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The music-ui.xml file governs the layout and behavior of the MythMusic Plugin. It consists of the following windows and named attributes:

MythMusic Windows

Window Name Type Description
import_music Window Import music from a given directory.
miniplayer Popup Window The MythMusic miniplayer.
cdripper Window The main CD Rip window.
ripstatus Window Status of an in-progress CD Rip.
trackdetail_popup Window Shows a tracks detail.
editmetadata Window Shows a screen to edit a tracks detail.

Generic Attributes Used in most windows

Important.png Note: The following widgets are used to describe a tracks metadata and can be used on most screens. In addition, all textual elements can be combined however the themer likes using the <template> element. To combine the title, artist, and album into a single textarea, the theme author might use a template like:

<template>%TITLE% (%ARTIST%) - %ALBUM%</template>
Widget Name Widget Type Description Required?
artist textarea The artist of the selected item. N
formatartist textarea The compilation formatted artist of the selected item. N
compilationartist textarea The compilation artist of the selected item. N
album textarea The album name of the selected item. N
title textarea The title of the selected item. N
tracknum textarea The track number of the selected item. N
genre textarea The genre of the selected item. N
year textarea The year of the selected item. N
artisttitle textarea The artist and title of the selected item in format "Title by Artist.". N
length textarea The formatted length of the selected item (hh:mm:ss). N
lastplayed textarea The last played date of the selected item. N
playcount textarea The number of times the selected item has been played. N
filename textarea The filename of the selected item. N
coverart imagetype A cover art image for the currently playing track N
ratingstate statetype A statetype for the rating of the current track. Valid values are 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10. N

Important.png Note: The following widgets can be used in almost any of the MythMusic views.

Widget Name Widget Type Description Required?
prev button Move to the previous track in the playlist. N
rew button Rewind playback. N
pause button Pause playback. (Note this is a locking button). N
play button Start playback. (Note this is a locking button) N
stop button Stop playback. (Note this is a locking button). N
ff button Fast forward playback. N
next button Move to the next track in the playlist. N
visualizername textarea The name of the current visualizer N
progress progressbar Progress bar for the currently playing track N
time textarea Shows the current play time and track length in the form xx:xx / xx:xx or xx:xx:xx / xx:xx:xx N
trackstate statetype A statetype which reflects the playback status. Valid values are playing, paused and stopped. N
volume textarea Current volume N
mute textarea Sound mute state N
mutestate textarea Sound mute statetype. Valid values are On and Off N
playlistposition textarea Current position in the playlist eg 1 of 123 N
playlistcurrent textarea Current position in the playlist eg 1 N
playlistcount textarea Number of tracks in the current playlist N
playlisttime textarea The time the current playlist has played and total playlist time in the form xx:xx / xx:xx or xx:xx:xx / xx:xx:xx N
playlistplayedtime textarea The time the playlist has been playing N
playlisttotaltime textarea The total playing time of the current playlist N
playlistprogress progressbar The playlist progress N

The "import_music" window

Widget Name Widget Type Description Required?
location textedit Edit path from which to import music. Yes
directoryfinder button Button to launch file browser to specify import directory. Yes
scan button Scan specified path for music. Yes
coverart button Button to launch coverart browser. Yes
filename textarea The filename of the current item. Yes
compartist textarea Compilation Artist Name. Yes
artist textarea Artist's Name. Yes
album textarea Album Name. Yes
title textarea Title of Track. Yes
genre textarea Genre of Track. Yes
year textarea Year of track. Yes
track textarea Track's number on CD. Yes
position textarea Position within scanned files. (ie 12 of 1364) Yes
status textarea Notification if already in database. Yes
compilation checkbox Checkbox to mark track as part of compilation. Yes
play button Play selected track. Yes
nextnew checkbox Checkbox to mark track as part of compilation. Yes
add button Play selected track. Yes
addallnew checkbox Add all new tracks. Yes
next button Navigate to next scanned track. Yes
prev checkbox Navigate to previous scanned track. Yes

The "miniplayer" window

Widget Name Widget Type Description Required?
time textarea Text area for Played Time / Total Time. Yes
info textarea Information notification area. Yes
volume textarea Textual volume in percent. Yes
userratingstate statetype The User Rating statetype (commonly "stars"). Values are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10. Yes
coverart imagetype Album art for current track. Yes
progress progressbar Progress bar for currently playing track. Yes

The "cdripper" window

Widget Name Widget Type Description Required?
quality buttonlist Quality selector for current rip. Yes
artist textedit Artist name edit. Yes
searchartist button Search within current library for Artist Name. Yes
album textedit Album name edit. Yes
searchalbum button Search within current library for album name. Yes
genre textedit Album genre edit. Yes
year textedit Album year edit. Yes
searchgenre button Search within current library for album Genre. Yes
compilation checkbox Designate album as a compilation album. Yes
switch button Switch Title and Artist. Yes
scan button Scan drive to CD. Yes
rip button Begin CD Rip. Yes
tracks buttonlist Button list of tracks on current CD. Yes

The "ripstatus" window

Widget Name Widget Type Description Required?
overall textarea Text value of overall progress. Yes
track textarea Text value of track progress. Yes
status textarea Miscellaneous status text. Yes
trackpct textarea Track rip percentage in text. Yes
overallpct textarea Overall rip percentage in text. Yes
overall_progress progressbar Progress bar for overall progress. Yes
track_progress progressbar Progress bar for track progress. Yes

The "trackinfo_popup" window

This window doesn't introduce any new widgets you can use any of the Metadata widgets described above.

The "editmetadata" window

Widget Name Widget Type Description Required?
compilationcheck checkbox Changes the compilation status. Yes
compartistedit textedit Edit to change the compilation artist. Yes
searchcompartistbutton button Button to show a list of compilation artists. Yes
artist textedit Edit to change artist. Yes
searchartistbutton button Button to show a list of artists. Yes
artisticon imagetype Shows an image that is set for the artist. No
albumedit textedit Edit to change album. Yes
searchalbumbutton button Button to show a list of albums. Yes
albumicon imagetype Shows an image that is set for the album. No
titleedit textedit Edit to change track title. Yes
tracknumspin spinbox Changes the track number. Yes
genreedit textedit Edit to change genre. Yes
searchgenrebutton button Button to show a list of genres. Yes
genericon imagetype Shows an image that is set for the genre. No
yearspin spinbox Change the year. Yes
ratingstate statetype Shows the rating set for the track. No
decratingbutton button Decrease the rating. No
incratingbutton button Increase the rating. No
ratingspin spinbox Can be used as an alternative to the buttons and statetype above to change the rating. No
donebutton button Used to exit the screen. Yes
albumartbutton button Used to switch to the edit albumart window. Yes