MythWeb on Jetty

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Jetty is a full featured Java based web server.

MythWeb runs nicely on Apache but relies on the mod-rewrite capability and the .htaccess file to get things working smoothly so running it up under a different webserver is non trivial.

These instructions refer to mythweb 0.20 (fixes branch), Jetty 5 and PHP 5. Something similar should be possible for other Java containers such as Tomcat.

Basic Approach

Mythweb is treated like a Java webapplication and is configured with a few extra files in a WEB-INF directory. The mythweb files need to be dropped somewhere that jetty will look for webapplications. Depending on how you have PHP configured, you may need to put a link to mythweb in PHP's doc_root

A UrlRewrite Filter is applied to the mythweb context as equivalent to mod-rewrite

A CGI Servlet is used for both mythweb.php and

mythweb.php is added as a welcome file (this could also have been done using urlrewrite)

Finally, Jetty 5 has a HTAccessHandler that can use .htaccess authorisation. Alternatively the security features of the J2EE spec (JAAS) could be used

Note that the video and music plugins to mythweb create symbolic links to the media locations. Jetty needs to be configured to serve symbolic links which can be a security issue. (See checkAlias directive in jetty.xml)

Configuration Files


You'll need to set your database password info and location of PHP

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
   xsi:schemaLocation=" s/j2ee/web-app_2_4.xsd"


         <!-- Location of php-cgi on your system!! -->
         <param-value>YOUR PASSWORD!!</param-value>


         <param-value>YOUR PASSWORD</param-value>




rewrite rules

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE urlrewrite PUBLIC "-// UrlRewrite 2.6//EN"


      <note>Bug in skinurl produces skins/...//xxx.css instead of skins/.../xxx.css</note>

        <note>  RewriteRule    ^(css|data|images|js|themes|skins|[a-z_]+\.(php|pl))(/|$)     -     [L]</note>
        <to last="true">$0</to>

        <note>    RewriteRule   ^(pl(/.*)?)$$1  [QSA,L]</note>
        <to last="true">/$1</to>

        <note> RewriteRule  ^(.+)$    mythweb.php/$1   [QSA,L]</note>
        <to last="true">/mythweb.php/$1</to>



Not required unless you want HTAccess authorisation.

<?xml version="1.0"  encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<!DOCTYPE Configure PUBLIC "-//Mort Bay Consulting//DTD Configure//EN" "">
<Configure class="org.mortbay.jetty.servlet.WebApplicationContext">

   <Call name="addHandler">
      <Arg type="int">0</Arg>
         <New class="org.mortbay.http.handler.HTAccessHandler"/>


and Jetty's HTAccessHandler is not very forgiving on the format of the .htaccessfile. You'll want something like...

AuthName MythTV
AuthType Basic
AuthUserFile /path/to/htpasswd
AuthGroupFile /path/to/htgroups
<Limit GET POST>
satisfy all
require valid-user