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Revision as of 14:38, 10 May 2010


The MythNetvision Revision3 grabber (rev3.py) searches and creates treeviews of the http://revision3.comsite.
Treeview user customizations:

  • Alter the frequency that the user preference file show list is updated [1]
  • Enable shows and select the download file size [2]

Country Restrictions

  • Videos can be played in any country

Treeview Customization Instructions

Initialization steps

  1. You need to enable this treeview from the Media Library menu, select the Browse Internet Video menu option and press MENU (M). Select Scan/Manage Subscriptions, then Manage Site Subscriptions. Now subscribe to the "Revision3" grabber.
  2. You will need to download the treeview. To do so, select MENU (M). Select Scan/Manage Subscriptions, then Update Site Maps. The update process can take several minutes. Once this is complete the Revision3 will contain the 3 RSS feeds (e.g. "AnimeTV"). These are not necessarily the shows you want but have just been enabled to provide you something to view until you specify your preferences.


When you updated the treeview in Initialization step #2 a user configuration file was created at:
"~/.mythtv/MythNetvision/userGrabberPrefs/rev3.xml". To customize the Treeview open the "rev3.xml" file with a text editor and make changes according to the instructions below. After you have made your changes and saved the "rev3.xml" file, update your subscriptions again (Initialization step #2).

Enable shows and their video quality level

The shows are split into three top level directories which represent how Revision3 categorises their videos. Each top level directory has one or more shows. Each show has one or more MP4 formats that can be downloaded. The formats represent various video quality levels.

Initially only three shows are enabled. To enable a show you must change a show's "mp4Format" element's "enabled" attribute to 'true'. When you change the attribute to 'true' that show's RSS feed will be added to the Rev3 tree view. You could activate more than one MP4 format but that would result in duplicates. With the exception of "Tekzilla" which is a show that has both a weekly and daily video RSS feed within the same show element. Of course you can disable any show by changing their enabled" attribute to 'false'.

When the Rev3 Tree view is created it will have links to the video's web page but also a link to the MP4 file that you can download through the MythNetvision interface.

In this example an enabled "small" size show from the Revision3 Archives and one enabled "HD (30fps)" size show.

<directory name="Archived Shows">
 <show name="Ctrl+Alt+Chicken">
   <mp4Format enabled="true" name="Small" rss="http://revision3.com/ctrlaltchicken/feed/MP4-Small"/>
 <show name="JV's World">
   <mp4Format enabled="false" name="HD" rss="http://revision3.com/jvsworld/feed/MP4-High-Definition"/>
   <mp4Format enabled="true" name="HD (30fps)" rss="http://revision3.com/jvsworld/feed/MP4-hd30"/>
   <mp4Format enabled="false" name="Large" rss="http://revision3.com/jvsworld/feed/MP4-Large"/>
   <mp4Format enabled="false" name="Small" rss="http://revision3.com/jvsworld/feed/MP4-Small"/>

Alter show list refreshing

Your "rev3.xml" file will be refreshed every X number of days as specified in the "updateDuration" element. The default is every three days. You can alter that duration to any positive integer. If a show moves from one top level directory to another your show sections will be preserved as long as that format is available in the new top level directory.
Example of a "rev3.xml" file which is refreshed every 10 days.
