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This Python script is a work in progress --Outleradam 03:06, 19 October 2010 (UTC)

MythDataGrabber is designed to take an input of a file and output database information and commercial skip data in a "var = value" format.


This script was originally designed as a database interface for mythicalLibrarian.


MythDataGrabber --filename=file.ext : returns information to a file
--Display           : Display output, default: write to file
--DBHostName        : sets the DB Host, default: localhost
--DBName            : sets the DB Name, default: mythconverg
--DBUserName        : sets the User Name, default: mythtv
--DBPassword        : sets the Password, default: mythtv
--DBPin             : sets the Pin, default: 0
--output=file.txt   : sets the output, default: ./showData.txt
--version|-v|-ver   : displays version information


mythtv@XBMC-live:~$ /usr/local/bin/MythDataGrabber --filename='1045_20101005120000.mpg' --DBHostName='' --DBName='mythconverg' --DBUserName='mythtv' --DBPassword='mythtv' --DBPin="" --Display
Establishing database connection
chanid = "1045"
starttime = "2010-10-05 12:00:00"
endtime = "2010-10-05 13:00:00"
title = "Caprica"
subtitle = "Reins of a Waterfall"
description = "Amanda's public admission about Zoe's role in the bombing ignites a media backlash against the Graystones; Sam and Joseph confront Daniel."
category = "Science fiction"
hostname = "XBMC-live"
bookmark = "0"
editing = "0"
cutlist = "0"
autoexpire = "0"
commflagged = "1"
recgroup = "Default"
recordid = "21"
seriesid = "EP01213751"
programid = "EP012137510003"
lastmodified = "2010-10-05 12:00:02"
filesize = "1754496464"
stars = "0.0"
previouslyshown = "1"
originalairdate = "2010-02-05"
preserve = "0"
findid = "0"
deletepending = "0"
transcoder = "0"
timestretch = "1.0"
recpriority = "98"
basename = "1045_20101005120000.mpg"
progstart = "2010-10-05 12:00:00"
progend = "2010-10-05 13:00:00"
playgroup = "Default"
profile = "Default"
duplicate = "1"
transcoded = "0"
watched = "0"
storagegroup = "Default"
bookmarkupdate = "None" 

startdata[0] = "13663"
startdata[1] = "32548"
startdata[2] = "51539"
startdata[3] = "64846"
startdata[4] = "79186"
stopdata[0] = "18660"
stopdata[1] = "37724"
stopdata[2] = "55599"
stopdata[3] = "71311"
stopdata[4] = "85012"
Operation complete

If --Display is not specified, MythDataGrabber will create a file called ./showData.txt and dump it's information there.



mkfifo ./DBOut                                                #create a named pipe called DBOut
MythDataGrabber --filename="myfile.ext">dbOut     #put the output from MythDataGrabber into the pipe
while read var equals value                                 #split the output into 3 parts, variable, equals sign, and value
   test "$equals" = "=" && declare $var=$value              #if the variable "equals" is "=" then declare variable = value
done < ./DBOut                                       #port the named pipe into the while loop

#rename the variables for use in your program
MovieAirDate=$airdate; OriginalAirDate=$originalairdate; ShowCategory=$category; Stars=$stars; Plot=$description; Zap2itSeriesID=$seriesid; ProgramID=$programid; ChanID=$chanid; ShowStartTime=$starttime

Use from the command line:

$ MythDataGrabber --filename=1000_20101010101010.mpg --DBHostName=localhost --DBName=mythconverg --DBUserName=mythtv --DBPassword=mythtv --output=/home/myfile.txt

rm ./DBOut


This script may be used for any purpose to obtain information from the database


#! /usr/bin/python
#requires libmyth-python python-lxml
import sys, os

def version():
    #Displays author and version information.
    #This file may be used for any purpose, however the credits should never be changed. 
    print """Written by Mike Szczys and Adam Outler
 For support, please visit:
 This file was written for the mythicalLibrarian project,
 and is licensed under the Apache License which requires a notification
 to outleradam (at) as a formality before any derrivative
 work.  We just want to hear about your project.
 %s  utilizes mythtv python bindings to obtain information
about a recording and will print the information to a file.
""" % os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])
    return 0 

def help():
    #Displays usage information
    name = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])
    print """ %s is designed to pull data from MythTV python bindings.

%s --filename=file.ext : returns information to a file
   --Display           : Display output, default: write to file
   --DBHostName        : sets the DB Host, default: localhost
   --DBName            : sets the DB Name, default: mythconverg
   --DBUserName        : sets the User Name, default: mythtv
   --DBPassword        : sets the Password, default: mythtv
   --DBPin             : sets the Pin, default: 0
   --output=file.txt   : sets the output, default: ./showData.txt
   --version|-v|-ver   : displays version information
$ %s --filename=1000_20101010101010.mpg --DBHostName=localhost --DBName=mythconverg --DBUserName=mythtv --DBPassword=mythtv --output=/home/myfile.txt
""" % (name, name, name)
    return 0

def invalidFile():
    print """target is not valid.  Please choose a valid target.
usage: %s --filename=""" % os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])
    return 0

#Setup default database information
dbInfo = {
    "DBHostName"  : "localhost",
    "DBName"      : "mythconverg",
    "DBUserName"  : "mythtv",
    "DBPassword"  : "mythtv",
    "DBPin"         : "0"
#Setup other default option information
options = {
    "DisplayData" : "False",
    "auto"        : "False" ,
    "output"      : "./showData.txt",
    "filename"    : ""

#A list of valid command line options (anything with an = sign) and flags
validOptions = ['--DBHostName','--DBName','--DBUserName','--DBPassword', '--filename', '--output', '--DBPin']
validFlags = ['-auto'] #auto flag looks up login from mysql.txt
validVersionFlags = ['-v','--version','-ver']
validHelpFlags = ['-?','--help','-h']
validDisplayFlags = [ '-d', '--Display' ] 
#Handle Command Line Arguments

#If there were no arguments
if len(sys.argv) < 2:
    print "ERROR: Filename must be passed as an argument"
    print sys.argv[0]
    print __file__

#If the first argument is not a flag, treat it as the filename
if not sys.argv[1].startswith('-'):
    options['filename'] = os.path.basename(sys.argv[1])
    #Make arg list without script name and filename
    myArgs = sys.argv[2:]
    #Make arg list without script name
    myArgs = sys.argv[1:]  

#parse through the arguments
if len(myArgs) > 0:
    for arg in myArgs:
        #Test to see if this is an option flag
        if '=' in arg and arg.split('=')[0] in validOptions:
            #This is a valid option, do something with it

            #Testing to see if it's database login info
            if arg.split('=')[0][2:] in dbInfo:
                #It's a DB login item, save it in dbInfo
                dbInfo[arg.split('=')[0][2:]] = arg.split('=')[1].replace('"','')  

            #If it's not, it must be a misc option
            elif arg.split('=')[0][2:] in options:
                #It is in the options dictionary, save it
                options[arg.split('=')[0][2:]] = arg.split('=')[1].replace('"','') 

            #If it wasn't either, then we've got problems
                print "ERROR: Option flag was valid but something went wrong trying to use" + arg

        #Test to see if this is a version flag
        elif arg in validVersionFlags:

        #Test to see if this is a help flag
        elif arg in validHelpFlags:

        #Test for the rest of the valid flags
        elif arg in validFlags:
            print "  Error: --invalid flag"

        elif arg in validDisplayFlags:
            options['DisplayData'] = 'True'
            #this is an unacceptable argument, raise an exception
            print "ERROR: Invalid command line argument: " + arg

#Stop execution if no filename has been set yet
if 'filename' not in options:
    #No filename has been passed
    print "ERROR: No filename specified"

#Function: readMysqlTxt
#Arguments: None
#Returns: list of five values:
#  0 or 1 for success or error
#  DBHostName
#  DBName
#  DBUserName
#  DBPassword
#  DBPin
#Note: Need to add error catching in case file read problems
def readMysqlTxt():
    #Read database settings from ~/.mythtv/mysql.txt
    mysqlTXT = os.path.expanduser('~') + "/.mythtv/mysql.txt" 

    dbdata = {}
    for line in open(mysqlTXT,'r'):
        if line.startswith('#'):
        if '=' in line:
            o,v = line.strip().split('=')
            dbdata[o.strip()] = v.strip()
    return dbdata

#Get data from mythtv database
from MythTV import MythDB

print 'Establishing database connection'
    #Defaults or args
    db = MythDB(**dbInfo) 
        #mythtv preconfigured options
        print 'Failed: attempting to use system default configuration'
        db = MythDB(DBPin=dbInfo['DBPin']) 
            #read from the mysql.txt
            print 'Failed: attempting to read from default mythtv file'
            db = MythDB(readMysqlTxt() , DBPin=dbInfo['DBPin']) 
            print 'Failed: Please specify database information manually'
            print 'DB = Null'
            sys.exit(' See --help for more information.')
    rec = db.searchRecorded(basename=options['filename']).next()
except StopIteration:
    raise Exception('Recording Not Found')

#Commercial skip information
markupstart,markupstop = zip(*rec.markup.getskiplist())

if options['DisplayData'] == 'False':
    f = None
        # set the file object
        f = open(options['output'], 'w')

        # loop through Recorded items
        for x in rec.items():
            f.write('%s = "%s"\n' % x)
        # loop through comm-start points
        for i,data in enumerate(markupstart):
            f.write('startdata[%s] = "%s"\n' % (i, data))

        # loop through comm-end points
        for i,data in enumerate(markupstop):
            f.write('stopdata[%s] = "%s"\n' % (i, data))
        if rec.chanid != '':
            print "Operation complete"
        options['DisplayData'] = 'True'
        print "Failed To Write File.  Displaying data."
        if f is not None:
            if f.fileno() != 1:

#Display data on-screen 
#iterate through each Recorded() data item and write it to the file
if options['DisplayData'] == 'True':
         # set the file object

        # loop through Recorded items
        for x in rec.items():
            print('%s = "%s"' % x)
        # loop through comm-start points
        for i,data in enumerate(markupstart):
            print('startdata[%s] = "%s"' % (i, data))

        # loop through comm-end points
        for i,data in enumerate(markupstop):
            print('stopdata[%s] = "%s"' % (i, data))
        if rec.chanid != '':
            print "Operation complete"