[mythtv-users] System hangs occasionally -- more memory didn't solve the problem

John Finlay finlay at moeraki.com
Sun Nov 23 22:52:15 UTC 2014

On 11/23/2014 4:00 PM, Dick Steffens wrote:
> On 11/23/2014 08:13 AM, John Finlay wrote:
>> I had a problem similar to yours with my mythbuntu FEs using the 
>> mythbuntu theme. When the FE was in standby and the BE started a 
>> recording the CPU usage would increase by quite a bit. After a number 
>> of recordings it seemed that the FE CPU usage would 'stick' at over 
>> 100% and the FE would hang. Once I disabled standby mode I had no 
>> further problems. It seems that the mythbuntu theme uses alphapulse 
>> animation which causes excessive CPU usage on some systems. See:
>> https://code.mythtv.org/trac/ticket/12124
>> for more details if you are using the mythbuntu theme.
> All I got from that link was a blank page.

Looks like the server is unreachable at the moment.

> If the problem could be related to the frontend running a long time 
> without doing anything, I'll try shutting down the front end when not 
> watching the TV and see if that changes anything. I generally just 
> exit back to the main menu of the front end when finished watching for 
> the evening.
For me it happened because the FE went into standby mode when using the 
mythbuntu theme. To test it I set the standby mode to kick in after a 
minute and then started a recording on the BE after the FE was in 
standby mode; top showed the FE CPU usage increasing from 2% to 20%.


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