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Line 290: Line 290:
foreach (@ARGV) {
foreach (@ARGV) {
   if ($_ eq "last_param") {
   if ($_ eq "last_param") {
       $_ = pop(@ARGV);
       $_ = pop;
Line 301: Line 301:
while (@ARGV) {
while (@ARGV) {
   if (defined($sub = $cmds{$ARGV[0]})) {
   if (defined($sub = $cmds{$ARGV[0]})) {
       shift @ARGV;
   } else {
   } else {
Line 309: Line 309:
       shift @ARGV;
sub usage {
sub usage {

Latest revision as of 16:55, 10 July 2010

Important.png Note: The correct title of this article is d10control. It appears incorrectly here due to technical restrictions.

Author Josh Wilmes
Description Channel-change script for DirecTV using a serial connection.

d10control.pl provides remote control of a DirecTV unit via the serial port

By Josh Wilmes (http://www.hitchhiker.org/dss)

Based on info from http://www.isd.net/mevenmo/audiovideo.html

Use the box_type "HD300" for LG LSS-3200A/Sony SAT-HD300/Hughes HTL-HD receivers.


Usage: ./d10control.pl command ...
  box_type RCA|D10-100|D10-200|HD300  - select set top box type
  delay number    - wait for number seconds. Floating point is valid
  key string      - send remote key string.  See source for supported keys
  last_param      - execute last parameter on command line at current location
  number{-number} - change to specified channel-subchannel
  off             - turn box off
  on              - turn box on
  port string     - select port to send commands on, currently /dev/ttyS0
  setup_channel number - send on, channel change command and OSD off command
  version         - display program version

  baudrate number      - select serial port baudrate, currently 9600
  channel_change_type key|command - select channel change method
  get_channel          - print current channel
  get_datetime         - print date and time
  get_signal           - print signal strength
  get_info             - print information (HD300 only)
  enable_remote        - enable remote control (HD300 only)
  disable_remote       - disable remote control (HD300 only)
  hide                 - hide text, will also prevent info button from working
  retries number       - set maximum number of retries on error
  set_system_datetime  - set PC clock from box.  ntp is more accurate
  text string          - display string on screen, "" to clear
  verbose|quiet        - select how much information printed

Mythtv command for normal RCA box: directv.pl setup_channel
Complex Mythtv command for D10-200 box doing same as setup_channel:
   directv.pl box_type D10-200 on last_param delay .2 key exit
Mythtv adds channel number at end of command

Script.png d10control.pl


# directv.pl:  Remote control of a DirecTV unit via the serial port
# By Josh Wilmes (http://www.hitchhiker.org/dss)
# Based on info from http://www.isd.net/mevenmo/audiovideo.html
# I take no responsibility for any damage this script might cause. Feel free
# to modify and redistribute this as you see fit, but please retain the
# comments above.

# See usage command or run without and parameters for how to use
# Documentation of box protocol and cables at 
# http://www.dtvcontrol.com/ and 
# http://www.knoppmythwiki.org/index.php?page=DtenSerialControlScript

# Modified by Dave Manaloto < dave@practicecode.com >
# - Put discrete code to turn on IRD
# - Try and clear OSD after changing channel
# - sync computer to IRD time "--sync-time" (Now set_system_datetime)

# Modified by John Gruenenfelder < johng@as.arizona.edu >
# - Use codes for newer RCA model receivers (same as Sony codes?)
#   Info from http://www.dar.net/~andy/tivo/rca_dss_serial.html
# - Use Perl's select function to pause 0.20 seconds rather than external
#   usleep call
# - Use 9600 baud rate instead of 115200
#  Originally posted to KnoppMythWiki by Bret Shroyer <bret  <at>  bretshroyer ,dot, org> Dec 16, 2004
# Modified by David Gesswein < djg@pdp8.net > June 11, 2005
# Added codes for Directv D10-200 receiver and D10-100 firmware 0x101B
# Added many commands and tried to make flexible enough that users won't
# have to edit this file
# Added retry on errors since the D10-200 is not reliable
# Modified by Stacey Son <mythdev <at> son ,dot, org> Sept 9, 2005
# Added codes for LG LSS-3200A/Sony SAT-HD300/Hughes HTL-HD receivers
# Added get_info, enable_remote, and disable_remote (HD300 only) commands
# Based on http://www.avsforum.com/avs-vb/showthread.php?p=3000174&&#post3000174 
# (Use a straight through serial cable like RadioShack 26-117B to connect) 

use POSIX qw(:termios_h);
use Time::HiRes qw(usleep ualarm gettimeofday tv_interval );

use FileHandle;

$version = "1.2";

# Verbose output, change with verbose and quiet command.

# Error Retries, change with retry command.

# Serial port settings.  Change to suit.  Baudrate probably doesn't need to be
# changed.  Set port with port command.
$baudrate = "9600";
$serport = "/dev/ttyS0";

# Box type, set with box_type command
$box_type = "RCA";

# Delay to wait after channel change before turning off OSD in setup_channel
# command.  Can use separate commands with delay command to control delay.
$clear_osd_delay = .2;

%pkt_decode=("0xF0" => "START PKT",
             "0xF1" => "ERR 1",
             "0xF2" => "GOT EXTENDED",
             "0xF4" => "END PKT",
             "0xF5" => "ERR 2",
             "0xFB" => "PROMPT");

# -1 is command had error, 1 is command completed ok
%terminal=("0xF1" => -1,
           "0xF4" => 1,
           "0xF5" => -1);

# Map commands to function to execute.
# last_param is handled in main routine.
#      "show" => \&show,  Doesn't seem to be in new command set
#      "scroll" => \&scroll,   
%cmds=("on" => \&on,
      "off" => \&off,
      "text" => \&text,
      "hide" => \&hide,
      "get_channel" => \&get_channel,
      "get_signal" => \&get_signal,
      "get_datetime" => \&get_datetime,
      "get_info" => \&get_info,
      "enable_remote" => \&enable_remote,
      "disable_remote" => \&disable_remote,
      "set_system_datetime" => \&set_system_datetime,
      "key" => \&key,
      "delay" => \&delay,
      "port" => \&port,
      "baudrate" => \&baudrate,
      "box_type" => \&box_type,
      "retries" => \&retries,
      "channel_change_type" => \&channel_change_type,
      "setup_channel" => \&setup_channel,
      "version" => \&version,
      "verbose" => \&set_verbose,
      "quiet" => \&clear_verbose

# Key to keycode map for most boxes
%keymap=(right => "0xa8",
          left => "0xa9",
            up => "0xa6",
          down => "0xa7",
      favorite => "0x9e",
        select => "0xc3",
         enter => "0xc3",  # Doesn't have separate enter?
          exit => "0xc5",
             9 => "0xc6",
             8 => "0xc7",
             7 => "0xc8",
             6 => "0xc9",
             5 => "0xca",
             4 => "0xcb",
             3 => "0xcc",
             2 => "0xcd",
             1 => "0xce",
             0 => "0xcf",         
         ch_up => "0xd2",
         ch_dn => "0xd3",
         power => "0xd5",
          jump => "0xd8",
         guide => "0xe5",
          menu => "0xf7");

# Key to keycode map for Directv D10-200 and D10-100 firmware 0x101B
%keymap_200 =
        (right => "0x9a",
          left => "0x9b",
            up => "0x9c",
          down => "0x9d",
        select => "0xc3",
         enter => "0xa0", 
          exit => "0xd4",
             9 => "0xe9",
             8 => "0xe8",
             7 => "0xe7",
             6 => "0xe6",
             5 => "0xe5",
             4 => "0xe4",
             3 => "0xe3",
             2 => "0xe2",
             1 => "0xe1",
             0 => "0xe0",         
          dash => "0xa5",         
           "-" => "0xa5",         
         ch_up => "0xd1",
         ch_dn => "0xd2",
         power => "0xd5",
          jump => "0xd6",   # Name from other set
          prev => "0xd6",   # Key label on -200
         guide => "0xd3",
          menu => "0xf7",
          info => "0xa1",
        active => "0xa2",
          list => "0xa3",
          back => "0xa4"
# Code B0 are accepted by box but I couldn't figure out what if
# anything they do.

# Key to keycode map for LG LSS-3200A/Sony SAT-HD300/Hughes HTL-HD 
%keymap_HD300 = (
# it seems that the HD300 has a limited keymap
         right => "0x9a",
          left => "0x9b",
            up => "0x9c",
          down => "0x9d",
        select => "0xc3",
         enter => "0xc3",  # enter/select/info 
          exit => "0xc5",  # power on
         power => "0xd5",  # power toggle
         guide => "0xe5",
          menu => "0xf7"
# Code 0xfa also brings up the menu

# From box name select correct key codes
%boxes=("RCA" => \%keymap,
        "D10-100" => \%keymap_200,
        "D10-200" => \%keymap_200,
        "HD300" => \%keymap_HD300

# From box name select extra bytes needed with key codes
%keymap_extra=("RCA" => ["0x00", "0x00"],
           "D10-100" => ["0x00", "0x01"],
           "D10-200" => ["0x00", "0x01"],
           "HD300"   => ["0x00", "0x00"]

# From box name select extra bytes needed after sending command
%cmd_extra=("RCA" => undef,
           "D10-100" => undef, 
           "D10-200" => "0x0d",
           "HD300" => undef

# From box name select if we should use the channel change command
# or send remote keys.  The D10-200 locks up randomly with the channel
# change command and the D10-100 firmware 0x101B won't select below 100.
%chan_change_key=("RCA" => 0,
                  "D10-100" => 1,
                  "D10-200" => 1,
                  "HD300" => 0
# Override from command line for above
my $chan_change_key_param;

my $serial;

# Replace argument last_param with last parameter on the command line.
# The last parameter is then removed.
foreach (@ARGV) {
   if ($_ eq "last_param") {
      $_ = pop;

unless (@ARGV) {

while (@ARGV) {
   if (defined($sub = $cmds{$ARGV[0]})) {
   } else {
      if ($ARGV[0] == 0) {
         die "\nCommand $ARGV[0] not found\n"


sub usage {
   print "Usage: $0 command ...\n";
   print "Commands:\n";
   print "  box_type RCA|D10-100|D10-200|HD300  - select set top box type\n";
   print "  delay number    - wait for number seconds. Floating point is valid \n";
   print "  key string      - send remote key string.  See source for supported keys\n";
   print "  last_param      - execute last parameter on command line at current location\n";
   print "  number{-number} - change to specified channel-subchannel\n";
   print "  off             - turn box off\n";
   print "  on              - turn box on\n";
   print "  port string     - select port to send commands on, currently $serport\n";
   print "  setup_channel number - send on, channel change command and OSD off command\n";
   print "  version         - display program version\n";
   print "\n";
   print "  baudrate number      - select serial port baudrate, currently $baudrate\n";
   print "  channel_change_type key|command - select channel change method\n";
   print "  get_channel          - print current channel\n";
   print "  get_datetime         - print date and time\n";
   print "  get_signal           - print signal strength\n";
   print "  get_info             - print information (HD300 only?)\n";
   print "  enable_remote        - enable remote control (HD300 only?)\n";
   print "  disable_remote       - disable remote control (HD300 only?)\n";
   print "  hide                 - hide text, will also prevent info button from working\n";
   print "  retries number       - set maximum number of retries on error\n";
   print "  set_system_datetime  - set PC clock from box.  ntp is more accurate\n";
   print "  text string          - display string on screen, \"\" to clear\n";
   print "  verbose|quiet        - select how much information printed\n";
   print "\n";
   print "Mythtv command for normal RCA box: directv.pl setup_channel\n";
   print "Complex Mythtv command for D10-200 box doing same as setup_channel:\n";
   print "   directv.pl box_type D10-200 on last_param delay .2 key exit\n";
   print "Mythtv adds channel number at end of command\n";

sub setup_channel {
   select(undef, undef, undef, $clear_osd_delay);
   if ($box_type eq "HD300") {
      # "exit" key doesn't seem clear the OSD on HD300
   } else {

sub version {
   print "Version $version\n"; 

sub retries {
   $retry_count = shift(@ARGV); 

sub channel_change_type {
   my $type = shift(@ARGV); 
   if ($type eq "key") {
      $chan_change_key_param = 1;
   } elsif ($type eq "command") {
      $chan_change_key_param = 0;
   } else {
      die "Unknown channel_change_type $type\n";

sub key {

sub send_key {
   my $map = $boxes{$box_type};
   my $key = $map->{shift};
   die "Unknown key $ARGV[0]\n" unless defined($key);
   simple_command("0xA5",@{$keymap_extra{$box_type}}, "0x$key");

sub box_type {
   my $tmp = uc(shift(@ARGV));
   die "Unknown box_type $tmp\n" unless defined($boxes{$tmp});
   $box_type = $tmp;

sub port {
   $serport = $ARGV[0];
   shift @ARGV;

sub baudrate {
   $baudrate = $ARGV[0];
   shift @ARGV;

sub delay {
   select(undef, undef, undef, $ARGV[0]);
   shift @ARGV;

sub set_verbose {
   $verbose = 1;

sub clear_verbose {
   $verbose = 0;

sub on {
  if ($box_type eq "HD300") {
     return command_response("0x82");
  } else {
     return simple_command("0x82");

sub off {
  if ($box_type eq "HD300") {
     return command_response("0x81");
  } else {
     return simple_command("0x81");

sub get_channel {
  my @in = dss_command(4, "0x87");
  if ($box_type eq "HD300") {
     return if @in != 5;
  } else {
     return if @in != 4;
  my $sub = $in[2] * 256 + $in[3];
  print "channel " , $in[0]*256+$in[1];
  print "-$sub" if $sub != 65535;
  print "\n";

sub get_signal {
  my @in = dss_command(1, "0x90");
  return if @in != 1;
  print "signal $in[0]\n";


sub get_datetime {
    my @in = dss_command(7, "0x91");
    if ($box_type eq "HD300") {
       return if @in != 9;
    } else {
       return if @in != 7;
    $strTime = "$in[1]/$in[2] $in[3]:$in[4]:$in[5]";
    print "Date $strTime\n"# if $verbose;

sub set_system_datetime {
    my @in = dss_command(7, "0x91");
    return if @in != 7;
    my $strTime = "$in[1]/$in[2] $in[3]:$in[4]:$in[5]";
    print "Setting system time to $strTime\n" if $verbose;
    $cmd = "echo date -s \"$strTime\"";

sub enable_remote {
  return command_response("0x93") if $box_type eq "HD300";

sub disable_remote {
  return command_response("0x94") if $box_type eq "HD300";

sub get_info {
    my @in = dss_command(46, "0x83");
    return if @in <= 40;

    # The HD300 info packet looks like the following:
    #   [ 0 -  3] Channel Number
    #   [ 4 - 15] Unknown
    #   [16 - 24] Date/Time
    #   [25 - 37] Unknown
    #   [   38  ] Signal Strength 
    #   [39 - 44] Unknown

    # channel number... (offset 0 Len 4)
    my $sub = $in[2] * 256 + $in[3];
    print "channel " , $in[0]*256+$in[1];
    print "-$sub" if $sub != 65535;
    print "\n";

    # Date/Time... (offset 16 Len 8)
    $strTime = "$in[16 + 1]/$in[16 + 2] $in[16 + 3]:$in[16 + 4]:$in[16 + 5]";
    print "Date $strTime\n";

    # Signal... (offset 38 len 1) 
    print "signal $in[38 + 0]\n";

sub text {
  my @tmp = unpack("H2" x length($ARGV[0]) ,$ARGV[0]);
  shift @ARGV;
  simple_command("0xaa", sprintf("%x",$#tmp+1), @tmp);

sub hide {
  if ($box_type eq "HD300") {
      # for some reason the "hide" command doesn't seem to work
      # the following is a hack that works
  } else {
     return simple_command("0x86");

sub simple_command {
    if (defined(dss_command(0, @_))) {
        return 1;
    } else {
        return undef;

sub command_response {
    my @rc = dss_command(1, @_);
    if (defined(@rc)) {
       return $rc[0] == 0;
    } else {
       return undef;

sub dss_command {
    my $reply_size = shift;
    my $command_code = shift;

    for (my $i = 0; $i < $retry_count; $i++) {
       my $rc;
       if ($box_type eq "HD300" && $reply_size == 0) {
          sendbytes("0xFA", $command_code);
          $rc = get_reply($reply_size);
          next unless defined($rc);
       } else {
          sendbytes("0xFA", $command_code, @_);
       $rc = get_reply($reply_size);
       if (defined($rc)) {
          return @$rc;
       # Clear any extra junk received on error
       #print STDERR "Retry " , scalar localtime(time()) , "\n";
    die "Error excessive retries\n";

# Send channel change command or remote key pushes to change channel
sub change_channel { 
   my $change_key;
   if (defined($chan_change_key_param)) {
      $change_key = $chan_change_key_param;
   } else {
      $change_key = $chan_change_key{$box_type};
   if ($change_key) {
      foreach $ch (split //,@_[0]) {
   } else {

       my ($channel,$sub)= split /-/,@_[0];
       my $s1,$s2,$n1,$n2;
       if (defined($sub)) {
       } else {
          $s1 = "0xff";
          $s2 = "0xff";

sub sendbytes {
    my (@send)=@_;
    my $fullstr = "";
    if (!$serial) {
    if (defined($cmd_extra{$box_type})) {
       push @send,$cmd_extra{$box_type};
    foreach (@send) { s/^0x//g; $_=hex; }
    print "SEND: " if ($verbose);
    foreach $num (@send) {
        $str = pack('C',$num);
        $fullstr = $fullstr . $str;
        printf("0x%X [%s] ", $num, $str) if $verbose;
    print "\n" if $verbose;

# Get reply back.  Reply should start with F0 then reply size bytes which
# are passed back without examination then look for error or ok status.
# Pass back any other bytes not part of status also.
sub get_reply() {
    my ($reply_size) = @_;
    #my $starttime=time;
    my $starttime=[gettimeofday];
    my $found_start = 0;
    my ($last,$ok,@ret);

    print "RECV: " if $verbose;

    while (1) {       
       my $rc=sysread($serial,$buf,1);
       if ($rc < 0) {
          print STDERR "Read Error ($rc)\n" if $verbose;
       if ($rc == 0) {
          if (tv_interval($starttime) > .8) {
          #if (time() - $starttime > 2) {
             print STDERR "Timeout Error\n" if $verbose;
       $str=sprintf("0x%2.2X", ord($buf));       

       if ((!$found_start || $reply_size <= 0) && $pkt_decode{$str}) {
           print $str if $verbose;
           print "[$pkt_decode{$str}] " if $verbose;
       } else {
           local $_=$str; s/^0x//g; $_=hex;  
           printf("$str(%3.3s) ",$_) if $verbose;
           push (@ret,$_); 

       if ($box_type eq "HD300" && $reply_size == 0) {
          # HD300 does a simple ack (F0 only) to say it's ready for more 
          $ok=1 if $str eq "0xF0"; 
          last if $str eq "0xF0";
       if ($found_start && $reply_size-- <= 0) {
          $ok=1 if $terminal{$str} > 0;
          last if $terminal{$str};
          last if $last eq "0xFB" && $str eq "0xFB";
       $found_start = 1 if $str eq "0xF0";
       $found_start = 1 if $str eq "0xF2" && $box_type eq "HD300";
   print "\n\n" if $verbose;

   return \@ret if $ok;
   return undef;

sub init_serial {
    my $serial=new FileHandle("+>$port") or die "Could not open $port: $!\n";
    my $termios = POSIX::Termios->new;
    $termios->getattr($serial->fileno) or die "getattr: $!\n";
    my $cflag= 0 | CS8 | HUPCL | CREAD | CLOCAL;
    my $lflag= 0;
    my $iflag= 0 | IGNBRK | IGNPAR;
    my $oflag= 0;
    $termios->setattr($serial->fileno,TCSANOW) or die "setattr: $!\n";
    $termios->setospeed(eval("POSIX::B$baud")) or die "setospeed: $!\n";
    $termios->setispeed(eval("POSIX::B$baud")) or die "setispeed: $!\n";
    die $@ if $@;
    $termios->setattr($serial->fileno,TCSANOW) or die "setattr: $!\n";

    # Make reads wait up to 200ms for a character
    $termios->getattr($serial->fileno) or die "getattr: $!\n";        
    $termios->setattr($serial->fileno,TCSANOW) or die "setattr: $!\n";
    return $serial;

Script.png Makefile

TARGET = d10control.pl
PREFIX = /usr/local


	install -m 0755 $(TARGET) ${BINPATH}

	rm -f ${BINPATH}/$(TARGET)