Handbrake userjob

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List-add.png Todo: Script needs to be updated to use Perl bindings for database credentials.

This script is intended to be used as MythTV user job.

myth_make_x264.pl works similar to Mythbrake.


You will get a x264 encoded file in a matroska (.mkv) container.

  • uses projectx / avonv (for HD recordings) to cut out commercials / utilizes recording's cut list
  • pulls data for title, subtitle, season and episode from the mythtv database
  • resulting filename scheme: TITLE - SxxExx - SUBTITLE.mkv (leaves out season / episode / subtitle info if there is none in MythTV's database, leaves out subtitle aswell if it's equal to the title)
  • will add one audio track for every language provided in recording to the resulting .mkv
  • selects preferred audio language as default language
  • the audio track with most channels is preferred over other tracks for the same language: e.g. 6ch (5.1) > 2ch (stereo)
  • ignores audio languages, if desired
  • waits for other encodings to end which were started by this script (configurable)
  • will start mythtranscode, HandBrakeCLI and mkvmerge with user defined system priority (nice)
  • if run by root, it allows you to set user:group of the encoded file

Update 2013-08-26

The script has gone under heavy changes which were done as a "fast" solution for some problems which came up with mythtranscode as cutting tool. So the script is now always choosing projectx for cutting SD material and avconv for HD material (which by the way now is supported by the script :)) Cutting HD recordings will not be precise if you have to cut a lot out of the middle of the recording. Chopping off content from the beginning and ending of a recording works pretty well. I borrowed some code for this from another script on the wiki (lossless transcode + subtitles) and altered some values. The script isn't as clean as it was beforehand, but should do its work :)


  • mythutil - ships with mythtv (gentoo package media-video/mythtv)
  • HandBrakeCLI - (gentoo package media-video/handbrake)
  • mkvmerge - (gentoo package media-video/mkvtoolnix)
  • projectx_cli - (gentoo package media-video/projectx)
  • mediainfo - (gentoo package media-video/mediainfo)
  • avconv - (gentoo package media-video/avcodec)
  • mplex - (gentoo package media-video/mjpegtools)
  • Required perl packages
    • DBI
    • File
    • Getopt


If you use different encoding qualities for different kind of recordings (like I do), you may start this script with the --quality option.

For example, I defined two user jobs

# -> x264 (LQ)
/root/bin/myth_make_x264.pl --chanid=%CHANID% --starttime=%STARTTIME% --directory=%DIR% --file=%FILE% --quality=22

# -> x264 (HQ)
/root/bin/myth_make_x264.pl --chanid=%CHANID% --starttime=%STARTTIME% --directory=%DIR% --file=%FILE% --quality=19

Take a look at the Handbrake documentation for more info on the quality setting of handbrake.


Take a close look at the "Config" section of the script and fit it to your needs / requirements.

I tried to document everything in detail in the comments.

General Syntax

myth_make_x264.pl --chanid=[int value] --starttime=[int value] --directory=[string value] --file=[string value] --quality=[int value] --verbose

        --chanid        MythTV CHANID [REQUIRED]
        --starttime     MythTV STARTTIME [REQUIRED]
        --directory     MythTV storage directory [REQUIRED]
        --file          MythTV filename of recording [REQUIRED]
        --quality       Constant Quality factor [51..0] used by handbrake
                        Look up 'https://trac.handbrake.fr/wiki/ConstantQuality'
                        for more information
                        [OPTIONAL] defaults to $videoQualityDefault
        --threads       Number of threads x264 will utilize for encoding
                        Look up 'http://mewiki.project357.com/wiki/X264_Settings#threads'
                        for more information
                        [OPTIONAL] integer / floating point number, defaults to 'auto'
        --noCrop        Disable auto image cropping by handbrake
                        [OPTIONAL] toggle
        --verbose       Write output of mythtranscode, handbrake and mkvmerge to logfile
                        [OPTIONAL] toggle

        For installation as mythtv user job, it may be called like this:
        ../myth_make_x264.pl --chanid=%CHANID% --starttime=%STARTTIME% --directory=%DIR% --file=%FILE% --threads=1

Changing ownership of target file

The init script for your distribution will usually start mythbackend as non-privileged user (eg. mythtv). I run mythbackend as root, which allows this user job to set ownership of the final encoded file to another user.

If you wish to skip changing ownership after encoding, just empty the variable $fileOwner like this:

my $fileOwner = "";

If you dislike running mythbackend as root but would like to use this feature, you might want to setup sudo for your mythtv user and allow him to chown files in your target directory.

sudo mini-howto

Execute visudo command (you will have to be root to do this):

# visudo

Your sudoers file will show up in your preferred editor. Just add a line for your mythtv user which allows him to change ownership of files in your target directory without password.

mythtv ALL=NOPASSWD: /bin/chown *\:* /data/movies/x264/[^..]*

Save and quit your editor.


Copy and paste the script to a desired location.


###                                                                                                ###
### User Job for MythTV                                                                            ###
### Mythtranscode + cutlist + encode to x264 with handbrake (mkv)                                  ###
###                                                                                                ###
### Start this script with these parameters                                                        ###
###                                                                                                ###
### ../myth_make_x264.pl --chanid=%CHANID% --starttime=%STARTTIME% --directory=%DIR% --file=%FILE% ###
###                                                                                                ###

use utf8;
use strict;
use warnings;

use DBI;
use File::Spec;
use Getopt::Long;
use File::Basename;
use Date::Calc qw(Add_Delta_DHMS Day_of_Week);
use Data::Dumper;

our (@startArguments, $chanId, $startTime, $fileDir, $fileName, $quality, $verbose, $noCrop, $threads);

@startArguments = @ARGV;

## Startparams
GetOptions( "chanid=i"      => \$chanId,
            "starttime=s"   => \$startTime,
            "directory=s"   => \$fileDir,
            "file=s"        => \$fileName,
            "quality:i"     => \$quality,
            "verbose"       => \$verbose,
            "noCrop"        => \$noCrop,
            "threads:s"     => \$threads

##############################################  Config  ############################################

## mythtv database connection
use constant MYTHHOST       => "localhost";
use constant MYTHDB         => "mythconverg";
use constant MYTHUSER       => "mythtv";
use constant MYTHPASS       => "mythtv";

## owner of file after successful run
## works only if mythtv user has sufficient permissions to do this
## set a valid value /bin/chown would accept, eg. "reznor:users"
## setting ownership after encoding will be skipped if this variable is empty
my $fileOwner       = "";

## directory to store temp files in
## if it does not exist it will be created
my $tempDir         = "/mnt/mythtv/store3/nuvexport";

## target directory to store encoded files in
my $targetDir       = "/data/movies/x264";

## Video

## Video constant quality encoding option
## Check handbrake manual for valid values
my $videoQualityDefault = 20;

# have to add 1 second to keyframe times
# for HD-PVR recordings, because ffmpeg
# makes up PTS values in that context,
# and they start at 1 second, rather
# than at zero!  To be safe, we insert
# two keyframes, one for PTS offset 0,
# and another for offset 1.
my $pts_time_offset = 1.00;

## Audio

## preferred audio language
## comma separated list
## check the list at
## http://www.loc.gov/standards/iso639-2/php/code_list.php
## for the correct iso639-1 codes
my $prefLang        = 'de,en';

## audio languages you wish to skip
## comma separated list
## mis = miscellaneous language
my $skipLang        = 'mul,mis,fr';

## The following filetypes are mapped to integer values
## 1 => ac3
## 2 => mp2
## 3 => any other filetypes

## Preferred way of handbrake treating audio tracks by codec.
## Here the usual used codecs for dvb are listed as keys
## and the values represent the corresponding way how
## handbrake shall treat them.
## Since I don't know what I would choose if I had HD-tuners,
## I don't assume any values ... this is up to you :)
our $audioCodecMap = {  1 => 'copy', # ac3 streams will be copied as they are
                        2 => 'lame', # mp2 streams will be converted to mp3
                        3 => 'lame'  # unknown filetypes are going to be converted to mp3

## Encoding priority
my $niceValue       = 15;

## Maximum allowed parallel executions of this script
my $maxExec         = 2;

## If $maxExec would exceed the allowed value, the amount of seconds to wait
## for other encoding processes to finish which were startet by this script
my $sleepInterval   = 200;

## Maximum allowed time to sleep in seconds before aborting when waiting for other
## encodings started by this script
## If set to 0, it will wait forever
my $maxSleepTime    = 0;

## If set to 1, daylight savings time is considered
my $DST = 1;

##############################################  Start  #############################################

## Check DB connection

## Verify Starttime
my ($fileChanId, $fileStartTime) = split /_/, $fileName;

## Replace file extension
$fileStartTime =~ s/\....//;

$startTime = $fileStartTime if ($startTime != $fileStartTime);

## if recording filename start time is different from starttime of command line parameters' start time
## we have a recording pre 0.26 and time is in UTC .. so we choose to use file starttime
my $startYear    = $startTime;
$startYear       =~ s/^(....).*/$1/;

my $startMonth   = $startTime;
$startMonth      =~ s/^....(..).*/$1/;

my $startDay     = $startTime;
$startDay        =~ s/^......(..).*/$1/;

my $startHours   = $startTime;
$startHours      =~ s/^........(..).*/$1/;

my $startMinutes = $startTime;
$startMinutes    =~ s/^..........(..).*/$1/;

my $startSeconds = $startTime;
$startSeconds    =~ s/^............(..)$/$1/;

my $startWeekday = Day_of_Week($startYear, $startMonth, $startDay);

my $timeShift   = (checkDaylightSavingsTime($startDay, $startMonth, $startWeekday)) ? 1 : -1;
$timeShift      = ($DST == 1) ? $timeShift : 0;

my ($year, $month, $day, $hh, $mm, $ss) = Add_Delta_DHMS(
    $startYear, $startMonth,    $startDay,  $startHours,    $startMinutes,  $startSeconds,
                                0,          $timeShift,             0,              0);

our $utcStartTime = sprintf ( "%04d%02d%02d%02d%02d%02d", $year, $month, $day, $hh, $mm, $ss );

## Logfile
our $logFile = $tempDir . "/" . $chanId . "_" . $startTime . ".log";

## Cut list file
our $cutListFile = $tempDir . "/" . $chanId . "_" . $startTime . "/" . $chanId . "_" . $startTime . ".cut";

## If called interactively, log to STDOUT and logfile
our $hasTty = -t STDIN && -t STDOUT;

## Switch off output buffering
$| = 1;

## Open logfile
open (LOG, ">> $logFile");

my $ncr = '';
my $ver = '';
my $thr;

if (!$threads || $threads eq '')
    $threads = 'auto';
    $thr = '--threads=' . $thr;

$ncr = '--noCrop' if ($noCrop);
$ver = '--verbose' if ($verbose);

## Echo start of script
toLog("Start encoding $fileName", "INFO");
toLog("Script started with " . join(' ', @startArguments), "INFO");;

## What is my name?
my $scriptName = basename($0);

## Check command line options
checkOptions($chanId, $startTime, $fileDir, $fileName, $quality, $verbose, $scriptName, $videoQualityDefault);

## Directory where all the work is donw
my $workDir = $tempDir . "/" . $chanId . "_" . $startTime;

## Return code
my $rc = 0;

## Output of command line tools
my $output;

## Required programs for this script
my $requiredPrograms = {    "mythtranscode"     => "media-video/mythtv",
                            "mythutil"          => "media-video/mythtv",
                            "HandBrakeCLI"      => "media-video/handbrake",
                            "mkvmerge"          => "media-video/mkvtoolnix",
                            "mediainfo"         => "media-video/mediainfo",
                            "avconv"            => "media-video/avcodec"

## If projectx is going to be used ... add requirements
$requiredPrograms->{'projectx_cli'} = 'media-video/projectx';
$requiredPrograms->{'mplex'} = 'media-video/mjpegtools';

## Check for required programs and replace package names by absolute path to program
toLog("Checking requirements", "INFO");

## Check if maximum value of simultaneous encodings will exceed
toLog("Check if other instances are running", "INFO");
checkRunning($scriptName, $workDir, $maxExec, $sleepInterval, $maxSleepTime);

## Create working directory
toLog("Creating working directory '" . $workDir . "'", "INFO");
if (! -d $workDir)
    system("mkdir -p $workDir");
    abnormalExit("Could not create " . $workDir . " : " . $!) if ($? != 0);

## Gather information about recording's title, subtitle, season and episode data
toLog("Gather information about recording's title, subtitle, season and episode", "INFO");
my $recordingInfo = getRecordingInfo($fileDir, $fileName);

## Gather info about recording's tracks
toLog("Gather information about recording's tracks", "INFO");
my $mediaInfo = getMediaInfo($fileDir, $fileName);

my $cutData;

if ( $mediaInfo->{'Codec'} eq 'AVC' )
    ## Get avconv cutlist information
    $cutData = getCutList($chanId, $startTime, $mediaInfo, $pts_time_offset);

## Start processing
my $cmd;

if ( $mediaInfo->{'Codec'} ne 'AVC' )
    ## Generate cutlist from mythtv cutpoints for projectx
    toLog("Generating cutlist for projectx", "INFO");

    if (! writeCutList($chanId, $startTime) )
        abnormalExit("Generating cutlist failed.");

    # Write X.ini file for projectx to select teletext subtitles
    # Commented out due to the fact that it's quite impossible to choose the right teletext page
    # since pages are different across channels
    # toLog("Writing X.ini file for projectx", "INFO");

    # if (! writeXini() )
    # {
    #   abnormalExit("Writing X.ini file failed.");
    # }
    #my $cmd = 'nice -n ' . $niceValue . ' ' . $$requiredPrograms{'projectx_cli'} . ' -ini ' . $projectxIniFile . ' -id ' . $mediaInfo->{'video'} . ',104,' . $audioIds

    my $audioIds = join (',', keys %{$mediaInfo->{'audio'}});

    ## Start projectx which will cut out the commercials
    toLog("Starting projectx", "INFO");
    $cmd = 'nice -n ' . $niceValue . ' ' . $$requiredPrograms{'projectx_cli'} . ' -id ' . $mediaInfo->{'video'} . ',' . $audioIds
            . ' -out ' . $workDir . ' -cut ' . $cutListFile . ' -demux ' . $fileDir . '/' . $fileName . ' 2>&1';
    toLog("Executing: $cmd", "INFO") if ($verbose);

    $output = `$cmd`;
    toLog($output) if ($verbose);
    abnormalExit("projectx exited with errors, run " . $scriptName . " --verbose and check logfile " . $logFile . " for errors.") if ($? != 0);

    toLog("projectx finished", "INFO");

## Get audio channel numbers, codecs and bitrates
my (@channelLanguages, @channelNumbers, @channelCodecs, @channelBitrates, @channelFilenames, $videoFilename, @channelTrackPos, @channelAvconvTrackPos);
my $channelCounter = 0;

toLog(Dumper($mediaInfo->{'audio'}), "VERB") if ($verbose);

foreach (sort {$mediaInfo->{'audio'}{$a}->{'streamPriority'} <=> $mediaInfo->{'audio'}{$b}->{'streamPriority'}} keys %{$mediaInfo->{'audio'}})
    # print $mediaInfo->{'audio'}{$_}{'streamPriority'} . "\n";
    push(@channelLanguages, $mediaInfo->{'audio'}{$_}->{'language'});
    push(@channelNumbers, $mediaInfo->{'audio'}{$_}->{'channels'});
    push(@channelCodecs, $mediaInfo->{'audio'}{$_}->{'streamType'});
    push(@channelBitrates, $mediaInfo->{'audio'}{$_}->{'bitrate'});
    push(@channelAvconvTrackPos, '-codec:a:0:' . $mediaInfo->{'audio'}{$_}->{'trackPos'} . ' copy');
    push(@channelTrackPos, $mediaInfo->{'audio'}{$_}->{'trackPos'});

    if ($channelCounter > 0 && $mediaInfo->{'Codec'} ne 'AVC')
        if (-e $workDir . '/' . sprintf("%s-%02d", $chanId . '_' . $startTime, $channelCounter) . '.' . $mediaInfo->{'audio'}{$_}->{'streamType'})
            push(@channelFilenames, $workDir . '/' . sprintf("%s-%02d", $chanId . '_' . $startTime, $channelCounter) . '.' . $mediaInfo->{'audio'}{$_}->{'streamType'});
        elsif (-e $workDir . '/' . sprintf("%s-%02d", $chanId . '_' . $utcStartTime, $channelCounter) . '.' . $mediaInfo->{'audio'}{$_}->{'streamType'})
            push(@channelFilenames, $workDir . '/' . sprintf("%s-%02d", $chanId . '_' . $utcStartTime, $channelCounter) . '.' . $mediaInfo->{'audio'}{$_}->{'streamType'});
        if (-e $workDir . '/' . $chanId . '_' . $startTime . '.' . $mediaInfo->{'audio'}{$_}->{'streamType'})
            push(@channelFilenames, $workDir . '/' . $chanId . '_' . $startTime . '.' . $mediaInfo->{'audio'}{$_}->{'streamType'});
        elsif (-e $workDir . '/' . $chanId . '_' . $utcStartTime . '.' . $mediaInfo->{'audio'}{$_}->{'streamType'})
            push(@channelFilenames, $workDir . '/' . $chanId . '_' . $utcStartTime . '.' . $mediaInfo->{'audio'}{$_}->{'streamType'});

my $audioLanguages      = join (',', @channelLanguages);
my $audioNumbers        = join (',', @channelNumbers);
my $audioCodecs         = join (',', @channelCodecs);
my $audioBitrates       = join (',', @channelBitrates);
my $audioFilenames      = join (' ', @channelFilenames);
my $avconvAudioTracks   = join (' ', @channelAvconvTrackPos);
my $audioTracks         = join (',', 1 .. ($#channelAvconvTrackPos + 1));

toLog("audio tracks: " . $avconvAudioTracks . "\n", "VERB") if ($verbose);

if ( $mediaInfo->{'Codec'} ne 'AVC' )
    if (-e $workDir . '/' . $chanId . '_' . $startTime . '.m2v')
        $videoFilename  = $workDir . '/' . $chanId . '_' . $startTime;
    elsif (-e $workDir . '/' . $chanId . '_' . $utcStartTime . '.m2v')
        $videoFilename  = $workDir . '/' . $chanId . '_' . $utcStartTime;
        abnormalExit("Could not identify video track of the recording after demultiplexing.\nNeither \n" . $workDir . "/" . $chanId . "_" . $startTime . ".m2v\nnor\n" . $workDir . "/" . $chanId . "_" . $utcStartTime . ".m2v did match...");

    ## Start mplex to multiplex streams after cutting
    toLog("Starting mplex", "INFO");
    $cmd = 'nice -n ' . $niceValue  . ' ' . $$requiredPrograms{'mplex'} . ' --format 3 --vbr -o ' . $workDir . '/' . $fileName . '.0.ts'
            . ' ' . $videoFilename . '.m2v ' . $audioFilenames . ' 2>&1';
    toLog("Executing: $cmd", "INFO") if ($verbose);

    $output = `$cmd`;
    toLog($output) if ($verbose);
    abnormalExit("mplex exited with errors, run " . $scriptName . " --verbose and check logfile " . $logFile . " for errors.") if ($? != 0);

    toLog("mplex finished", "INFO");

my @parts;
my $part = 0;

if ( $mediaInfo->{'Codec'} eq 'AVC' )
    ## Now that we have all information we need, let's get to honor the cut list ... and write parts with avconv
    toLog("Starting avconv cutting out video/audio honoring the cut list", "INFO");

    if (scalar $$cutData{'cutLists'} != 0)
        foreach ($$cutData{'cutLists'})
            foreach my $cutList (@{$_})
                my $start       = $$cutList{'start'};
                my $duration    = $$cutList{'duration'};
                my $keyFrames   = $$cutData{'keyFrames'};

                $cmd = 'nice -n ' . $niceValue . ' ' . $$requiredPrograms{'avconv'}
                        . ' -i ' . $fileDir . '/' . $fileName
                        . ' -force_key_frames ' . $keyFrames
                        . ' -ss ' . $start
                        . ' -codec copy -t ' . $duration . ' -y'
                        . ' -codec:v:0:1 copy -sn ' . $avconvAudioTracks . ' -f mpegts'
                        . ' ' . $workDir . '/' . $fileName . '.' . $part . '.ts 2>&1';
                toLog("Executing: $cmd", "VERB") if ($verbose);

                $output = `$cmd`;
                toLog($output, 'VERB') if ($verbose);
                abnormalExit("avconv exited with errors, run " . $scriptName . " --verbose and check logfile " . $logFile . " for errors.") if ($? != 0);
                push(@parts, $workDir . '/' . $fileName . '.' . $part . '.ts');

    } else {

        $cmd = 'nice -n ' . $niceValue . ' ' . $$requiredPrograms{'avconv'} . ' -i ' . $fileDir . '/' . $fileName
                . ' -codec:v:0:1 copy -sn ' . $avconvAudioTracks . ' -f mpegts'
                . ' -y'
                . ' ' . $workDir . '/' . $fileName . '.' . $part . '.ts 2>&1';
        toLog("Executing: $cmd", "VERB") if ($verbose);

        $output = `$cmd`;
        toLog($output, 'VERB') if ($verbose);
        abnormalExit("avconv exited with errors, run " . $scriptName . " --verbose and check logfile " . $logFile . " for errors.") if ($? != 0);
        push(@parts, $workDir . '/' . $fileName . '.' . $part . '.ts');

if ($#parts > 0)
    if ( $mediaInfo->{'Codec'} eq 'AVC' )
        toLog("Concatenating all AVC parts", "INFO");

        $cmd = 'nice -n ' . $niceValue . ' ' . $$requiredPrograms{'avconv'} . ' -i "concat:' . join ('|', @parts) . '" -c copy ' . $workDir . '/' . $fileName . '.ts 2>&1';
        toLog("Executing: $cmd", "VERB") if ($verbose);

        $output = `$cmd`;
        toLog($output, 'VERB') if ($verbose);
        abnormalExit("AVC concatenation exited with errors, run " . $scriptName . " --verbose and check logfile " . $logFile . " for errors.") if ($? != 0);

    }# else {

#       toLog("Concatenating all MPG parts", "INFO");
#       $cmd = 'cat ' . join (' ', @parts) . ' > ' . $workDir . '/' . $fileName . '.ts 2>&1';
#       toLog("Executing: $cmd", "VERB") if ($verbose);
#       $output = `$cmd`;
#       toLog($output, 'VERB') if ($verbose);
#       abnormalExit("MPG concatenation exited with errors, run " . $scriptName . " --verbose and check logfile " . $logFile . " for errors.") if ($? != 0);
#   }
    $cmd = 'mv ' . $workDir . '/' . $fileName . '.0.ts ' . $workDir . '/' . $fileName . '.ts 2>&1';
    toLog("Executing: $cmd", "VERB") if ($verbose);

    $output = `$cmd`;
    toLog($output, 'VERB') if ($verbose);
    abnormalExit("renaming part 0 file exited with errors, run " . $scriptName . " --verbose and check logfile " . $logFile . " for errors.") if ($? != 0);

my $videoQuality = ($quality) ? $quality : $videoQualityDefault;

## Now that we have all information we need, let's get to encode it with handbrake
toLog("Starting handbrake", "INFO");
$cmd = 'nice -n ' . $niceValue . ' ' . $$requiredPrograms{'HandBrakeCLI'} . ' -i ' . $workDir . '/' . $fileName . '.ts'
        . ' -o ' . $workDir . '/' . $fileName . '.handbrake.mkv -a ' . $audioTracks . ' -E ' . $audioCodecs . ' -B ' . $audioBitrates
        . ' -A ' . $audioLanguages . ' -f mkv -e x264 -q ' . $videoQuality . ' -x ref=2:bframes=2:subme=6:mixed-refs=0:weightb=0:8x8dct=0:trellis=0:threads=' . $threads . ' -2 -T -d slower -s scan -F';
$cmd    .= ' --crop 0:0:0:0' if ($noCrop);
$cmd    .= ' -N ' . $prefLang . ' --native-dub 2>&1';
toLog("Executing: $cmd", "VERB") if ($verbose);

$output = `$cmd`;
toLog($output, 'VERB') if ($verbose);
abnormalExit("handbrake exited with errors, run " . $scriptName . " --verbose and check logfile " . $logFile . " for errors.") if ($? != 0);

toLog("handbrake finished", "INFO");

## Create a clean filename
my $title = $$recordingInfo{'title'};
$title =~ s#[<>\*\?\|:\"\\/]##g;

my $subtitle = $$recordingInfo{'subtitle'};
$subtitle =~ s#[<>\*\?\|:\"\\/]##g;
my $metaSubtitle = $subtitle;
$subtitle = ($title =~ m/^$metaSubtitle$/ || $subtitle eq '') ? '' : ' - ' . $subtitle;

my $episode;
$episode = ($$recordingInfo{'season'} != 0 && $$recordingInfo{'season'} ne ''
            && $$recordingInfo{'episode'} != 0 && $$recordingInfo{'episode'} ne '') ?
            sprintf(" - S%02dE%02d", $$recordingInfo{'season'}, $$recordingInfo{'episode'}) : '';

my $completeTitle   = $title . $episode . $subtitle;
my $metaTitle       = ($subtitle ne '') ? $metaSubtitle : $title;

## Create audio language names by muxed audio tracks
## Audio TrackId will start at 2 (1 is video track)
my $mkvmergeAudio;
my $mkvmergeAudioTrackId = 1;
foreach (@channelLanguages)
    $mkvmergeAudio .= " --language " . $mkvmergeAudioTrackId . ":" . $_;

## Check if target file already exists
## If so, append a timestamp to the target filename
if (-e $targetDir . "/" . $completeTitle . ".mkv")
    (my $sec, my $min, my $hour, my $day, my $month, my $year) = (localtime)[0,1,2,3,4,5];
    my $timeStamp = sprintf("%04d%02d%02d%02d%02d%02d", $year+1900, $month+1, $day, $hour, $min, $sec);
    $completeTitle = $completeTitle . "_" . $timeStamp;

## Put all information we gathered into the .mkv file/name
## And let mkvmerge write the finished file to the target directory
toLog("Starting mkvmerge", "INFO");

$cmd = 'nice -n ' . $niceValue . ' ' . $$requiredPrograms{'mkvmerge'} . ' -o ' . $targetDir . '/' . '"' . $completeTitle . '.mkv"'
        . ' --title "' . $metaTitle . '" ' . $mkvmergeAudio . ' --default-track 1:yes'
        . ' ' . $workDir . '/' . $fileName . '.handbrake.mkv 2>&1';
toLog("Executing: $cmd", "VERB") if ($verbose);

$output = `$cmd`;
toLog($output, 'VERB') if ($verbose);
abnormalExit("mkvmerge exited with errors, run " . $scriptName . " --verbose and check logfile " . $logFile . " for errors.") if ($? != 0);

toLog("mkvmerge finished", "INFO");

toLog("Cleaning up temporary files", "INFO");
cleanup($workDir, $fileOwner, $targetDir . "/" . $completeTitle . ".mkv");

toLog("Finished encoding to file '$completeTitle.mkv' ($fileName)", "INFO");

exit 0;

##############################################  Functions ##########################################

sub toLog
    my ($message, $type) = @_;

    $type = 'INFO' if ( ! $type );

    my ($sec, $min, $hour, $day, $month, $year) = (localtime)[0,1,2,3,4,5];

    my $timeStamp = sprintf("%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d", $year+1900, $month+1, $day, $hour, $min, $sec);

    my $formattedMessage = sprintf("%s %-5s %s\n", $timeStamp, $type, $message);

    print $formattedMessage if ($hasTty);

    print LOG $formattedMessage;

sub abnormalExit
    my $message = $_[0];

    toLog($message, 'FATAL');

    exit 1;

sub requirements
    my $requiredPrograms = $_[0];
    my $wrc = 0;

    foreach my $program (keys %$requiredPrograms)
        my $absolutePath = `which $program`;

        if ($? != 0)
            toLog("Required program " . $program . " (" . $$requiredPrograms{$program} . ") not found.", "FATAL");
            $wrc = 1;
        } else {
            @$requiredPrograms{$program} = $absolutePath;

sub checkRunning
    my ($scriptName, $workDir, $maxExec, $sleepInterval, $maxSleepTime) = @_;
    my @pids = ();
    my $slept = 0;

    my $curProcs = `ps aux | grep $scriptName | grep -v grep | wc -l`;

    ## Check if encoding of this recording has already been started.
    ## If so, abort.
    if (-d $workDir)
        abnormalExit("Encoding of this recording already running in directory " . $workDir . ". Or an error occurred in previous attempt to encode this recording. Aborting.");

    while ($curProcs > $maxExec)
        $curProcs = `ps aux | grep $scriptName | grep -v grep | wc -l`;

        toLog($scriptName . " maximum amount of simultaneous executions reached. Waiting " . $sleepInterval . " seconds before trying again.", "INFO");
        $slept += $sleepInterval;

        if ($maxSleepTime > 0 && $slept > $maxSleepTime)
            toLog("Maximum waiting time of " . $maxSleepTime . " seconds exceeded.", "FATAL");
            abnormalExit("Something might be wrong, please check unfinished encoding jobs. Aborting.");

sub in_array
    my ($item, $array) = @_;
    my %hash = map { $_ => 1 } @$array;
    if ($hash{$item}) { return 1; } else { return 0; }

sub getDBConnection
    our $dbh;

    if (!$dbh)
        ## Establish DB connection
        $dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:" . MYTHDB . ":" . MYTHHOST, MYTHUSER, MYTHPASS);

        if (!$dbh)
            abnormalExit("Can't connect to database.");

    return $dbh;

sub execSQL
    my $sql = $_[0];

    my @sqlResults;
    my %results;

    my $db = getDBConnection();

    my $sqlQuery  = $db->prepare($sql)
    or abnormalExit("Can't prepare $sql: $db->errstr\n");
    or abnormalExit("can't execute the query: $sqlQuery->errstr\n");

    my $rows        = $sqlQuery->rows;

    if ($rows == 0)
        $results{'rc'} = 0;

        return \%results;

    for ( my $i = 0; $i < $rows; $i++)
        $sqlResults[$i] = $sqlQuery->fetchrow_hashref;


    $results{'rc'} = 1;
    $results{'rs'} = \@sqlResults;

    return \%results;

sub closeDBConnection
    my $db = getDBConnection();
    $db->disconnect or abnormalExit("Can't disconnect from database.");

sub getCutList
    my ($chanId, $startTime, $mediaInfo, $pts_time_offset) = @_;

    my $cutList;
    my $fkf;
    my $spl;
    my @returnKeyFrames;
    my @returnCutLists;
    my %returnCutList;
    my %returnData;

    ## Fetch cutlist information
    toLog("Starting mythutil to retrieve cut info", "INFO");

    ## Retrieve video track id
    $cmd = 'nice -n ' . $niceValue . ' ' . $$requiredPrograms{'mythutil'} . ' -q -q --getcutlist --chanid=' . $chanId . ' --starttime="' . $startTime . '" 2>&1';
    toLog("Executing: $cmd", "VERB") if ($verbose);

    $output = `$cmd`;
    toLog($output, 'VERB') if ($verbose);
    abnormalExit("mythutil exited with errors, run " . $scriptName . " --verbose and check logfile " . $logFile . " for errors.") if ($? != 0);

    if ( $output =~ m/^Cutlist: (.*)$/ )
        $cutList = $1;

    if ( $cutList )
        my $inverse_cutlist;
        my $inv_prev = 0;
        my $decr = 0;

        my $ctr = 0;
        my @intervals = split(",", $cutList);

        foreach (@intervals)
            my $start = (split("-", $_))[0];
            my $end = (split("-", $_))[1];

            if ( $ctr != 0 )
                $fkf .= ",";

            if ( $start > $inv_prev ) {
                $decr = $start - 1;
                $inverse_cutlist .= "$inv_prev-$decr,";
            $inv_prev = $end + 1;

            my $start2 = $inv_prev / $$mediaInfo{'fps'};
            my $end2 = ( $decr + 1 ) / $$mediaInfo{'fps'};

            # Make sure the order of new keyframes is correct.  For
            # very short cuts, we have to reorder them because of the
            # pts_time_offset silliness.
            if ( $pts_time_offset != 0) {
                if ( $end2 - $start2 < $pts_time_offset ) {

                    $fkf .= sprintf("%.2f,%.2f,%.2f,%.2f", $start2 - 0.005, $end2 - 0.005, $start2 + $pts_time_offset - 0.005, $end2 + $pts_time_offset - 0.005 );

                } else {

                    $fkf .= sprintf("%.2f,%.2f,%.2f,%.2f", $start2 - 0.005, $start2 + $pts_time_offset - 0.005, $end2 - 0.005, $end2 + $pts_time_offset - 0.005 );

            } else {
                $fkf .= sprintf("%.2f,%.2f", $start2 - 0.005, $end2 - 0.005);


        #$inverse_cutlist .= "$inv_prev-1300000";   # a nice 12-hour range

        my $ctr2 = 0;
        @intervals = split(",", $inverse_cutlist);
        foreach (@intervals) {
            my $start = (split("-", $_))[0];
            my $end = (split("-", $_))[1];

            if ( $ctr2 != 0 ) {
            $spl .= ",";

            # Subtract 2 from start and from end+1, so that
            # floating-point roundoff doesn't make us fall through to
            # the next keyframe.  ffmpeg doesn't make consecutive
            # keyframes without explicit directions to do so, so this
            # should always work.
            my $start2 = ( $start - 2) / $$mediaInfo{'fps'};
            my $end2 = ( $end - 1 ) / $$mediaInfo{'fps'};

            if ( $start2 < 0.005 ) {
            $start2 = 0.005;
            if ( $end2 < 0.005 ) {
            $end2 = 0.005;

            $spl .= sprintf("%s-%s", $start2 - 0.005, $end2 - 0.005);


    toLog("spl: " . $spl . "\n", 'VERB') if ($verbose);

    foreach (split(",", $spl))
        my @intervals = split("-", $_);
        push(@returnCutLists, {'start' => $intervals[0] - 0.005, 'duration' => $intervals[1] - $intervals[0] - 0.005});

    toLog(Dumper(@returnCutLists) . "\n", 'VERB') if ($verbose);

    toLog("fkf: " . $fkf . "\n", 'VERB') if ($verbose);

    #foreach (split("|", $fkf))
    #   push(@returnKeyFrames, $_);

    #toLog(Dumper(@returnCutLists) . "\n", 'VERB') if ($verbose);

    $returnData{'cutLists'} = \@returnCutLists;
    $returnData{'keyFrames'} = $fkf;
    #$returnData{'keyFrames'} = \@returnKeyFrames;

    return \%returnData;

sub writeCutList
    my ($chanId, $startTime) = @_;

    my $projectxCutList = "CollectionPanel.CutMode=0\n";
    my $sql;

    ## Establish DB connection
    my $db = getDBConnection();

    ## Fetch cut-in points
    # $sql          = "SELECT mark FROM recordedmarkup WHERE chanid='" . $chanId . "' AND starttime='" . $startTime . "' AND type=0 ORDER BY mark;";
    # my $cutInList = execSQL($sql);

    ## Fetch cut-out points
    $sql            = "SELECT mark FROM recordedmarkup WHERE chanid='" . $chanId . "' AND starttime='" . $startTime . "' AND type=1 ORDER BY mark;";
    toLog($sql, 'VERBOSE') if ($verbose);
    my $cutOutList  = execSQL($sql);

    ## Fetch all cut points
    $sql            = "SELECT mark FROM recordedmarkup WHERE chanid='" . $chanId . "' AND starttime='" . $startTime . "' AND type IN (0,1) ORDER BY mark;";
    toLog($sql, 'VERBOSE') if ($verbose);
    my $cutList     = execSQL($sql);

    if ( ! $$cutOutList{'rc'} || ! $$cutList{'rc'} ) # || ! $$cutOutList{'rs'}[0]{'mark'} || ! $$cutList{'rs'}[0]{'mark'} )
        ## Try again with UTC time
        $startTime = $utcStartTime;

        ## Fetch cut-out points
        $sql            = "SELECT mark FROM recordedmarkup WHERE chanid='" . $chanId . "' AND starttime='" . $startTime . "' AND type=1 ORDER BY mark;";
        toLog($sql, 'VERBOSE') if ($verbose);
        $cutOutList = execSQL($sql);

        ## Fetch all cut points
        $sql            = "SELECT mark FROM recordedmarkup WHERE chanid='" . $chanId . "' AND starttime='" . $startTime . "' AND type IN (0,1) ORDER BY mark;";
        toLog($sql, 'VERBOSE') if ($verbose);
        $cutList        = execSQL($sql);

        ## If there's still no cut for this recording ... abort..
        if ( ! $$cutOutList{'rc'} || ! $$cutList{'rc'} )
            abnormalExit("No cut / edit info for $fileDir/$fileName found!");

    # toLog("First Cut: '" . $$cutOutList{'rs'}[0]{'mark'} . "', First Edit: '" . $$cutList{'rs'}[0]{'mark'} . "'", "INFO");

    ## Check if 0 has to be added as initial cut point
    if ( $$cutOutList{'rs'}[0]{'mark'} == $$cutList{'rs'}[0]{'mark'} )
        toLog("First Cut is a cut-out point. Inserting '0' to cutlist as first cut.", 'INFO');
        $projectxCutList .= "0\n";

    foreach my $rs ($$cutList{'rs'})
        foreach my $row (@$rs)
            ## Find the key frame (mark type 9) right before each cut mark,
            ## extract the byte offset, write it into the ProjectX cutlist
            $sql            = "SELECT offset FROM recordedseek WHERE chanid='" . $chanId . "' AND starttime='" . $startTime .
                            "' AND type=9 AND mark >= " . $$row{'mark'} . " AND mark < " . ($$row{'mark'} + 100) . " ORDER BY offset LIMIT 1;";
            my $offset      = execSQL($sql);

            # print "mark: " . $$row{'mark'} . " offset: " . $$offset{'rs'}[0]{'offset'} . "\n";
            if ( ! $$offset{'rs'}[0]{'offset'} )
                abnormalExit("Could not determine offset for mark " . $$row{'mark'});
                $projectxCutList .= $$offset{'rs'}[0]{'offset'} . "\n";

    ## CutList file
    ## my $cutListFile = $tempDir . "/" . $chanId . "_" . $startTime . "/" . $chanId . "_" . $startTime . ".cut";

    ## Write cutListFile
    open (CUT, ">> $cutListFile")
    or abnormalExit("Could not write cut list to " . $cutListFile);
    print CUT $projectxCutList;
    close (CUT)
    or abnormalExit("Could not close cut list file " . $cutListFile);

    return 1;

sub getRecordingInfo
    my ($fileDir, $fileName) = @_;

    ## Establish DB connection
    my $db = getDBConnection();

    ## Fetch recorded info
    my $sql             = "SELECT title, subtitle, season, episode FROM recorded WHERE basename='" . $fileName . "';";
    my $recordingInfo   = execSQL($sql);

    if (! $$recordingInfo{'rc'} )
        abnormalExit("RC: " . $$recordingInfo{'rc'} . " - No recording Info for $fileDir/$fileName found!");

    toLog("Title: '" . $$recordingInfo{'rs'}[0]{'title'} . "', Subtitle: '" . $$recordingInfo{'rs'}[0]{'subtitle'} . "', Season: '" . $$recordingInfo{'rs'}[0]{'season'} . "', Episode: '" . $$recordingInfo{'rs'}[0]{'episode'} . "'", "INFO");

    return $$recordingInfo{'rs'}[0];

sub getMediaInfo
    my ($fileDir, $fileName) = @_;
    my (%mediaInfo, $cmd);

    ## Fetch track information
    toLog("Starting mediainfo to retrieve track info", "INFO");

    ## Retrieve video track id
    $cmd = 'nice -n ' . $niceValue . ' ' . $$requiredPrograms{'mediainfo'} . ' --Output="Video;%ID%" ' . $fileDir . '/' . $fileName . ' 2>&1';
    toLog("Executing: $cmd", "VERB") if ($verbose);

    $output = `$cmd`;
    toLog($output, 'VERB') if ($verbose);
    abnormalExit("mediainfo exited with errors on fetching track information, run " . $scriptName . " --verbose and check logfile " . $logFile . " for errors.") if ($? != 0);

    $mediaInfo{'video'} = $output;

    ## Fetch FPS
    $cmd = 'nice -n ' . $niceValue . ' ' . $$requiredPrograms{'mediainfo'} . ' --Output="Video;%FrameRate%" ' . $fileDir . '/' . $fileName . ' 2>&1';
    toLog("Executing: $cmd", "VERB") if ($verbose);

    $output = `$cmd`;
    toLog($output, 'VERB') if ($verbose);
    abnormalExit("mediainfo exited with errors on retrieving fps, run " . $scriptName . " --verbose and check logfile " . $logFile . " for errors.") if ($? != 0);

    $mediaInfo{'fps'} = $output;

    ## Fetch Codec
    $cmd = 'nice -n ' . $niceValue . ' ' . $$requiredPrograms{'mediainfo'} . ' --Output="Video;%Codec%" ' . $fileDir . '/' . $fileName . ' 2>&1';
    toLog("Executing: $cmd", "VERB") if ($verbose);

    $output = `$cmd`;
    toLog($output, 'VERB') if ($verbose);
    abnormalExit("mediainfo exited with errors on retrieving codec, run " . $scriptName . " --verbose and check logfile " . $logFile . " for errors.") if ($? != 0);

    $mediaInfo{'Codec'} = $output;

    ## Retrieve info about audio tracks
    $cmd = 'nice -n ' . $niceValue . ' ' . $$requiredPrograms{'mediainfo'} . ' --Output="Audio;%ID%,%Format%,%Channel(s)%,%BitRate%,%Language%\n" ' . $fileDir . '/' . $fileName . ' 2>&1';
    toLog("Executing: $cmd", "VERB") if ($verbose);

    $output = `$cmd`;
    toLog($output, 'VERB') if ($verbose);
    abnormalExit("mediainfo exited with errors on getting audio tracks, run " . $scriptName . " --verbose and check logfile " . $logFile . " for errors.") if ($? != 0);

    toLog("mediainfo finished", "INFO");

    my $trackPos = 0;

    foreach (split /\n/, $output)
        my ($id, $streamType, $channels, $bitrate, $language) = split /,/, $_;


        $streamType = 'unknown' if ($streamType !~ m/MPEG Audio|AC-3/);
        $streamType = 'ac3'     if ($streamType =~ m/AC-3/);
        $streamType = 'mp2'     if ($streamType =~ m/MPEG Audio/);

        ## Set audio stream priority
        my $streamPriority;
        $streamPriority     = 1 if ($streamType =~ m/ac3/);     # ac3 priority 1
        $streamPriority     = 2 if ($streamType =~ m/mp2/);     # mp2 priority 2 (if equal amount of channels, prefer mp2)
        $streamPriority     = 3 if ($streamType !~ m/ac3|mp2/); # any other filetype I don't know has priority 0 :)

        ## Only add stream to audio list if all variables are set
        if ($id && $streamType && $channels && $bitrate && $language)
            $mediaInfo{'audio'}{$id} = {    'streamType'        => $streamType,
                                            'channels'          => $channels,
                                            'bitrate'           => ($bitrate / 1000), # we need a kbit value
                                            'language'          => $language,
                                            'trackPos'          => $trackPos,
                                            'streamPriority'    => $streamPriority
            toLog($id . " --> " . 'streamType: ' . $streamType . ' streamPriority: ' . $streamPriority . "\n\n", 'VERB') if ($verbose);

    ## Boil down to the really needed audio streams in the encoded file
    ## Prefer 2 channel mp2 over 2 channel ac3.
    ## Prefer 6 channel audio over 2 channel audio.
    ## Prefer 8 channel audio over 6 channel audio.
    ## Keep languages as well by still following rules above.

    my @skipLanguages = split /,/, $skipLang;

    foreach my $streamId (keys %{$mediaInfo{'audio'}})
        ## Check if streamId was deleted before
        next if ( ! exists $mediaInfo{'audio'}{$streamId} );

        # Delete audio track from list if this language shall be skipped
        if (in_array($mediaInfo{'audio'}{$streamId}{'language'}, \@skipLanguages))
            delete $mediaInfo{'audio'}{$streamId};

        foreach my $cStreamId (keys %{$mediaInfo{'audio'}})
            ## Skip if comparing with itself
            next if ($cStreamId == $streamId);

            ## Check if streamId was deleted before
            next if ( ! exists $mediaInfo{'audio'}{$cStreamId} || ! exists $mediaInfo{'audio'}{$streamId} );

            if ($mediaInfo{'audio'}{$streamId}{'streamPriority'} > $mediaInfo{'audio'}{$cStreamId}{'streamPriority'} &&
                $mediaInfo{'audio'}{$streamId}{'language'} eq  $mediaInfo{'audio'}{$cStreamId}{'language'}
                if ($mediaInfo{'audio'}{$streamId}{'channels'} >= $mediaInfo{'audio'}{$cStreamId}{'channels'})
                    delete $mediaInfo{'audio'}{$cStreamId};
                    delete $mediaInfo{'audio'}{$streamId};

    return \%mediaInfo;

#sub writeXini
#    ## Write cutListFile
#    open (INI, ">> $projectxIniFile") or return 0;
#    print INI "SubtitlePanel.exportAsVobSub=1\nSubtitlePanel.TtxPage1=150\n";
#    close (INI) or return 0;
#    return 1;

sub cleanup
    my ($workDir, $fileOwner, $targetFile) = @_;

    ## Delete working directory
    if ($workDir ne '')
        $output = `rm -r $workDir 2>&1`;

        if ($? != 0)
            toLog("Failed to delete " . $workDir ." : " . $!, "ERROR");
    } else
        toLog("Not deleting empty \$workdir variable. There's something wrong.. :(", "ERROR");

    ## Set ownership
    if ($fileOwner ne '')
        my $execUser = `whoami`;

        if ($execUser !~ m/root/)
            my $chownCommand = `which chown`;

            $output = `sudo -ln $chownCommand $fileOwner "$targetFile" >/dev/null 2>&1`;

            if ($? == 0)
                $output = `sudo $chownCommand $fileOwner "$targetFile" 2>&1`;

                if ($? != 0)
                    toLog("Failed to set preferred file owner: " . $!, "ERROR");
            } else
                toLog("Failed to set preferred file owner '$fileOwner'.", "ERROR");
                toLog("The user '$execUser' executing this script is neither root nor the use of \"sudo $chownCommand $fileOwner '$targetFile'\" is allowd by sudoers.", "ERROR");
        } else
            toLog("Setting preferred file owner '$fileOwner' to encoded file", "INFO");
            $output = `chown $fileOwner "$targetFile" 2>&1`;

            if ($? != 0)
                toLog("Failed to set preferred file owner: " . $!, "ERROR");

sub checkOptions
    my ($chanId, $startTime, $fileDir, $fileName, $quality, $verbose, $scriptName, $videoQualityDefault) = @_;
    my $failedChecks = 0;

    if ($chanId eq '' || $chanId =~ /\D/)
        toLog("chanid not set or invalid", "FATAL");

    if ($startTime eq '' || $startTime =~ /\D/)
        toLog("starttime not set or invalid", "FATAL");

    if ($fileDir eq '')
        toLog("directory not set or invalid", "FATAL");

    if ($fileName eq '')
        toLog("filename not set or invalid", "FATAL");

    if ($quality =~ /\D/ || $quality < 0 || $quality > 51)
        toLog("constant quality value invalid", "FATAL");

    if ($threads ne 'auto')
        if ($threads ne '' && $threads !~ /[0-9]*\.?[0-9]*/)
            toLog("thread value invalid", "FATAL");

        if ($threads ne '' && $threads =~ /[0-9]*\.?[0-9]*/ && $threads > 128)
            toLog("thread value invalid, a max. of 128 is allowed, but really ... you would not go that high :)", "FATAL");
            toLog("if unsure about which thread value to set, leave it unset. This will set this value to 'auto'.", "FATAL");

    if ($failedChecks > 0)
        usage($scriptName, $videoQualityDefault);
        exit 1;

sub usage
    my ($scriptName, $videoQualityDefault) = @_;

    my $usage = <<EOL;

Usage:  $scriptName --chanid=[int value] --starttime=[int value] --directory=[string value] --file=[string value] --quality=[int value] --verbose

        --chanid        MythTV CHANID [REQUIRED]
        --starttime     MythTV STARTTIME [REQUIRED]
        --directory     MythTV storage directory [REQUIRED]
        --file          MythTV filename of recording [REQUIRED]
        --quality       Constant Quality factor [51..0] used by handbrake
                        Look up 'https://trac.handbrake.fr/wiki/ConstantQuality'
                        for more information
                        [OPTIONAL] defaults to $videoQualityDefault
        --threads       Number of threads x264 will utilize for encoding
                        Look up 'http://mewiki.project357.com/wiki/X264_Settings#threads'
                        for more information
                        [OPTIONAL] integer / floating point number, defaults to 'auto'
        --noCrop        Disable auto image cropping by handbrake
                        [OPTIONAL] toggle
        --verbose       Write output of mythtranscode, handbrake and mkvmerge to logfile
                        [OPTIONAL] toggle

        For installation as mythtv user job, it may be called like this:
        ../myth_make_x264.pl --chanid=%CHANID% --starttime=%STARTTIME% --directory=%DIR% --file=%FILE% --threads=1


    toLog($usage, "USAGE");

sub checkDaylightSavingsTime
    my $day     = $_[0];
    my $month   = $_[1];
    my $weekday = $_[2];

    # Check to see if the daylight savings time is currently in effect.
    # It starts the first Sunday in April and ends the last Sunday in October.

    # Initialize variables
    my ($daylightSavingsTime,$apr,$oct) = (0,3,9);

    if ($month > $apr && $month < $oct) {
        $daylightSavingsTime = 1;
    elsif ($month == $apr)
        $daylightSavingsTime = 1 if ($day - $weekday) >= 1;
    elsif ($month == $oct)
        my $daysUntilSunday = (7 - $weekday);
        $daylightSavingsTime = 1 if ($day + $daysUntilSunday) <= 31;
    } # end if

    return ($daylightSavingsTime);

sub seconds_to_hms
    my $timestamp = shift;

    my $hours = int($timestamp / 3600);
    $timestamp -= $hours * 3600;
    my $minutes = int($timestamp / 60);
    $timestamp -= $minutes * 60;
    my $whole_seconds = int($timestamp);
    my $milliseconds = 1000 * ($timestamp - $whole_seconds);

    return sprintf("%02d:%02d:%02d.%03d", $hours, $minutes, $whole_seconds, $milliseconds);