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The image-ui.xml file governs the layout and behavior of the Image Gallery. It consists of the following windows and named attributes:

Gallery Windows

Window Name Type Description
gallery Window The Thumbnail screen.
slideshow Window The Slideshow screen.

The "gallery" window

Widget Name Widget Type Description Required?
noimages textarea The text area to appear when no images are present. No
images0 buttonlist The button list of smallest thumbnails. Yes
images1..n buttonlist Button lists of increasingly bigger thumbnails. No
breadcrumbs textarea Path to selected item. No
position textarea numerical value of the selected item: "1/32". No
caption textarea The metadata caption or filename of the selected image. No
typefilter textarea The type of images visible: "Pictures" (no videos), "Videos" (no pictures) or "" (pictures & videos) No
hidefilter textarea The hidden image filter: "Hidden" (showing hidden images) or "" (hiding hidden images) No
infolist buttonlist The button list of metadata tags. Yes
progress progressbar Scan progress No

The "slideshow" window

Widget Name Widget Type Description Required?
image imagetype The slide position and size. Yes
status textarea Slideshow status (Loading, Failed, Paused, End etc) no
slidecount textarea Slide position: "4/22" no
caption textarea Name, date and comment of slide No
infolist buttonlist The button list of metadata tags. Yes
hidecaptions textarea Visibility flag. Non-empty ("Hide") when captions should be hidden. No