Difference between revisions of "Mythcommflag-wrapper"

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m (Install wrapper script in place of mythcommflag: - add check for mytharchivehelper in $PATH)
Line 5: Line 5:
=== Prerequisites ===
This script needs <code>mytharchivehelper</code> which may be included in the MythArchive package. Ensure that it is installed on your machine. It also needs [[http://www.ffmpeg.org/<code>ffmpeg</code>]] and [[http://mp3splt.sourceforge.net/<code>mp3splt</code>]]. It's likely that these are packaged for your distro, either directly, or by a third-party repository (e.g. ATrpms for Fedora).
=== Rename the existing mythcommflag binary ===
=== Rename the existing mythcommflag binary ===

Revision as of 08:09, 2 February 2011

Author Cowbutt
Description A simple bash script based on Silence-detect.sh that wraps mythcommflag and can be used manually (via 'Begin Advert Detection' menu option in recording browser) to use silence detection for commflagging for certain UK TV channels.
Supports Version24.png  


This script needs mytharchivehelper which may be included in the MythArchive package. Ensure that it is installed on your machine. It also needs [ffmpeg] and [mp3splt]. It's likely that these are packaged for your distro, either directly, or by a third-party repository (e.g. ATrpms for Fedora).

Rename the existing mythcommflag binary

Mythbackend runs the commflag differently according to the configured name (i.e JobQueueCommFlagCommand in the settings table). If it's not 'mythcommflag', then it always runs the configured commflagger with no parameters (i.e. in "flag all uncommflagged recordings"). Therefore it's necessary for this script to replace and wrap mythcommflag. e.g.

mv /usr/bin/mythcommflag /usr/bin/mythcommflag.orig

Install wrapper script in place of mythcommflag

Install this script as /usr/bin/mythcommflag (or wherever your original mythcommflag binary was located)

Script.png mythcommflag-wrapper.sh


# edit/tune these #
# Allow ad breaks to be upto 400s long by coalescing non-silence
# mytharchivehelper isn't frame-accurate, and mythcommflag won't add final cut pair if the end of the cut is greater
# than the actual final frame, so subtract $ENDFUDGEFRAMES from the value mytharchivehelper returns
# -70dB and minimum of 0.15s to be considered 'silent'
# Log file
# Copy commercial skiplist to cutlist automatically? 1=Enabled

# mythbackend in Fedora packages has $HOME=/etc/mythtv
if [ -e $HOME/mysql.txt ]; then

if [ -e $HOME/.mythtv/mysql.txt ]; then
if [ "$MYTHCFG" = "" ]; then
	echo >>$LOGFILE "No mysql.txt found in $HOME or $HOME/.mythtv - exiting!"
	exit 1

MAH=`which mytharchivehelper` 
if [ "$MAH" = "" ]; then
        echo "mytharchivehelper not found in $PATH - exiting!"
        exit 1

# DB username and password
MYTHHOST=`grep DBHostName <$MYTHCFG | awk -F= '{print $2}'`
MYTHUSER=`grep DBUserName <$MYTHCFG | awk -F= '{print $2}'`
MYTHPASS=`grep DBPassword <$MYTHCFG | awk -F= '{print $2}'`
MYTHDB=`grep DBName <$MYTHCFG | awk -F= '{print $2}'`

# root of MythTV recordings
RECORDINGSROOT=`mysql -h${MYTHHOST} -u${MYTHUSER} -p${MYTHPASS} -e "select dirname from storagegroup;" $MYTHDB | tail -n +2 | sort | uniq | tr '\n' ' '`

echo >>$LOGFILE "$0 run with [$*] at `date` by `whoami`"
#export >>$LOGFILE

#/usr/bin/mythcommflag run with [-j 584 -V 8213] at Sat Jan 29 17:26:58 GMT 2011 by root
#select recorded.basename from recorded join jobqueue where jobqueue.id=584 and jobqueue.chanid=recorded.chanid and jobqueue.starttime=recorded.starttime;

silence_detect() {
		local filename=$1
		TMPDIR=`mktemp -d /tmp/mythcommflag.XXXXXX` || exit 1		
		# get frame count, less 3 seconds (75 frames) fudge factor
		let FRAMES=`mytharchivehelper -i $filename $TMPDIR/streaminfo.xml 1 2>&1 | grep " frames = " | awk -F"= " '{print $2}'`-${ENDFUDGEFRAMES}
		echo >>$LOGFILE "total frames = $FRAMES (+/- 75)"		

		# From <http://www.mythtv.org/wiki/Silence-detect.sh>

# AJB20110129 Have already checked for pre-existing cutlist, and this check doesn't work properly after --clearcutlist anyway
#		[[ "Cutlist: "  == `mythcommflag.orig --getcutlist -f $filename  |grep Cutlist` ]] \
#		    || { echo already has cutlist && exit 1; }

		cd $TMPDIR
		touch `basename $filename`.touch
		ionice -c3 nice ffmpeg -i $filename -acodec copy sound.mp3
		ionice -c3 nice mp3splt -s -p $MP3SPLT_OPTS sound.mp3

		#AJB20110129 add '$FRAMES' because mythcommflag now requires *pairs* of frames
		CUTLIST=`tail --lines=+3 mp3splt.log|sort -g |\
		       awk 'BEGIN{start=0;ORS=","}{if($2-start<'$MAXCOMMBREAKSECS')
		       {finish=$2} else {print int(start*25+1)"-"int(finish*25-25);
		       start=$1; finish=$2;}}END{print int(start*25+1)"-"'$FRAMES'}'`
		echo >>$LOGFILE "silence-detect has generated cutlist: $CUTLIST"

		CUTLIST=`tail --lines=+3 mp3splt.log|sort -g |\
		awk 'BEGIN{start=0;ORS="\n"}{if($2-start<'$MAXCOMMBREAKSECS') {finish=$2} else {print "INSERT INTO recordedmarkup (chanid,starttime,mark,type) VALUES ('$CHANID',\"'"$STARTTIME"'\","int(start*25+1)",4);\nINSERT INTO recordedmarkup (chanid,starttime,mark,type) VALUES ('$CHANID',\"'"$STARTTIME"'\","int(finish*25-25)",5);"; start=$1; finish=$2;}}END{print "INSERT INTO recordedmarkup (chanid,starttime,mark,type) VALUES ('$CHANID',\"'"$STARTTIME"'\","int(start*25+1)",4);\nINSERT INTO recordedmarkup (chanid,starttime,mark,type) VALUES ('$CHANID',\"'"$STARTTIME"'\",'$FRAMES',5);"}' | sed 's/\"/'\''/g'`
#		echo >>$LOGFILE "silence-detect SQLgen returned with $RC, generated SQL skipist: $CUTLIST"		


		rm -rf $TMPDIR

if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then
	# run with no parameters, flag every unflagged recording
	exec mythcommflag.orig
	exit $?
	if [ $# -eq 4 -a "$1" = "-j" -a "$3" = "-V" ]; then
		# this is a manual flag job
		# TODO AJB20110129 generate a filelist from recorded table where commflagged=0 and cutlist=0
		# then run silence_detect over each filename
		# we're being used in some other way, run the real mythcommmflag
		echo >>$LOGFILE "running mythcommflag.orig $*"
		exec mythcommflag.orig $*
		exit $?
	echo >>$LOGFILE "running job $JOB"
	HASCUTLIST=`mysql -h${MYTHHOST} -u${MYTHUSER} -p${MYTHPASS} -e "select recorded.cutlist from recorded join jobqueue where jobqueue.id=$JOB and jobqueue.chanid=recorded.chanid and jobqueue.starttime=recorded.starttime;" $MYTHDB | tail -n +2`	
	if [ "$HASCUTLIST" = "1" ]; then
		echo >>$LOGFILE "program already has (manual?) cutlist, exiting"
		exit 0
	CALLSIGN=`mysql -h${MYTHHOST} -u${MYTHUSER} -p${MYTHPASS} -e "select channel.callsign from channel join jobqueue where jobqueue.id=$JOB and jobqueue.chanid=channel.chanid;" $MYTHDB | tail -n +2`
	CHANID=`mysql -h${MYTHHOST} -u${MYTHUSER} -p${MYTHPASS} -e "select chanid from jobqueue where jobqueue.id=$JOB;" $MYTHDB | tail -n +2`	
	STARTTIME=`mysql -h${MYTHHOST} -u${MYTHUSER} -p${MYTHPASS} -e "select starttime from jobqueue where jobqueue.id=$JOB;" $MYTHDB | tail -n +2`
	echo >>$LOGFILE "channel callsign is $CALLSIGN"
	BASENAME=`mysql -h${MYTHHOST} -u${MYTHUSER} -p${MYTHPASS} -e "select recorded.basename from recorded join jobqueue where jobqueue.id=$JOB and jobqueue.chanid=recorded.chanid and jobqueue.starttime=recorded.starttime;" $MYTHDB | tail -n +2`	
	echo >>$LOGFILE "basename is $BASENAME"
	FILENAME=`ionice -c3 nice find ${RECORDINGSROOT} -name $BASENAME`
	echo >>$LOGFILE "filename is $FILENAME"	

#safe list
#	if [ "$CALLSIGN" = "Film4" -o "$CALLSIGN" = "ITV1" -o "$CALLSIGN" = "ITV1 +1" -o "$CALLSIGN" = "ITV2" -o "$CALLSIGN" = "ITV2 +1" -o "$CALLSIGN" = "ITV3" -o "$CALLSIGN" = "ITV4" -o "$CALLSIGN" = "Dave" -o "$CALLSIGN" = "Dave ja vu" ]; then
# Channel 4 channels seem to work too, but sometimes last cut is too long?
#	if [ "$CALLSIGN" = "Channel 4" -o "$CALLSIGN" = "Channel 4+1" -o "$CALLSIGN" = "More 4" -o "$CALLSIGN" = "E4" -o "$CALLSIGN" = "E4+1" -o "$CALLSIGN" = "Film4" -o "$CALLSIGN" = "ITV1" -o "$CALLSIGN" = "ITV1 +1" -o "$CALLSIGN" = "ITV2" -o "$CALLSIGN" = "ITV2 +1" -o "$CALLSIGN" = "ITV3" -o "$CALLSIGN" = "ITV4" -o "$CALLSIGN" = "Dave" -o "$CALLSIGN" = "Dave ja vu" ]; then
#	if [ "$CALLSIGN" = "FIVE USA" -o "$CALLSIGN" = "FIVER" -o "$CALLSIGN" = "FIVE" -o "$CALLSIGN" = "Channel 4" -o "$CALLSIGN" = "Channel 4+1" -o "$CALLSIGN" = "More 4" -o "$CALLSIGN" = "E4" -o "$CALLSIGN" = "E4+1" -o "$CALLSIGN" = "Film4" -o "$CALLSIGN" = "ITV1" -o "$CALLSIGN" = "ITV1 +1" -o "$CALLSIGN" = "ITV2" -o "$CALLSIGN" = "ITV2 +1" -o "$CALLSIGN" = "ITV3" -o "$CALLSIGN" = "ITV4" -o "$CALLSIGN" = "Dave" -o "$CALLSIGN" = "Dave ja vu" ]; then	
# Fails on FIVER and cuts almost entire recording. Works for other FIVE channels with caveat that they include news bulletins which are't cut
	if [ "$CALLSIGN" = "FIVE USA" -o "$CALLSIGN" = "FIVE" -o "$CALLSIGN" = "Channel 4" -o "$CALLSIGN" = "Channel 4+1" -o "$CALLSIGN" = "More 4" -o "$CALLSIGN" = "E4" -o "$CALLSIGN" = "E4+1" -o "$CALLSIGN" = "Film4" -o "$CALLSIGN" = "ITV1" -o "$CALLSIGN" = "ITV1 +1" -o "$CALLSIGN" = "ITV2" -o "$CALLSIGN" = "ITV2 +1" -o "$CALLSIGN" = "ITV3" -o "$CALLSIGN" = "ITV4" -o "$CALLSIGN" = "Dave" -o "$CALLSIGN" = "Dave ja vu" ]; then	
		echo >>$LOGFILE "Callsign in whitelist - will run silence_detect"		
		mysql -h${MYTHHOST} -u${MYTHUSER} -p${MYTHPASS} -e "update recorded set commflagged=2 where chanid=$CHANID and starttime='${STARTTIME}';" $MYTHDB
		echo >>$LOGFILE "silence_detect $FILENAME"
		silence_detect $FILENAME
		echo >>$LOGFILE "silect_detect() set CUTLIST to $CUTLIST"
		let BREAKS=`echo "$CUTLIST"|wc -l`/2
		echo >>$LOGFILE "$BREAKS break(s) found."
#		mythcommflag --setcutlist $CUTLIST -f $FILENAME
#		echo "mythcommflag --setcutlist returned $RC"
		echo >>$LOGFILE "mysql setskiplist returned $RC"
		if [ $RC -eq 0 ]; then
			mysql -h${MYTHHOST} -u${MYTHUSER} -p${MYTHPASS} -e "update recorded set commflagged=1 where chanid=$CHANID and starttime='${STARTTIME}';" ${MYTHDB}
			mysql -h${MYTHHOST} -u${MYTHUSER} -p${MYTHPASS} -e "update jobqueue set status=272, comment='Finished, $BREAKS break(s) found.' where id=$JOB;" ${MYTHDB}			
			if [ $COPYTOCUTLIST -eq 1 ]; then
				mythcommflag --gencutlist -f $FILENAME
				if [ $RC -eq 0 ]; then
					echo >>$LOGFILE "mythcommflag --gencutlist successfully copied skip list to cut list"
					echo >>$LOGFILE "mythcommflag --gencutlist failed, returned $RC"		
			echo >>$LOGFILE "mythcommflag failed; returned $RC"
			mysql -h${MYTHHOST} -u${MYTHUSER} -p${MYTHPASS} -e "update recorded set commflagged=0 where chanid=$CHANID and starttime='${STARTTIME}';" ${MYTHDB}
		# Not a whitelisted channel for silence_detect
		echo >>$LOGFILE "won't run silence-detect, running mythcommflag.orig $*"
		exec mythcommflag.orig $*
		exit $?
echo >>$LOGFILE

Edit script variables

Edit the environment variables in the wrapper script according to your local installation.

Enable commflagging

Check that commflagging is allowed in mythtv-setup (i.e. the JobAllowCommFlag setting should be 1) and that the commflag command (i.e. JobQueueCommFlagCommand) is mythcommflag.


In the 'Watch Recordings' browser, select a recording that was from a channel included in the script's whitelist (Film4, Dave, Dave ja vu, ITV1-4, ITV1 +1, ITV2 +1), hit menu, then Jobs, then 'Begin Advert Detection'). Within a few minutes, that recording should be commflagged appropriately.

Future Planned Improvements

Fill in the TODOs. Done, apart from automatic "flag all unflagged recordings" mode. Maybe when it can be trusted to not go haywire...

Expand the channel whitelist ("Five" tested once and failed, others???)

More sanity checks of mysql client exit codes and parsed variables.

Refine $CUTLIST generation so that we print $start instead of ($finish*25-25) if ($finish*25-25) < ($finish*25+1).

Per-channel profiles instead of whitelisting.

Experiment with other mp3splt options for other channels. Contributions here particularly welcome!

Merge this into the real mythcommflag. Will probably need a new column in the channels table to signify which commflagging method should be used, and that in turn will require some work to the channel-editor UI of mythtv-setup.