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Important.png Note: The correct title of this article is It appears incorrectly here due to technical restrictions.

Author robertm
Description will attempt to find connected firewire video devices known to MythTV and run the firewire_tester script to "prime" them for better chances of good recordings.
Supports will attempt to find connected firewire video devices known to MythTV and run the firewire_tester script to "prime" them for better chances of good recordings. It will not prime devices that are currently recording. It can be run in a cron job.


#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# This script will attempt to find connected firewire video devices known to
# MythTV and run the firewire_tester script to "prime" them for better
# chances of good recordings.  It will not prime devices that are currently
# recording.
# Take it as is, no warranty provided.  I take no responsibility for damaged
# hardware, failed marriages due to MythTV not recording your wife's favorite
# show, etc.
# @url       $URL: $
# @date      $Date: 2009-10-22 12:46:34 -0400 (Thu, 22 Oct 2009) $
# @version   $Revision: 22568 $
# @author    $Author: robertm $
# @license   GPL
# @copyright MythTV
# Modified: 2009-10-16
# Modification Author: John Baab (
# Modification Description: Added command line args so this will be easier to support in Mythbuntu


# Config

    my $plugreport      = '/usr/bin/plugreport';
    my $firewire_tester = '/usr/local/bin/firewire_tester';
    my $retry = 0;
    my $connection = "";
    my $fw_tester_options = "-B";
    my $usage = "\nHow to use\n"
    ."--connection -c = Type of connection, available options: broadcast, p2p, broadcast-fix.  (default: broadcast-fix)\n"
    ."--retry -r = Retry attempts, any integer.  (default: 1)\n"
    ."--help -h = Displays Help.\n"
    ."\nExamples:\ --connection=broadcast --retry=5"
    ."\ -c=broadcast -r=5"
    ."\ -cbroadcast -r5\n\n";


# Some helpful libraries
    use MythTV;
    use Sys::Hostname;
# Get our command line args
    foreach (@ARGV){
        if ($_ =~ m/\-\-retry=(\d+)/ || $_ =~ m/\-r=?(\d+)/) {
            $retry = $1;
        elsif ($_ =~ m/\-\-connection=(\w+)/ || $_ =~ m/\-c=?(\w+)/) {
            $connection = $1;
            die "$usage";
# Figure out what to do with the args   
    if($connection =~ m/^broadcast$/){
        $fw_tester_options = "-b";
    elsif($connection =~ m/^p2p$/){
        $fw_tester_options = "-p";
        if($connection !~ m/^broadcast\-fix$/  && $connection ne ""){
            die "$usage";
    if($retry > 0){
        $fw_tester_options .= " -r $retry";

# Plugreport, etc needs to run as root.
    BEGIN {
        unless ($< < 1) {
            print "This script must be run as root because it calls plugreport, requires root privs.\n";
            exit 1;

# Find all of the firewire devices plugged into this machine
    my $host;
    my %guid_list;

    open PLUG, "$plugreport 2>/dev/null |" or die "Can't run $plugreport\n";
    while (<PLUG>) {
        if (/Host\s+Adapter\s+(\d+)/i) {
            $host = $1;
        elsif (/Node\s+(\d+)\s+GUID\s+0x(\w+)\b/) {
            $guid_list{lc($2)}{node} = $1;
            $guid_list{lc($2)}{host} = $host;
        #else {
        #    print "-> $_";
    close PLUG;

# Connect to MythTV and run through all of the firewire cards for this host.
    my $m = new MythTV();

    my $sh = $m->{'dbh'}->prepare('SELECT cardid, LOWER(videodevice) FROM capturecard WHERE hostname = ?');
    while (my ($cardid, $guid) = $sh->fetchrow_array) {
        print "GUID:  $guid (cardid:  $cardid)\n";
        unless ($guid_list{$guid}) {
            print "    not visible in plugreport\n";
        my $is_recording = $m->backend_command(sprintf('QUERY_RECORDER %s[]:[]IS_RECORDING', $cardid));
        if ($is_recording) {
            print "    currently recording\n";
        my $overload;
        for (;;) {
            my $results = `$firewire_tester $fw_tester_options -P $guid_list{$guid}{host} -n $guid_list{$guid}{node}`;
            my $num =()= $results =~ /Success,\s+\d+\s+packets/g;
            if ($num >= 5) {
                print "    success.\n";
            elsif ($overload >= 10) {
                print "    too many failed attempts to stabilize.\n";
