MythWeb on Nginx

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==MythWeb on Nginx--

MythWeb provides a web interface for scheduling and managing recordings from a web browser located on any machine, with new features being added such as remote control.

An Apache server can use a lot of memory, especially for a system where the number of users of the server can be measured on one hand...essentially private. Nginx(pronounced N-Gen-X), is a lightweight, high-performance Web server/reverse proxy.


Your distribution should have a package for nginx. If not, you can visit their site for the code.

The default HTML directory for my Fedora distribution was /usr/share/nginx/html, whereas a package of MythWeb goes to the Apache directory.../var/www/html/. You can create a symbolic link, or just have nginx root to the same directory as Apache...a good move if you aren't sure you are going to commit to an alternate web server.

So, we'll assume the root is /var/www/html and that the mythweb directory is right off the root.

Fast-CGI for PHP

Unlike Apache, Nginx doesn't have PHP support built in, and it must be configured for it. You'll need to install spawn-fcgi.

       location ~ \.php$ {
           fastcgi_index  index.php;
           fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME /var/www/html$fastcgi_script_name;
           fastcgi_param db_server localhost;
           fastcgi_param db_name  mythconverg;
           fastcgi_param db_login mythtv;
           fastcgi_param db_password mythtv;
           fastcgi_param hostname mymythbox;
           include        fastcgi_params;

Rewrite Rules

Unlike Apache, Nginx does not support .htaccess files, so all configuration must go in the nginx configuration. Of course, for convenience, nginx is defaultly set up to include all files on a conf.d directory, so you can separate out pieces for portability.

    location /mythweb/ {
           root /var/www/html;
          # The two Auth Lines assume that you want to password protect - which is recommended
           auth_basic          "Restricted";
          # Supports a standard htpasswd file, which defaults to the same directory as nginx.conf
           auth_basic_user_file htpasswd;
           if (!-e $request_filename) {
        rewrite  ^/mythweb/(pl(/.*)?)$        /mythweb/$1 last;
        rewrite   ^/mythweb/(.+)$            /mythweb/mythweb.php?PATH_INFO=/$1 last;
           if (!-f $request_filename) {
           rewrite     ^/mythweb/(.*)$                  /mythweb/mythweb.php last;

See Also