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Mythcommflag is the internal process used by the backend to flag commercials in MythTV recordings. There are various options that can be set on how commercials are detected. See the front end configuration manual for details.


$ mythcommflag --help
Misc. Options:
--chanid                    Specify chanid of recording to operate on.
--dry-run                   Don't actually queue operation, just list what would
                            be done
-O OR --override-setting    Override a single setting defined by a key=value
--override-settings-file    Define a file of key=value pairs to be loaded for
                            setting overrides.
--queue                     Insert flagging job into the JobQueue, rather than
                            running flagging in the foreground.
-h OR --help OR --usage     Display this help printout, or give detailed
                            information of selected option.
--version                   Display version information.
--starttime                 Specify start time of recording to operate on.

Commflagging Options:
--method                    Commercial flagging method[s] to employ:
                            off, blank, scene, blankscene, logo, all, d2,
                            d2_logo, d2_blank, d2_scene, d2_all

--method does not currently accept text values. See and

Instead use integers: 0=off, 1=blank, 2=scene, 4=logo

Combine methods by adding: ie blankscene=3=1+2, all=7=1+2+4

Add 256 for the experimental d2 methods eg d2_logo=260=256+4. One developer commented that the d2 methods are slower, but no better.

Note that when --method accepts text values, d2_all does not include the d2_scene method - found to be unhelpful, especially in the US. So d2_all=261, and not 263

The experimental methods appear to have a current fault. An infinite loop, causing a failure to process the job queue and using 100% CPU. See

--outputmethod              Format of output written to outputfile, essentials,

--outputmethod option is currently ignored and defaults to essentials. See and

--rebuild                   Do not flag commercials, just rebuild the seektable.

Advanced Options:
--force                     Force operation, even if program appears to be in
--outputfile                File to write commercial flagging output [debug].

Input Options:
-f OR --file                Specify file to operate on.
--video                     Rebuild the seek table for a video (non-recording)

Logging Options:
--loglevel                  Set the logging level.  All log messages at lower
                            levels will be discarded.
                            In descending order: emerg, alert, crit, err,
                            warning, notice, info, debug
                            defaults to info
--logpath                   Writes logging messages to a file in the directory
                            logpath with filenames in the format:
                            This is typically used in combination with --daemon,
                            and if used in combination with --pidfile, this can
                            be used with log rotators, using the HUP call to
                            inform MythTV to reload the file
--nodblog                   Disable database logging.
--noprogress                Don't print progress on stdout.
-q OR --quiet               Don't log to the console (-q).  Don't log anywhere
                            (-q -q)
--syslog                    Set the syslog logging facility.
                            Set to "none" to disable, defaults to none.
-v OR --verbose             Specify log filtering. Use '-v help' for level info.

Choosing a Recording

Two methods are available to choose which recording to work on. The first is to specify the channelid and start time,

--chanid 1067 --starttime 20060424183000

Note the start time format is in YYYYMMDDHHMMSS.

The other method is to specify the file,

-f /MythTV/tv/1856_20060425200000.mpg

Rebuild Seektable

Many times the seektable may be bad, or you may do some editing of a recording outside of Myth. In order for Myth to properly FF, RW and seek it needs to have an up to date seektable. If this issue occurrs, you can use mythcommflag as one of the possible tools to repair the seektable.

Important.png Note: After rebuilding the seektable, any cutlist you have will no longer be properly synced and should be recreated.

Non Flagging Operations

The following options are mutually exclusive with commercial flagging, and if specified they will cause mythcommflag to perform an action other than commercial flagging.

--video filename             Rebuild the seektable for a video (non-recording) file
--rebuild                    Do not flag commercials, just rebuild seektable

Modifying Commercial Detection with Settings

Mythcommflag supports several settings that can change its behavior. These settings can be added to the mythconverg.settings database table or they can be specified on the command line using the --override-setting or --override-settings-file options. For example, if you copy and paste the following into a file called mythcommflag-override, you can tell mythcommflag to use the settings by adding --override-settings-file mythcommflag-override to the command line:


The above key=value pairs specify the default settings defined in the source code as of version 0.27.

Settings Descriptions

Following are descriptions of each setting, based on reading the source code.

To understand some of the settings, it helps to understand a little about how mythcommflag works. For each frame, mythcommflag examines each pixel’s luma to find the maximum (brightest), minimum (dimmest) and average. Luma is a measure of brightness and can range from 0 (black) to 255 (white) for so-called “PC levels” and from 16 to 235 for “TV levels”. For more information, see

Mythcommflag also looks for transitions to and from letter-boxed and/or pillar-boxed video. See and to understand these terms.


This setting influences blank frame detection, how many blank frames in a row constitute a gap between the program and its commercials or between commercials, and how long a commercial break can be. This setting can be changed in mythfrontend via Setup -> Video -> General -> General (Jobs), and changing the check mark for Strict commercial detection.

If 0, blank frames are those where either of the following conditions is true:

  • The difference between the maximum luma and minimum luma is less than CommDetectBlankFrameMaxDiff. It doesn't matter how dark the frame is, so nearly solid color frames are considered blank.
  • The maximum luma is less than CommDetectDarkBrightness.

If 1, blank frames are those where both of the following conditions are true:

  • The maximum luma is less than CommDetectDimBrightness.
  • The average luma is less than the minimum luma + 10.

The default value is 1.


This setting determines what debug output is produced by the experimental blank frame detection method, –-method options d2_blank or d2_all.

If the value is non-zero, a directory of the form <StorageDirectory>/<BaseFilename>-debug will be created and some of the debug data will be placed in files in this directory. If –v commflag has been enabled on the command line, other debug data will be written to the usual mythtv log file.

The default value is 0.


This setting determines what debug output is produced by the experimental blank, scene and/or logo detection methods, --method options d2_blank, d2_scene, d2_logo or d2_all. See #BlankFrameDetectorDebugLevel.

The default value is 0.

The default value is 1.


A frame is considered blank if the difference between maximum and minimum lumas is less than CommDetectBlankFrameMaxDiff and the maximum luma is less than CommDetectDimBrightness. These settings are also used somewhat differently depending on the value of AggressiveCommDetect.

The default value is 25.


This setting excludes CommDetectBorder pixels from the top, bottom, left and right of the frame from examination. It should, for example, exclude any VBI data that might be visible at the top of a frame.

The default value is 20.

Ticket has been submitted that changes the meaning of this setting. The ticket improves accuracy from 51% to 75%. One patch, mcf-border.patch, assumes the CommDetectBorder setting was established for 720 height video and uses those two numbers and the lowres video height to compute the border used. For example:
If video source height = 480 then border = 20 * 480 / 4 / 720 = 2
If video source height = 720 then border = 20 * 720 / 4 / 720 = 5
If video source height = 1080 then border = 20 * 1080 / 4 / 720 = 7


This setting is used to detect letterboxed and/or pillar boxed frames. If the maximum luma in possible letter-box rows or pillar-box columns exceeds this setting, the frame is not considered letter-boxed or pillar-boxed.

The default value is 30.


This setting is only used if AggressiveCommDetect is 0. See #AggressiveCommDetect for details.

The default value is 80.


This setting is not used. The variable used to store it, is changed as each frame is processed to the minimum luma + 10.

The default value is 35.


A frame is considered blank if the difference between maximum and minimum lumas is less than CommDetectBlankFrameMaxDiff and the maximum luma is less than CommDetectDimBrightness. These settings are also used somewhat differently depending on the value of AggressiveCommDetect.

The default value is 125.


This setting is used for logo detection.

The default value is 0.85


This setting is used for logo detection.

The default value is 0.75


This setting is the number of frames sampled in preparation for logo detection.

The default value is 240.


This setting is the number of seconds between sampled frames in preparation for logo detection.

The default value is 2.


This setting is the maximum number of seconds in a commercial break. It is used to distinguish between a program and its commercials.

The default value is 395.


This setting is the maximum number of seconds in an individual commercial. It is used to distinguish between a program and its commercials.

The default value is 125.


This setting is the minimum number of seconds in a commercial break. It is used to distinguish between a program and its commercials.

The default value is 60.


This setting is the minimum number of seconds in a program segment. It is used to distinguish between a program and its commercials.

The default value is 65.


This setting can be changed in mythfrontend via Setup -> Video -> General -> General (Jobs), and changing the combo box value for Commercial detection method. The following table translates the text values available via mythfrontend to their SkipTypes (defined in libmyth/programtypes.h and referenced in source code) and numeric values.

Commercial detection method SkipTypes and Numeric values
Blank Frame Detection COMM_DETECT_BLANK = 1
Blank Frame + Scene Change COMM_DETECT_SCENE = 3
Scene Change Detection COMM_DETECT_SCENE = 2
Logo Detection COMM_DETECT_LOGO = 4
Experimental: Blank Frame + Logo Detection COMM_DETECT_BLANK | COMM_DETECT_LOGO = 0x100 + 5 = 261
Pre & Post Roll: Blank Frame + Scene Change COMM_DETECT_BLANK | COMM_DETECT_SCENE = 0x200 + 3 = 515

This setting can be overridden via the command line using the --method option described in the Usage section.

The default value is 7, All Available Methods.


This setting determines what debug output is produced by the experimental blank and/or scene detection methods, --method options d2_blank, d2_scene or d2_all. See #BlankFrameDetectorDebugLevel.

The default value is 0.


This setting is used to set the niceness of the mythcommflag process as well as its I/O priority and whether the process should run at full speed or pause every so often. The higher the value, the higher the priorities.

This setting can be changed in mythtv-setup via General -> Job Queue (Backend Specific), and changing the combo box value for CPU Usage.

The default value is 0 or Low.


This setting determines what debug output is produced by the experimental scene detection method, --method options d2_scene or d2_all. See #BlankFrameDetectorDebugLevel.

The default value is 0.


This setting determines what debug output is produced by the experimental logo detection method, --method options d2_logo or d2_all. See #BlankFrameDetectorDebugLevel.

The default value is 0.


This setting determines what debug output is produced by the experimental logo detection method, --method options d2_logo or d2_all. See #BlankFrameDetectorDebugLevel.

The default value is 0.

Obsolete Settings


This setting can be changed in mythfrontend via Setup -> Video -> General -> General (Jobs), and changing the checkmark for Enable experimental speedup of commercial detection. But it is unused by mythcommflag version 0.27.


You may find this in your settings table. If so, it is probably left over from an earlier version of mythtv. It is unused by mythcommflag version 0.27.

Experimenting with Settings

If you wish to experiment with these settings, I suggest doing it using an override settings file. Try different values on a troublesome recording until you get results you like, and then try it on a recording that already had good commercial marks. If you like the results on the recording that already had good commercial marks, then you may want to add the settings to the database, so they are applied to any time mythcommflag is executed, including by mythbackend.

Examples of Mythcommflag Jobs Speed


Run this script to add entries to the examples.

# Script to generate wiki formatted mythcommflag report.
# Usage:
# 1. Download and save this script to "" 
# 2. Run mythcommflag -f mythtv_recording_of_your_choice.mpg
#  - After logo detection the fps for commercial flagging will be printed out.
#    Change FPS below to your FPS that is reported (eg FPS="50 fps") and save this script.
# 3. Run "sh mythtv_recording_of_your_choice.mpg"
#  - Cut and paste output and add to this website (you must first create an account to edit this page).

if [ $# -ne 1 ]
 echo Usage: $0 mythtv_recording_of_your_choice.mpg
 exit 1

CPUNAME=`cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep "model name" | sed -e 's/model name\t: //' | head -n 1 | sed -e 's/\t/ /'`
CPUMHZ=`cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep "cpu MHz" | sed -e 's/cpu MHz//' | sed 's/ *//g' | sed 's/\t*://' | head -n 1`
KERNEL=`uname -r`
FPS='not specified'
# RESOLUTION=`ffmpeg -i "$1" 2>&1 | grep Video | head -n 1 | awk '{ print $6 }' | sed -e 's/,//'`
RESOLUTION=`ffmpeg -i "$1" 2>&1 | grep Video | head -n 1 | sed 's/[^,]*,[^,]*, *\([^ ]*\).*/\1/'`
# FORMAT=`ffmpeg -i "$1" 2>&1 | grep Video | head -n 1 | awk '{ print $4 }' | sed -e 's/,//'`
FORMAT=`ffmpeg -i "$1" 2>&1 | grep Video | head -n 1 | sed 's/^.*Video: *\([^ ]*\).*/\1/'`
BITRATE=`ffmpeg -i "$1" 2>&1 | grep bitrate: | awk '{ print $6 }'`
EXTENSION=`basename "$1" | awk -F . '{print $NF}' | tr 'A-Z' 'a-z'`

echo "|-" > mcfreport.txt
echo "| $CPUNAME || $CPUMHZ MHz || $KERNEL || $CPUSETTING || $FORMAT / $EXTENSION || $RESOLUTION || $BITRATE kb/s || $FPS" >> mcfreport.txt
echo "|-" >> mcfreport.txt

echo "Thank you!  Please paste the following into the wiki page at:"
cat mcfreport.txt

Important.png Note: This script cannot account for processors that downclock when idle. If you are using one of these, please adjust your report accordingly.

Script Results

Processor CPU Speed Kernel version CPU Setting Video Codec / Container Resolution Bitrate FPS
AMD Athlon MP 1200 Mhz Low 57 fps
AMD Sempron 3100+ 1800 Mhz Low 60 fps
AMD Sempron 3100+ 1800 Mhz Medium 208 fps
AMD Dual-Core 4850e 2500 Mhz Medium 380 fps
AMD Athlon(tm) II X4 600e Processor 2200.000 MHz 3.1.0-1.2-desktop Medium mpeg2video / mpg 1920x1080 16172 kb/s 95 fps
AMD Athlon II X4 635 2900 Mhz Medium 720x480 460 fps
AMD Athlon II X4 635 2900 Mhz 2.6.32-24-generic Medium h264 / mpg 1280x720 3926 kb/s 125 fps
AMD Athlon II X4 635 2900 MHz 2.6.32-24-generic Medium h264 / mpg 1920x1080 9840 kb/s 37 fps
Intel Core2 Duo 6300 1860 MHz 2.6.32-25-generic Medium mpeg2video / mpg 720x480 (NTSC) 5188 kb/s 340 fps
Intel Core2 Duo 6300 1860 MHz 2.6.32-25-generic Medium mpeg2video / mpg 1920x1080 (ATSC) 17990 kb/s 72 fps
Intel Pentium 4 2594 MHz 2.6.35-22-generic-pae Medium mpeg2video / mpg 480x480 (NTSC) 5192 kb/s 310 fps
AMD Athlon(tm) 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 5000+ 2599.923 MHz Medium mpeg2video / mpg 720x480 5221 kb/s 498 fps
AMD Athlon(tm) 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 5200+ 2700.000 MHz Medium mpeg2video / mpg 1920x1080 18083 kb/s 76 fps
Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU T6670 @ 2.20GHz 2201.000 MHz 2.6.38-8-generic-pae Medium mpeg2video / mpg 1280x720 15843 kb/s 94 fps
Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU T6670 @ 2.20GHz 2201.000 MHz 2.6.38-8-generic-pae Medium mpeg2video / mpg 1920x1080 16713 kb/s 60 fps
Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-2500K CPU @ 3.30GHz 4801.000 MHz 2.6.38-13-generic Medium h264, / mp4 1920x1088 8862 kb/s 97 fps
Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-2500K CPU @ 3.30GHz 4801.000 MHz 2.6.38-13-generic Medium h264, / mp4 1280x720 2822 kb/s 366 fps
Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-2500K CPU @ 3.30GHz 4801.000 MHz 2.6.38-13-generic Medium h264, / mp4 512x464 1159 kb/s 1203 fps
Intel(R) Atom(TM) CPU 330 @ 1.60GHz 1599.885 MHz 2.6.38-8-generic Medium mpeg2video, / mpg 1920x1080 11370 kb/s 38 fps
Intel(R) Atom(TM) CPU C2758 @ 2.40GHz 1300.000 MHz 3.19.0-31-generic Medium mpeg2video / mpg 1280x720 15900 kb/s 353 fps
Intel(R) Atom(TM) CPU C2758 @ 2.40GHz 1200.000 MHz 3.19.0-31-generic Medium mpeg2video / mpg 1920x1080 19150 kb/s 145 fps
Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-3570K CPU @ 3.40GHz 3400.000 MHz 3.2.0-26-generic Medium mpeg2video / mpg 1280x720 15843 kb/s 1180 fps
Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-3570K CPU @ 3.40GHz 3400.000 MHz 3.2.0-26-generic Medium mpeg2video / mpg 1920x1080 15870 kb/s 528 fps
AMD FX(tm)-4100 Dual-Module Processor 3600.000 MHz 3.2.0-53-generic Medium mpeg2video / mpg 1280x720 18003 kb/s 50 fps
Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU X3430 @ 2.40GHz 2400.000 MHz 3.2.0-48-generic-pae Medium mpeg2video / mpg 720x576 4104 kb/s 960 fps
Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU X3430 @ 2.40GHz 2400.000 MHz 3.2.0-48-generic-pae Medium mpeg2video / mpg 1440x1080 10941 kb/s 301 fps
Intel(R) Celeron(R) CPU G1610 @ 2.60GHz 2600.000 MHz 3.8.0-30-generic Medium mpeg2video / mpg 1280x720 15061 kb/s 959 fps
Intel(R) Celeron(R) CPU G1610 @ 2.60GHz 2600.000 MHz 3.8.0-30-generic Medium mpeg2video / mpg 1920x1080 17013 kb/s 349 fps
Intel(R) Pentium(R) CPU G2120 @ 3.10GHz 3100.000 MHz 3.8.0-30-generic Medium mpeg2video / mpg 1280x720 15061 kb/s 1150 fps
Intel(R) Pentium(R) CPU G2120 @ 3.10GHz 3100.000 MHz 3.8.0-30-generic Medium mpeg2video / mpg 1920x1080 17013 kb/s 426 fps
AMD FX(tm)-8350 Eight-Core Processor 4415.173 MHz 3.8.0-34-generic Medium mpeg2video / mpg 1280x720 11211 kb/s 1311 fps
AMD FX(tm)-8350 Eight-Core Processor 4415.173 MHz 3.8.0-34-generic Medium mpeg2video / mpg 1920x1080 18312 kb/s 382 fps
Intel(R) Pentium(R) CPU G3420 @ 3.20GHz 3200.000 MHz 3.8.0-34-generic Medium mpeg2video / mpg 1280x720 15009 kb/s 1286 fps
AMD FX(tm)-8350 Eight-Core Processor 4000.000 MHz 3.8.0-34-generic Medium mpeg2video / mpg 1280x720 15009 kb/s 1212 fps
Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-4330 CPU @ 3.50GHz 3499.994 MHz 3.8.0-35-generic Medium mpeg2video / mpg 1280x720 15009 kb/s 1388 fps
AMD Athlon(tm) 5150 APU with Radeon(tm) R3 1597.045 MHz 3.8.0-39-generic Medium mpeg2video / mpg 1920x1080 17013 kb/s 155 fps
AMD Athlon(tm) 5350 APU with Radeon(tm) R3 2046.231 MHz 3.8.0-39-generic Medium mpeg2video / mpg 1920x1080 17013 kb/s 197 fps
AMD Athlon(tm) 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 5000+ 2600.000 MHz 3.8.0-36-generic Medium mpeg2video / mpg 1920x1080 17013 kb/s 232 fps
AMD Phenom(tm) II X4 905e Processor 2500.000 MHz 3.8.0-36-generic Medium mpeg2video / mpg 1920x1080 17013 kb/s 282 fps
Intel(R) Celeron(R) CPU G1610 @ 2.60GHz 2600.000 MHz 3.8.0-36-generic Medium mpeg2video / mpg 1920x1080 17013 kb/s 353 fps
AMD A6-6400K APU with Radeon(tm) HD Graphics 3900.000 MHz 3.8.0-36-generic Medium mpeg2video / mpg 1920x1080 17013 kb/s 406 fps
AMD Phenom(tm) II X6 1100T Processor 3300.000 MHz 3.8.0-36-generic Medium mpeg2video / mpg 1920x1080 17013 kb/s 413 fps
Intel(R) Pentium(R) CPU G2120 @ 3.10GHz 3100.000 MHz 3.8.0-36-generic Medium mpeg2video / mpg 1920x1080 17013 kb/s 423 fps
AMD FX(tm)-8350 Eight-Core Processor 4000.000 MHz 3.8.0-36-generic Medium mpeg2video / mpg 1920x1080 17013 kb/s 442 fps
Intel(R) Pentium(R) CPU G3420 @ 3.20GHz 3199.846 MHz 3.8.0-36-generic Medium mpeg2video / mpg 1920x1080 17013 kb/s 459 fps
Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-4330 CPU @ 3.50GHz 3500.000 MHz 3.8.0-36-generic Medium mpeg2video / mpg 1920x1080 17013 kb/s 500 fps
Intel(R) Pentium(R) CPU G3258 @ 3.20GHz 4000.000 MHz Medium mpeg2video / mpg 1920x1080 17013 kb/s 572 fps
AMD Athlon(tm) 5150 APU with Radeon(tm) R3 1597.045 MHz 3.8.0-39-generic Medium mpeg2video / mpg 1280x720 15211 kb/s 351 fps
AMD Athlon(tm) 5350 APU with Radeon(tm) R3 2046.231 MHz 3.8.0-39-generic Medium mpeg2video / mpg 1280x720 15211 kb/s 445 fps
AMD Athlon(tm) 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 5000+ 2600.000 MHz 3.8.0-36-generic Medium mpeg2video / mpg 1280x720 15211 kb/s 496 fps
AMD Phenom(tm) II X4 905e Processor 2500.000 MHz 3.8.0-36-generic Medium mpeg2video / mpg 1280x720 15211 kb/s 620 fps
Intel(R) Celeron(R) CPU G1610 @ 2.60GHz 2600.000 MHz 3.8.0-36-generic Medium mpeg2video / mpg 1280x720 15211 kb/s 777 fps
AMD Phenom(tm) II X6 1100T Processor 3300.000 MHz 3.8.0-36-generic Medium mpeg2video / mpg 1280x720 15211 kb/s 905 fps
AMD A6-6400K APU with Radeon(tm) HD Graphics 3900.000 MHz 3.8.0-36-generic Medium mpeg2video / mpg 1280x720 15211 kb/s 920 fps
AMD FX(tm)-8350 Eight-Core Processor 4000.000 MHz 3.8.0-36-generic Medium mpeg2video / mpg 1280x720 15211 kb/s 976 fps
Intel(R) Pentium(R) CPU G3420 @ 3.20GHz 3199.846 MHz 3.8.0-36-generic Medium mpeg2video / mpg 1280x720 15211 kb/s 1017 fps
Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-4330 CPU @ 3.50GHz 3500.000 MHz 3.8.0-36-generic Medium mpeg2video / mpg 1280x720 15211 kb/s 1087 fps
Intel(R) Pentium(R) CPU G3258 @ 3.20GHz 4000.000 MHz Medium mpeg2video / mpg 1280x720 15211 kb/s 1277 fps
Intel(R) Pentium(R) CPU G3420 @ 3.20GHz 3199.846 MHz 3.13.0-24-generic Medium mpeg2video / mpg 1280x720 15141 kb/s 1106 fps
Intel(R) Pentium(R) CPU G3420 @ 3.20GHz 3199.846 MHz 3.13.0-24-generic Medium mpeg2video / mpg 1920x1080 16792 kb/s 430 fps
Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-4330 CPU @ 3.50GHz 3500.000 MHz 3.13.0-24-generic Medium mpeg2video / mpg 1280x720 15141 kb/s 1392 fps
Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-4330 CPU @ 3.50GHz 3500.000 MHz 3.13.0-24-generic Medium mpeg2video / mpg 1920x1080 16792 kb/s 475 fps
AMD Athlon(tm) 5350 APU with Radeon(tm) R3 2046.231 MHz 3.13.0-32-generic Medium mpeg2video / mpg 1920x1080 17030 kb/s 210 fps
Intel(R) Pentium(R) CPU G3258 @ 3.20GHz 4000.000 MHz 3.13.0-32-generic Medium mpeg2video / mpg 1920x1080 17030 kb/s 566 fps
Intel(R) Pentium(R) CPU G3258 @ 3.20GHz 4000.000 MHz 3.13.0-32-generic Medium mpeg2video / mpg 1280x720 15881 kb/s 1238 fps
AMD Athlon(tm) 5350 APU with Radeon(tm) R3 2046.231 MHz 3.13.0-32-generic Medium mpeg2video / mpg 1280x720 15030 kb/s 574 fps
Intel(R) Pentium(R) CPU G3258 @ 3.20GHz 3200.000 MHz 3.13.0-32-generic Medium mpeg2video / mpg 1280x720 15030 kb/s 1285 fps
Intel(R) Pentium(R) CPU G3258 @ 3.20GHz 4000.000 MHz 3.13.0-32-generic Medium mpeg2video / mpg 1280x720 15030 kb/s 1603 fps