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This script shall be called as MythTV user job. It transcodes the DVB recordings (mpeg files) using Handbrake.


  • On a Phenom II X4 2,8Ghz it is a lot faster than mythnuv2mkv using comparable quality settings. With Mythbrake I get ~40fps for HDTV and around ~250fps on SDTV without noticable quality degradation compared to the source file.
  • All transcodings are single pass with constant quality as this results in the same quality as dual pass without the need for a second pass, thus its even faster. The only downside to dual pass is a slightly less predictable file size. As burning files to optical media is imho a thing of the past, exact file size hardly matters though.
  • Alerts via email in case of an error, so no problems lurk in the dark until the recording sheduled for transcoding is overwritten with newer recordings.

Using Mediainfo it first checks wether the recording is HDTV.

HDTV will be reencoded with Mpeg4 AVC H264 to save space. All HDTV channels I can receive here in Germany are without commercials, so I don't bother running mythcommflag on them. In case your situation differs you'll have to modify the script.

SDTV will have commercials cut out if necessary and will then be transcoded to Mpeg4 ASP (H263, Xvid, DivX). The scipt will check the ChanID of the recording to decide wethere there are commercials, so you have to adapt the list of ChanIDs to your setup. I use Mpeg4 ASP instead of Mpeg4 AVC on SDTV recordings because the transcoding is much faster and it is easier to cut later on as mythcommflag isn't perfect. For manual cutting afterwards I use Avidemux

Audio: Currently the scipt just takes the first audio stream from the source file, transcodes it to Mp3 and names the stream "Deutsch-Stereo". You might want to at least adjust the stream name. I am planning to improve this script to preserve surround sound (AC3). As the script directly accesses the recording file no hacking / patching of MythTV is required, this script just needs some logic to detect if surround sound is present.

If you find any bugs or problems feel free to mail me at

Version 1.2 Changelog

  • Include source file check

Version 1.1 Changelog

  • Change Container from MKV to MP4 optimized for streaming, reason: Compatibility with Philips UPnP Clients
  • Updated to use %DIR% instead of fixed path
  • some cleanup

Version 1.0 Changelog

  • Inital release

# Save this as and make the file executable
# Written by Ares Drake,
# Licenced under GPL v3
# This Script shall be called as MythTV user job. It transcodes the DVB recordings (mpeg files) using Handbrake. It first checks whether the recording is HDTV. If so it will be reencoded with H.264 to save space. SDTV will have commercials cut out if necessary and will then be transcoded to H.263 (Xvid, DivX). 
# This Sript shall be called as a MythTV user job like as follows:
# /path/to/ "%DIR%" "%FILE%" "%CHANID%" "%STARTTIME%" "%TITLE%" "%SUBTITLE%"
# You need to have the following programs installed:
# mediainfo:
# handbrake with dependencies:

###Some constants for user editing
errormail="" # this email address will be informed in case of errors
outdir="/where/you/want/it" # specify directory where you want the transcoded file to be placed
audiostreamname="Deutsch-Stereo" #This is the label of the audio stream inside the final video file

###Define some basic variables
scriptstarttime=$(date +%F-%H%M%S)
mythrecordingsdir="$1" # specify directory where MythTV stores its recordings
title="$(echo "$5" | sed 's/(//g' | sed 's/)//g' | sed 's/:/_/g' | sed 's%/%_%g')"
subtitle="$(echo "$6" | sed 's/(//g' | sed 's/)//g' | sed 's/://g' | sed 's%/%_%g')"
touch "$logfile"
chown mythtv:mythtv "$logfile"
chmod a+rw "$logfile"
filename="$title.mp4" # can be customized
if [ -f "$outdir/$filename" ]
 # do not overwrite outfile, if already exists, change name

###Do some logging
echo "Transcode job $title starting at $scriptstarttime" >> "$logfile"
echo "Original file: $mythrecordingsdir/$file" >> "$logfile"
echo "Target file: $outfile" >> "$logfile"
echo "ChanId: $chanid Time: $starttime" >> "$logfile"
#Source file check
if [ ! -f "$mythrecordingsdir/$file" ];
    #source file does not exist
    scriptstoptime=$(date +%F-%H:%M:%S)
    echo "Error at $scriptstoptime: Source file not found " >> "$logfile"
    echo "Maybe wrong path or missing permissions?" >> "$logfile"
    mail -s "Mythtv Sourcefile Error on $HOSTNAME" "$errormail" < "$logfile"
    mv "$logfile" "$logfile-FAILED"
    exit 1

#get width: you need mediainfo installed, see
width=$(mediainfo --Inform="Video;%Width%" "$mythrecordingsdir/$file")
  if [ $? != 0 ]
    # There were errors with Mediainfo. 
    scriptstoptime=$(date +%F-%H:%M:%S)
    echo "Error prior to encoding at $scriptstoptime" >> "$logfile"
    echo "Mediainfo encountered an error. Maybe mediainfo is not installed, or not in your path" >> "$logfile"
    echo "Mediainfo encountered an error. Maybe mediainfo is not installed, or not in your path"
    mail -s "Mythtv Mediainfo Error on $HOSTNAME" "$errormail" < "$logfile"
    mv "$logfile" "$logfile-FAILED"
    exit 1
    echo "Mediainfo Run successful." >> "$logfile"
fullmediainfo=(mediainfo $mythrecordingsdir/"$file")

### Transcoding starts here, in 3 differend versions: HDTV w/o commercials, SDTV w/ and w/o commercials.

# width >=1280
# currently this can only be ARD HD, ZDF HD or ARTE HD, so no commercials
# Userjob for HDTV: Re-Encode in AVC H.264: saves space, but keeps H.264, x264 via HandbrakeCLI
if [ $width -ge 1280 ]
  echo "Userjob HD-TV starts because of with of $width" >> "$logfile"
  # $HDCMDLINE is the commandline for HDTV
  HDCMDLINE='HandBrakeCLI -q 20.0 -e x264 -r 25 -a 1 -A $audiostreamname -E MP3 -B 128 -R 48 --mixdown dpl2 -f mp4 --crop 0:0:0:0 -d -m -x b-adapt=2:rc-lookahead=50:ref=3:bframes=3:me=umh:subme=8:trellis=1:merange=20:direct=auto -i "$mythrecordingsdir/$file" -o "$outfile" --optimize 2>> "$logfile"'
  HandBrakeCLI -q 20.0 -e x264 -r 25 -a 1 -A $audiostreamname -E MP3 -B 128 -R 48 --mixdown dpl2 -f mp4 --crop 0:0:0:0 -d -m -x b-adapt=2:rc-lookahead=50:ref=3:bframes=3:me=umh:subme=8:trellis=1:merange=20:direct=auto -i "$mythrecordingsdir/$file" -o "$outfile" --optimize 2>> "$logfile"
  if [ $? != 0 ]
	# There were errors in the Handbrake Run. 
	scriptstoptime=$(date +%F-%H:%M:%S)
	echo "Transcoding-Error at $scriptstoptime" >> "$logfile"
	echo "Interrupted file $outfile" >> "$logfile"
	echo "###################################" >> "$logfile"
	echo $fullmediainfo >> "$logfile"
	mail -s "Mythtv Transcoding Error on $HOSTNAME" "$errormail" < "$logfile"
        mv "$logfile" "$logfile-FAILED"
	exit 1
	echo "Transcode Run successfull." >> "$logfile"

#width <= 720
elif [ $width -le 720 ]
 # this is SDTV, so it could be either with or without commercials. We check for commercials by comparing to ChanID list.

    if [ $chanid == 3007 -o $chanid == 29014 -o $chanid == 30014 -o $chanid == 30107 ]
    #ChanID without commercials: 3007 3sat; ZDF info; 29014 & 3014 ZDF neo; ZDF theater; 30107 BayrFS Nord; BayrFS Süd; SWR BW; RBB Berlin; WDR Köln; BR alpha; SR
    # better option would be to pull the commercial-free flag from the database, but
    # then i would advise against manual access to the database when using a language
    # such as bash with no mysql support.
      #This is a channel without commercials
      echo "Userjob SD-TV ohne Werbung startet" >> "$logfile"
      #SD-TV Userjob is encoding to MPEG4 ASP aka DivX aka Xvid via FFMPEG via HandBrakeCLI
      # $SDFCMDLINE is the commandline for SDtv-commercialFree
      SDFCMDLINE="/usr/bin/HandBrakeCLI -q 3 -r 25 -a 1 -A $audiostreamname -E MP3 -B 128 -R 48 --mixdown dpl2 -f mp4 --crop 0:0:0:0 -d -m -i $mythrecordingsdir/$file -o $outfile --optimize" 
      echo "Commandline: $SDFCMDLINE" >> "$logfile"
      HandBrakeCLI -q 3 -r 25 -a 1 -A $audiostreamname -E MP3 -B 128 -R 48 --mixdown dpl2 -f mp4 --crop 0:0:0:0 -d -m -i "$mythrecordingsdir/$file" -o "$outfile" --optimize  2>> "$logfile"
      if [ $? != 0 ]
	# There were errors in the Handbrake Run. 
	scriptstoptime=$(date +%F-%H:%M:%S)
	echo "Transcoding-Error at $scriptstoptime" >> "$logfile"
	echo "Broken File $outfile" >> "$logfile"
	echo "###################################" >> "$logfile"
	echo $fullmediainfo >> "$logfile"
	mail -s "Mythtv Transcoding Error on $HOSTNAME" "$errormail" < "$logfile"
        mv "$logfile" "$logfile-FAILED"
	exit 1
	echo "Transcode Run successful." >> "$logfile"     

      # We have a channel with commercials, so flag & cut them out first.
      echo "Userjob SD-TV mit Werbung startet" >> "$logfile"
      /usr/bin/mythcommflag -c "$chanid" -s "$starttime" --gencutlist
      /usr/bin/mythtranscode --chanid "$chanid" --starttime "$starttime" --mpeg2 --honorcutlist
      /usr/bin/mythcommflag --file "$file" --rebuild
      #Finished commercial cutting, following is encoding as above

      #SD-TV Userjob is encoding to MPEG4 ASP aka DivX aka Xvid via FFMPEG via HandBrakeCLI
      # $SDCCMDLINE is the commandline for SDtv-Commercials
      SDCCMDLINE='/usr/bin/HandBrakeCLI -q 3 -r 25 -a 1 -A $audiostreamname -E MP3 -B 128 -R 48 --mixdown dpl2 -f mp4 --crop 0:0:0:0 -d -m -i "$mythrecordingsdir/$file" -o "$outfile" --optimize 2>> "$logfile"' 
      echo "Commandline: $SDCCMDLINE" >> "$logfile"
      HandBrakeCLI -q 3 -r 25 -a 1 -A $audiostreamname -E MP3 -B 128 -R 48 --mixdown dpl2 -f mp4 --crop 0:0:0:0 -d -m -i "$mythrecordingsdir/$file" -o "$outfile" --optimize  2>> "$logfile"      
      if [ $? != 0 ]
	# There were errors in the Handbrake Run. 
	scriptstoptime=$(date +%F-%H:%M:%S)
	echo "Transcoding-Error at $scriptstoptime" >> "$logfile"
	echo "Broken File $outfile" >> "$logfile"
	echo "###################################" >> "$logfile"
	echo $fullmediainfo >> "$logfile"
	mail -s "Mythtv Transcoding Error on $HOSTNAME" "$errormail" < "$logfile"
        mv "$logfile" "$logfile-FAILED"
	exit 1
	echo "Transcode Run successful." >> "$logfile"

#720<width<1280 or error getting width: dunno whats going on here, abort
    echo "Error: 720<width<1280, undefined condition, aborting" >> "$logfile"
    echo "###################################" >> "$logfile"
    echo $fullmediainfo >> "$logfile"
    mail -s "Mythtv Transcoding Error on $HOSTNAME" "$errormail" < "$logfile"
    mv "$logfile" "$logfile-FAILED"
    exit 1

  scriptstoptime=$(date +%F-%H:%M:%S)
  echo "Successfully finished at $scriptstoptime" >> "$logfile"
  echo "Transcoded file: $outfile" >> "$logfile"

exit 0