`;
    print STDERR "transformed freqid $a into $t\n" if($debug);
    @FREQID = split(/ /,"$t");

# What remains should be the channel number
# If the "token" appears to be an integer,
# we will treat it as a channel number,
# otherwise, just send along the key(s)
foreach $key (@FREQID)
    if ($key =~ /^\d+$/)
        my $digit;
        if (defined($channeldigits) && (($channeldigits > 0) && ($channeldigits > length($key))))
            $key = substr('0000000000' . $key, (-$channeldigits));
        foreach $digit (split(//,$key))
            if (defined($digitnames) && ($digitnames))
                if (defined($digitname{$digit}))
                    $digit = $digitname{$digit};
            $digit = "$digitprefix" . $digit if (defined($digitprefix));
            delayAccumulate($rdelay, "due to repeated key") if ("$digit" eq "$prevkey");
            irsend("SEND_ONCE $remote $digit");
            $prevkey = "$digit";
            delayAccumulate($ddelay, "after digit key");
        delayAccumulate($rdelay, "due to repeated key") if ("$key" eq "$prevkey");
        irsend("SEND_ONCE $remote $key");
        $prevkey = "$key";
        delayAccumulate($ddelay, "after digit key");

# Send the after keys, if any specified
foreach $key (@after)
    delayAccumulate($rdelay, "due to repeated key") if ("$key" eq "$prevkey");
    irsend("SEND_ONCE $remote $key");
    $prevkey = "$key";
    delayAccumulate($adelay, "after after key");

# If requested, sleep before exiting (but zero accumulator)
if ($delayaccum != 0)
    printf STDERR "zeroing delay accumulator after lirc commands\n" if ($debug);
    $delayaccum = 0;
delayAccumulate($edelay, "due to exit");

# IR operations complete, release the lock (if not fine grained locking)
if ($lockfinegrain == 0)
    if (!lockFree())
        print "Unable to free lock\n";
        exit 1;
        printf STDERR "Lock freed\n" if($debug);

# Process post commands (issued after ir unlocking)
foreach (@postcmds)

# Nothing more to do here.
exit 0;

# lockCreate
sub lockCreate
    printf STDERR "lockCreate for lock type $locktype\n" if ($debug);
    return 1 if ("$locktype" eq 'none');
    if ("$locktype" eq 'semaphore')
        printf STDERR "Creating lock semaphore %i (0x%x)\n", ($locksemkey, $locksemkey) if ($debug);
        $locksem = IPC::Semaphore->new($locksemkey, 3, ($lockperm & 0666) | S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR | IPC_CREAT);
        if (!defined($locksem))
            printf "Unable to create lock semaphore %i (0x%x): $!\n", ($locksemkey, $locksemkey);
            exit 1;
        return 1;
        my ($fname, $dir) = fileparse("$lockfile");
        if ("$fname" eq '')
            print "Specified lockfile $lockfile is a path only\n";
            exit 1;
        my $umask;
        my $err;
        print STDERR "Creating lockfile directory $dir\n" if ($debug);
        make_path("$dir", {verbose => 0, mode => $lockperm, error => \$err});
        if (@$err)
            for my $diag (@$err)
                my ($file, $message) = %$diag;
                if ($file eq '')
                    print "Error while attempting to create directory $dir: $message\n";
                    print "Error while attempting to create directory $file: $message\n";
            exit 1;
        print STDERR "Creating lockfile $lockfile\n" if ($debug);
        if (!(sysopen($lockFH, "$lockfile", (O_CREAT | O_RDWR | O_LARGEFILE) , $lockperm)))
            print "Unable to create lockfile $lockfile: $!\n";
            exit 1;
        return 1;

# lockGet
sub lockGet
    printf STDERR "lockGet for lock type $locktype\n" if ($debug);
    return 1 if ("$locktype" eq 'none');
    if ("$locktype" eq 'semaphore')
        my $i;
        for ($i=0; $i<$lockattempts; $i++)
            # Use IPC::Shareable / IPC::ShareLite semaphore protocol
            if ($locksem->op(1, 0, IPC_NOWAIT,                  # Check for no readers
                             2, 0, IPC_NOWAIT,                  # Check for no writers
                             2, 1, (SEM_UNDO | IPC_NOWAIT)))    # Acquire write lock
                $lockobtained = 1;
                return 1;
            print STDERR "Waiting for lock....\n" if ($debug);
        return 0;
        if (open($lockFH, "+<$lockfile"))
            my $i;
            for ($i=0; $i<$lockattempts; $i++)
                if (flock($lockFH, LOCK_EX | LOCK_NB))
                    $lockobtained = 1;
                    return 1;
                print STDERR "Waiting for lock.....\n" if ($debug);
            return 0;
        print STDERR "Unable to open lockfile $lockfile: $!\n" if ($debug);
        return 0;

# lockFree
sub lockFree
    printf STDERR "lockFree for lock type $locktype\n" if ($debug);
    return 1 if ("$locktype" eq 'none');
    if ("$locktype" eq 'semaphore')
        $locksem->op(2, -1, (SEM_UNDO | IPC_NOWAIT));
        $lockobtained = 0;
        return 1;
        if (defined($lockFH))
            flock($lockFH, LOCK_UN);
            undef $lockFH;
        $lockobtained = 0;
        return 1;

# cmd
sub cmd
    my $cmd = shift;
    print STDERR "Issuing system command: $cmd\n" if ($debug);
    if ($? == 0)
        print STDERR "  child exited with value $?\n" if ($debug);
    elsif ($? == -1)
        print STDERR "  failed to execute $cmd: $!\n";
    elsif ($? & 127)
        printf STDERR "  child died with signal %d, %s coredump\n",
            ($? & 127),  ($? & 128) ? 'with' : 'without';
        printf STDERR "  child exited with value %d\n", $? >> 8;
    return $?;

# irsend
sub irsend
    my $ircmd = shift;
    my $rc = 0;
    # Are we doing fine grained locking?
    if ($lockfinegrain != 0)
        # Fine grained locking, we need to acquire the lock,
        # (re)issue the SET_TRANSMITTERS, issue the irsend
        # command, and then release the lock.

        if (!lockGet())
            print "Unable to aquire lock\n";
            exit 1;
            printf STDERR "Lock acquired\n" if($debug);

        if (scalar(@transmitters) > 0)
            my $emitters = join(' ', @transmitters);
            cmd("$irsend $irsendoptions SET_TRANSMITTERS $emitters");
            delayAccumulate($tdelay, "after set_transmitters");

        $rc = cmd("$irsend $irsendoptions $ircmd");

        if (!lockFree())
            print "Unable to free lock\n";
            exit 1;
            printf STDERR "Lock freed\n" if($debug);

        # No fine grained locking.  Just issue the irsend
        if (($irsendxmitter == 0) && (scalar(@transmitters) > 0))
            # Issue set transmitters if we have not yet done so
            my $emitters = join(' ', @transmitters);
            cmd("$irsend $irsendoptions SET_TRANSMITTERS $emitters");
            delayAccumulate($tdelay, "after set_transmitters");
            $irsendxmitter = 1;
        $rc = cmd("$irsend $irsendoptions $ircmd");
    return $rc;

# delaySleep - sleep for the accumulated delay (if any)
sub delaySleep
    return 0 if ($delayaccum == 0);
    print STDERR "sleeping for the accumulated delay $delayaccum\n" if($debug);
    $delayaccum = 0;

# delayAccumulate - Add in additional delay
sub delayAccumulate
    my $delay = shift;
    my $reason = shift;
    return 0 if ($delay == 0);
    print STDERR "adding $delay to delay accumulator: $reason\n" if ($debug);
    $delayaccum += $delay;
    return $delay;

# processConfig
sub processConfig

    my $cf = shift;

    # If a config file specified, read in the config file
    if (defined($cf) && ("$cf" ne ''))
        my $options = '';
        printf STDERR "Opening configuration file $cf\n" if ($debug);
        if (open(FH,"<$cf"))
            my $k; my $v;
                print STDERR "Reading configuration file line: $_\n" if ($debug);
                s/(.*?)\#.*/$1/;         # Remove trailing comments
                next if /^\s*(\#.*)?$/;  # Skip comments and blanks.
                $_ = "--" . "$_" if ("$_" !~ /^-/);
                $options = "$options" . ' ' . "$_";
        if ("$options" ne '')
            if (!GetOptionsFromString($options,
                  "device=s"                     => \$device,
                  "address=s"                    => \$address,
                  "delay=f"                      => \$delay,
                  "tdelay=f"                     => \$tdelay,
                  "bdelay=f"                     => \$bdelay,
                  "adelay=f"                     => \$adelay,
                  "ddelay=f"                     => \$ddelay,
                  "rdelay=f"                     => \$rdelay,
                  "idelay=f"                     => \$idelay,
                  "edelay=f"                     => \$edelay,
                  "xmitter|transmitter=i"        => \@transmitters,
                  "beforekeys=s"                 => sub { push @before, split(' ', (@_[1]))},
                  "afterkeys=s"                  => sub { push @after, split(' ', (@_[1]))},
                  "digitprefix=s"                => \$digitprefix,
                  "digitnames!"                  => \$digitnames,
                  "channeldigits=i"              => \$channeldigits,
                  "channeltransform=s"           => \$channeltransform,
                  "remote=s"                     => \$remote,
                  "cf|configfilename=s"          => sub { processConfig(@_[1]) },
                  "locktype=s"                   => \$locktype,
                  "lockfilename=s"               => \$lockfile,
                  "lockkey=o"                    => \$locksemkey,
                  "lockperm=o"                   => \$lockperm,
                  "lockfinegrained!"             => \$lockfinegrain,
                  "precmd|precommand=s"          => \@precmds,
                  "postcmd|postcommand=s"        => \@postcmds,
                  "irsend=s"                     => \$irsend,
                  "debug!"                       => \$debug))
                exit 1;
            print "Unable to open the configuration file $cf: $!\n";
            exit 1;


An example configuration file for a Comcast Motorola/Pace DTA:

Script.png LircChannelChanger-DTA

# Configuration file for the LircChannelChanger script
# Except for the configfile option, all other options
# specified on the command line can be specified in
# this file.  Comments ('#') are stripped, and options
# that are not prefixed with '--' have the '--' added.
# The main reason for supporting a configfile is
# that the command line for the LircChannelChanger script
# could exceed the 128 character (database) size limits
# if many options were specified (and fully typed out).
# In particular, the before or after commands with long
# remote strings.
remote          MotorolaDTA100-PaceDC50X   # lirc remote name
delay           .2          # .2 seconds is long enough for reliable tuning
rdelay          .2          # Add in .2 seconds for debounce compensation
                            # compensation (not clear if needed)
channeldigits   3           # Tunes faster with 3 digits (no timeout reqd)
digitprefix     KEY_        # lirc file has keys prefixed with KEY_
                            # so sending 0 requires the name KEY_0
beforekeys      KEY_INFO    # Return from extended info screen, if on it,
                            # otherwise this puts up the channel info,
                            # which you get anyway when tuning....

An example definition in mythtv to invoke the script using the example configuration file:

 /home/mythtv/bin/LircChannelChanger --cf=/home/mythtv/etc/LircChannelChanger-DTA --xmitter 1