0.23 Python bindings/Data Objects

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The basic data object supplied by the Python bindings is designed to operate as a dictionary or as a class with attributes.

>>> prog = be.getRecordings()[0]
>>> prog.keys()
['title', 'subtitle', 'description', 'category', 'chanid', 'channum', 'callsign', 'channame', 'filename', 'fs_high', 'fs_low', 'starttime', 'endtime', 'duplicate', 'shareable', 'findid', 'hostname', 'sourceid', 'cardid', 'inputid', 'recpriority', 'recstatus', 'recordid', 'rectype', 'dupin', 'dupmethod', 'recstartts', 'recendts', 'repeat', 'programflags', 'recgroup', 'commfree', 'outputfilters', 'seriesid', 'programid', 'lastmodified', 'stars', 'airdate', 'hasairdate', 'playgroup', 'recpriority2', 'parentid', 'storagegroup', 'audio_props', 'video_props', 'subtitle_type', 'year']
>>> prog.title
>>> prog['channame']
u'USA Network'
>>> a = prog.iteritems()
>>> a.next()
('title', u'Psych')

Data Only objects

These objects are read only, and populated by data from the backend.


This class is the standard Program Info structure used by the backend protocol. It provides the following fields: title, subtitle, description, category, chanid, channum, callsign, channame, filename, fs_high, fs_low, starttime, endtime, duplicate, shareable, findid, hostname, sourceid, cardid, inputid, recpriority, recstatus, recordid, rectype, dupin, dupmethod, recstartts, recendts, repeat, programflags, recgroup, commfree, outputfilters, seriesid, programid, lastmodified, stars, airdate, hasairdate, playgroup, recpriority2, parentid, storagegroup, audio_props, video_props, subtitle_type, year. Additionally, the 'filesize' attribute is is calculated from 'fs_high' and 'fs_low'.


Produces a string representation of the data, for use with backend protocol commands.

delete(force=False, rerecord=False)

Issues a protocol command to tell the backend to delete the recording. 'force' will force the delete even if the backend could not find the file. 'rerecord' informs the scheduler to allow the show to be recorded again.


Returns a matching Recorded object.


Returns a file object, defaults to read access.


This class provides basic statistics for a storage group folder. It provides the following fields: host, path, islocal, disknumber, sgroupid, blocksize, ts_high, ts_low, us_high, us_low. Additionally, the following attributes are calculated: totalspace, freespace, usedspace

>>> be.getFreeSpace()
>>> fs = be.getFreeSpace()
>>> fs
[<FreeSpace '/mnt/mythtv/fserve_1/video@mythbe' at 0x803952e50>, <FreeSpace '/mnt/mythtv/fserve_2/video@mythbe' at 0x803952c50>, <FreeSpace '/mnt/mythtv/fserve_3/video@mythbe' at 0x803952ed0>]
>>> fs[0].items()
[('host', u'mythbe'), ('path', u'/mnt/mythtv/fserve_1/video'), ('islocal', True), ('disknumber', -1), ('sgroupid', 35), ('blocksize', 32768), ('ts_high', 0), ('ts_low', 286948096), ('us_high', 0), ('us_low', 203925376)]
>>> fs[0].totalspace
>>> fs[0].freespace

Read Only Database objects

These classes correspond to one entry in a specific database table. The provided data fields will match those in the database. These classes provide a 'getAllEntries()' method which returns a list of all such objects in the database.

>>> StorageGroup().getAllEntries()
[<StorageGroup 'myth://Default@fserve/mnt/mythtv/fserve_1/video/' at 0x803c8fe90>, <StorageGroup 'myth://Default@fserve/mnt/mythtv/fserve_3/video/' at 0x803c94090>]

StorageGroup(id=None, db=None, raw=None)

This class provides information from the storagegroup database table. In addition to the database information, a boolean 'local' attribute specifies whether a storage group folder is accessible on the local machine.

Guide(data=None, db=None, raw=None)

This class provides information for a show listing in the program guide.


Return a new Record object for a recording rule, using the optional record type.

Read-Write Database objects

These classes provide write capacity to certain database tables. Included beyond the read-only types are methods 'create()', 'update()', and 'delete()'. Create only works on an object with no 'wheredat' attribute set, while update and delete only work with the attribute set. Create takes an optional dictionary for additional information, returning the new row id. Update follows standard dict.update() syntax. All updates to the database will be sanitized, preventing certain fields from being written, and providing default values for others.

Job(id=None, chanid=None, starttime=None, db=None, raw=None)

Channel(chanid=None, db=None, raw=None)

Video(id=None, db=None, raw=None)

Record(id=None, db=None, raw=None)

Recorded(data=None, db=None, raw=None)

RecordedProgram(data=None, db=None, raw=None)

OldRecorded(data=None, db=None, raw=None)