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The config-ui.xml file governs the layout and behavior of multiple screens in various parts of MythTV. As configuration screens are gradually converted to MythUI, this file will take on more and more importance. It consists of the following windows and named attributes:

Screen Wizard Windows

Window Name Type Description
iconimport Window The Icon Downloader screen in mythtv-setup.
channeloverview Window The Channel Editor screen in mythtv-setup.
osdmenueditor Window The On Screen Display Menu Editor.

The "iconimport" window

Widget Name Widget Type Description Required?
icons buttonlist A button list of potential icon choices for a given channel. Yes
manualsearch textedit A search field to perform a manual station lookup. Yes
name textarea The name of the channel being looked up. Yes
search button Button to activate manual search. Yes
skip button Button to skip current lookup. Yes
status textarea Status information on current lookup. Yes
preview imagetype Icon of the currently selected title in the returned button list. No
previewtitle textarea Title of the currently selected title in the returned button list. No

The "channeloverview" window

Widget Name Widget Type Description Required?
sorting buttonlist A button list of sort options for the channel list. Yes
source buttonlist A button list to limit the channel list to a given source. Yes
channels buttonlist The list of channels, as filtered by source or sort. Yes
delete button Delete the selected channel. Yes
scan button Activate channel scanner. Yes
importicons button Download icons for channels. Yes
edittransport button Edit transport information for selected channel. Yes
nochannum checkbox Toggle hiding/showing of channels without channel numbers. Yes
name textarea Display the name of the selected channel. No
channum textarea Display the number of the selected channel. No
chanid textarea Display the ID of the selected channel. No
callsign textarea Display the callsign of the selected channel. No
sourcename textarea Display the source of the selected channel. No
compoundname textarea Display the internally formatted name of the selected channel. No
preview imagetype Display the icon of the selected channel. No

The "osdmenueditor" window

Widget Name Widget Type Description Required?
states buttonlist A button list of video playback modes. Yes
categories buttonlist A button list to limit menu options in the given playback mode. Yes
done button Save Changes. Yes