
From MythTV Official Wiki
Revision as of 21:24, 22 February 2009 by Iamlindoro (talk | contribs) (The "news" window)

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The news-ui.xml file governs the layout and behavior of the MythNews Plugin. It consists of the following windows and named attributes:

MythNews Windows

Window Name Type Description
news Window The main MythNews screen.
editor Settings Screen The "Edit Feed" Screen.
config Window The configuration screen.

The "news" window

Widget Name Widget Type Description Required?
siteslist buttonlist The button list of subscribed RSS feeds Yes
articleslist buttonlist The button list of articles from a given feed. Yes
nosites textarea The text area to appear when no sites are configured. Yes
title textarea The Title of the selected article. Yes
description textarea The description of the selected article. Yes
updated textarea The text area to appear if the feed has been updated. Yes
thumbnail imagetype The thumbnail image associated with an article. Yes
enclosures imagetype Icon to indicate enclosures are present in the article. Yes
download imagetype Icon indicating the article requires a download. Yes
ispodcast imagetype Icon indicating the article is a podcast. Yes

The "editor" window

Widget Name Widget Type Description Required?
name textedit The name of the item being edited. Yes
url textedit The url of the item being edited. Yes
icon textedit The path and filename of the item being edited. Yes
podcast_check checkbox Checkbox to designate the item as a podcast. Yes
ok button The "OK" button. Yes
cancel button The "Cancel" button. No

The "config" window

Widget Name Widget Type Description Required?
category buttonlist The category of the feed. Yes
sites buttonlist The list of subscribed feeds. Yes
context_switch textarea I have no freaking idea. Yes
help textarea Help text area. Yes