From MythTV Official Wiki
The image-ui.xml file governs the layout and behavior of the Image Gallery. It consists of the following windows and named attributes:
Gallery Windows
Window Name | Type | Description |
gallery | Window | The Thumbnail screen. |
slideshow | Window | The Slideshow screen. |
The "gallery" window
Widget Name | Widget Type | Description | Required? |
noimages | textarea | The text area to appear when no images are present. | No |
images0 | buttonlist | The button list of smallest thumbnails. | Yes |
images1..n | buttonlist | Button lists of increasingly bigger thumbnails. | No |
breadcrumbs | textarea | Path to selected item. | No |
position | textarea | numerical value of the selected item: "1/32". | No |
caption | textarea | The metadata caption or filename of the selected image. | No |
typefilter | textarea | The type of images visible: "Pictures" (no videos), "Videos" (no pictures) or "" (pictures & videos) | No |
hidefilter | textarea | The hidden image filter: "Hidden" (showing hidden images) or "" (hiding hidden images) | No |
infolist | buttonlist | The button list of metadata tags. | Yes |
progress | progressbar | Scan progress | No |
The "slideshow" window
Widget Name | Widget Type | Description | Required? |
image | imagetype | The slide position and size. | Yes |
status | textarea | Slideshow status (Loading, Failed, Paused, End etc) | no |
slidecount | textarea | Slide position: "4/22" | no |
caption | textarea | Name, date and comment of slide | No |
infolist | buttonlist | The button list of metadata tags. | Yes |
hidecaptions | textarea | Visibility flag. Non-empty ("Hide") when captions should be hidden. | No |