
From MythTV Official Wiki
Revision as of 16:20, 24 February 2009 by Iamlindoro (talk | contribs) (MythBrowser Windows)

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The browser-ui.xml file governs the layout and behavior of the MythBrowser Plugin. It consists of the following windows and named attributes:

MythBrowser Windows

Window Name Type Description
browser Window The main MythBrowser screen.
bookmarkmanager Window The bookmark manager/mythbrowser launch screen.
browserconfig Window The MythBrowser configuration window.

The "browser" window

Widget Name Widget Type Description Required?
pagelist buttonlist Selector-style button list the shows bookmarked pages. Yes
webbrowser webbrowser The main browser window. Yes
progressbar progressbar The webpage loading progress bar. No
status textarea Shows the web address when mousing over a link. No
title textarea The title of the currently loaded page. No

The "bookmarkmanager" window

Widget Name Widget Type Description Required?
grouplist buttonlist List of bookmark categories/groups. Yes
bookmarklist buttonlist List of bookmarked sites in the selected category/group. Yes
messagetext textarea Textarea which appears if user has not yet set any bookmarks. No

The "browserconfig" window

Widget Name Widget Type Description Required?
command textedit Command to launch browser. Yes
zoom textedit Default zoom value for the browser window. Yes
ok button The "OK" button. Yes
cancel button The "Cancel" button. Yes
description textarea Describes the "command" and "zoom" items when highlighted. No
title textarea The page title. No