Capturecard table

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Contains an entry for each video capture card installed in master and slave backends across the system.

You can manually alter this table as long as you restart all backends afterwards.

Field Type NULL Default
cardid int(10) No
videodevice varchar(128) Yes NULL
audiodevice varchar(128) Yes NULL
vbidevice varchar(128) Yes NULL
cardtype varchar(32) Yes V4L
defaultinput varchar(32) Yes Television
audioratelimit int(11) Yes NULL
hostname varchar(255) Yes NULL
dvb_swfilter int(11) Yes 0
dvb_recordts int(11) Yes 0
dvb_sat_type int(11) No 0
dvb_wait_for_seqstart int(11) No 1
dvb_dmx_buf_size int(11) No 8192
dvb_pkt_buf_size int(11) No 8192
skipbtaudio tinyint(1) Yes 0
dvb_on_demand tinyint(4) No 0


The following is a Mysql record entry for a DVB card (an HD3000) receiving QAM_256 encoded ATSC by cable (North America).

mysql> select * from cardinput where cardid = 1;

| cardinputid | cardid | sourceid | inputname | externalcommand | preference | shareable | tunechan | startchan | freetoaironly | diseqc_port | diseqc_pos | lnb_lof_switch | lnb_lof_hi | lnb_lof_lo | displayname | radioservices | childcardid | dishnet_eit | recpriority |

| 1 | 1 | 2 | DVBInput | NULL | 0 | N | NULL | 108 | 0 | NULL | NULL | 11700000 | 10600000 | 9750000 | HD3000 Digital | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |

Only the 'displayname' field (in this case 'HD3000 Digital') is user supplied freeform text. The 'startchan' is also the last channel tuned on this card. If the card gets set to a channel it cannot actually tune, this field may have to be re-set in Mysql to a usable channel number.

(a/o CVS 204-05-16)