Opensuse 11.0

From MythTV Official Wiki
Revision as of 08:33, 18 June 2008 by Moosylog (talk | contribs) (Introduction: Added link to openSUSE 11.0 release notes)

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Other openSUSE version


Benefits of using openSUSE 11.0 for mythTV
  • Best hardware support available today with kernel 2.6.25 - compared to openSUSE 10.3 (kernel 2.6.22) - what's new in 2.6.23, what's new in 2.6.24, what's new in 2.6.25
  • Software installation (package management) is improved in openSUSE 11.0 and super fast. (libzypp)
  • openSUSE 1-click install technology, packages or package bundles can be installed with 1 click (No need to compile)
    • mythTV packages are available as a bundle with 1-click install on pacman
    • restricted formats (proprietary, patented formats) like MP3, Codecs, encrypted DVD support etc. are available with 1-click install on opensuse-community
    • proprietary video drivers for both AMD/ATI and NVIDIA are available with 1-click install
    • additional packages for the advanced user are also available with one 1-click install from (e.g. lcd support)
  • New and super fast installation, completing in roughly just 35 minutes (including mythTV software)
  • Improved ACPI functionality for suspend and wake-up to reduce power consumption
  • Good openSUSE, mythTV documentation and a friendly community ;-)

read more

Myth suse.jpg

About openSUSE

SUSE Linux, one of the oldest Linux distributions, was originally developed by a German company. SuSE is an acronym in the German language for “Software und System-Entwicklung” which translates as software and system development.

The openSUSE project is a community program sponsored by Novell. With the launch of the openSUSE project, openSUSE is now developed in an open model—public development builds, releases, and sources will be posted frequently and users will have access to the Bugzilla database for defect reporting.

Functional diagram.png

For rich, reliable and secure home computing like mythTV, there's no better choice than openSUSE. It features an easy-to-install Linux operating system that includes most of the required mythTV components standard in the box. While the official mythTV documentation attempts to be as distribution-agnostic as possible, this document is geared specifically toward building a mythTV system on the openSUSE Linux distribution.

openSUSE, in combination with the PackMan (thanks Herbert Graeber for building the rpm's) repository, provides you with an easy installation and all the latest packages of the mythTV rpms, ivtv, lirc, xmltv, php, mysql, mplayer, xine and many more that are necessary for a fully functional mythTV box.

Download.png - Download openSUSE 11.0

Webpage.png - openSUSE official documentation

Webpage.png - openSUSE 11.0 Release notes

Webpage.png - Guide to openSUSE 11.0

Wikipage.png - mythTV Executive_Overview mythTV wiki page

While mythTV can take quite some time to install, the result will be a fast box that can do nearly anything to entertain. Furthermore, the system is incredibly reliable, and if you leave it on, you can expect runtimes that last for years with little to no maintenance to be done (aside from updates if desired). We've also experienced that the WAF (Wife Acceptance Factor) for mythTV is enormous. As soon as you start playing with it, you need a second box because it becomes the most mission critical system in your house. I hope this document will help you in your quest for your ultimate mythbox. Remember this: "MythTV can be a time machine; hours can disappear for no reason at all."

Hardware considerations

Installing mythTV all starts with good hardware. The first requirement is a machine capable of running openSUSE x86 or x86-64 and that can be connected to the Internet. You will also need a decent audio card and a video card, a hard drive with as much storage space as you desire, as well as a TV tuner capable of performing hardware-level video encoding. Many people run mythTV without any problems on older hardware; however, if you are planning on doing anything with high definition video or complex transcoding jobs, you will need to have sufficient memory and processing power. Check this wiki and the mailinglist before you purchase any new hardware.

You might also find it useful to look at if you build a machine for your living room, in order to get advice on low power-consumption, low noise setups.

Wikipage.png - Bare_Bones_System mythTV wiki page

Wikipage.png - Cases mythTV wiki page


Join the community and get some help
Subscribe to the mythTV users mailing list

mythTV user mailing list

mythTV user mailing list archive

Chat with other mythTV users

IRC #mythtv-users

Initial system setup and considerations

openSUSE 11.0 Media (DVD and/or CD)

For users new to Linux, the supported version of openSUSE may be the best choice—you'll get complete end-user documentation, installable media for x86 and x86 64-bit systems, plus 90 days of end-user installation support. Others just download openSUSE from one of the sources.

Download.png - Download openSUSE 11.0

Webpage.png - Buy online (including 90 days support, a real manual and a fancy DVD)

Partitions and File Systems

openSUSE ships with a number of different file systems, including ReiserFS, Ext2, Ext3 and XFS, from which to choose at installation time. Each file system has its own advantages and disadvantages that can make it more suited to a scenario. Professional high-performance setups may require a different choice of file system than a home user's setup.

Earlier versions of openSUSE used ReiserFS as the default filesystem. From openSUSE 10.3 and on, ext3 is the default file system.


Use ext3 as your default file system. Consider using XFS for your video data. XFS is very good at manipulating and deleting large files and performs well on high-end hardware.


Make sure you understand what hardware you have - especially if you have issues an need to Google.

lspci -v and lsusb and hwinfo


Wikipage.png - File Systems mythTV wiki page

Webpage.png - SUSE Linux Enterprise documentation about file systems

Install mythTV software on openSUSE

STEP (1 of 4) - repositories

Add the required software repositories.

Make sure that the standard openSUSE 11.0 software repositories are configured: If you don't have a dual layer DVD set with the complete OSS and NON-OSS packages on their, the package manager relies on the software repositories on the internet. I suggest you point to the online repositories (tobe sure) and so you don't need you CD/DVD anymore.

Start YaST and look at your software repositories. You can remove/disable the CD/DVD media and make sure you have the following repositories:

Warning.png Warning: Make sure the standard openSUSE 11.0 repositories are setup correct before you start installing the software.

Check 'Software Repositories' in YaST

openSUSE 11.0 Main Repository (NON-OSS)

protocol: HTTP


directory: /distribution/11.0/repo/non-oss/

To add the repo using the commandline:

sudo zypper ar "openSUSE 10.3 Main Repository (NON-OSS)"
sudo zypper mr --disable-autorefresh "openSUSE 11.0 Main Repository (NON-OSS)"
openSUSE 11.0 Main Repository (OSS)

protocol: HTTP


directory: /repositories/openSUSE:11.0/standard/

To add the repo using the commandline:

sudo zypper ar "openSUSE 11.0 Main Repository (OSS)"
sudo zypper mr --disable-autorefresh "openSUSE 11.0 Main Repository (OSS)"
openSUSE 11.0 Update Respository

(this will be automatically added/configured when you select 'Online Update Configuration' in YaST.

If you added the new repos from the commandline and 'disabled the autorefresh', you need to fill the cache once

To update the repositories from the commandline, and update the local cache:

sudo zypper ref

Information.png Tip: For you information

1. You need todo the Online Update Configuration in YaST in order to get your Update Repository

2. The content in the main software repositories does not change. Disable the Automatically Refresh for these repositories will increase performance.

STEP (2 of 4) - multimedia

This will install the Restricted Multimedia Formats ranging from MP3 Codecs to playing Encrypted DVDs

Install Restricted Multimedia Formats for KDE users
Install Restricted Multimedia Formats for GNOME user

STEP (3 of 4) - requirements

Install the prerequisite packages with zypper by copying and pasting the following into a terminal (as root)

The following instruction might be specific for
mythTV 0.20 or openSUSE 10.3
. Please update if it is outdated.

sudo zypper in alsa audit-libs dvb flac gcc ivtv ivtv-firmware kernel-source libao libdvdread3
sudo zypper in libid3tag lirc mjpegtools mysql php5 python xine-ui xmms fame libcdaudio libfame lame MPlayer
sudo zypper in phpMyAdmin pvm transcode xvid apache2 yast2-http-server apache2-mod_php5

STEP (4 of 4) - mythtv

This will install the mythTV packages for both frontend and backend from the packman repository.

Install mythTV from packman

Configure mythTV server components (mythbackend)

The server components within mythTV are referred to as the mythbackend.

Because the configuration of the mythTV application itself is not openSUSE specific, you find mainly links to the information. Documentation

Wikipage.png - Manual mythTV wiki page

Start required services

Make sure all required system services are running on startup: As root start 'yast2 runlevel' and enabel the following services and click OK after popup dialog

  • ntp
  • mysql

Notice there is a mythbackend option, would suggest that you do not enable "mythbackend" just yet, until you have tried running in a terminal window as below. If all steps below work then enable this to run.

Information.png Tip: On openSUSE, you can manually add things to /etc/init.d/boot.local, that should happen directly after booting

Create the database (mysql)

mythTV uses MySQL to store it's settings, listings, recording schedules, and other information. So we have to make sure openSUSE starts MySQL when it boots, and we have to initialize the database with some basic information that mythTV can work with. The database is probably the most important component of mythTV because without it, absolutely none of mythTV can function.


1.) The MySQL deamon (mysql) is not started automatically by default after a reboot. As root start 'yast2 runlevel', select mysql and make sure it's started at boot time.

2.) Create the database If the database is not started, start mysql (as root) by typing

/etc/init.d/mysql start

Watch for errors. Set up a root password by typing

mysqladmin -u root password <yourpasswordhere>

Once MySQL is setup, install the mythTV Database. This is done by running:

mysql -u root -p < /usr/share/doc/packages/mythtv-doc/database/mc.sql

(and key-in the previously entered password) You should see no output - this is a good thing!

By default, the database is named mythconverg and contains a set of tables that interact with one-another.

Information.png Tip: make the database multi user, so you can access it from more than 1 machine; this will assign a user named "mythtv" with a password of "mythtv " to the "mythconverg" database:

mysql -u root -p mythconverg

You will then be connected directly to the database. Enter the following commands at the mysql> prompt.

mysql> grant all on mythconverg.* to mythtv@"%" identified by "mythtv";
mysql> flush privileges;
mysql> quit;

MythTV backend setup application (mythtv-setup)


The server components within mythTV are referred to as the mythbackend.

Because the configuration of the mythTV application itself is not openSUSE specific, you find mainly links to the information. Documentation

Wikipage.png - Manual mythTV wiki page

Wikipage.png - User Manual mythTV wiki page

When everything works. The mythserver process (mythbackend) is not started automatically by default after a reboot.

As root start 'yast2 runlevel', select mythbackend and make sure it's started at boot time.

Digital Video capture card (DVB)


List-add.png Todo: generic tips for DVB users. What needs tobe checked when working with DVB, where are files stored. See the analogue section for inspiration

1.) Check (and update) the hardware specific section on the mythTV wiki

Wikipage.png - Hauppauge_WinTV_Nova-T_500_PCI mythTV wiki page

Analogue Video capture card (IVTV)

A TV capture card, also called a TV tuner card, is a device that receives TV signals and converts

them into a digital format. With a minimum of one TV tuner card installed, you can watch and record TV by using your mythTV system. If you install a second TV tuner, you can record or watch TV from more than one channel at the same time.

If you have one TV tuner, for example the Hauppauge PVR-150, you can:

  • Record TV on one channel
  • Watch live TV on one channel
  • Watch a recorded show while you record another show

If you have two TV tuners, for example the Hauppauge PVR-500, you can:

  • Record TV on two different channels at the same time
  • Watch live TV on one channel while another show that is on a different channel is recorded
  • Watch a recorded show while you record two shows at the same time

mythTV supports a myriad of different video capture cards by utilizing the IVTV driver, a kernel driver for Linux and a driver for X11 for hardware based on Conexant's CX23415/CX23416 codec chip. The recommended analogue Standard Definition Cable (SDC) capture cards are the Hauppauge PVR.


Webpage.png - a complete list of supported hardware by IVTV

Wikipage.png - capture card matrix on the mythTV wiki page mythTV wiki page

Webpage.png - ivtv wiki, primary resource

Webpage.png - openSUSE wiki, supported TV cards

openSUSE 10.3 ships with IVTV version 0.10.3 and ivtv-firmware 0.10.3, everything is auto detected on the x86 and x86-64 bit version of the OS. Please make sure you install the ivtv-firmware from YaST from the NON-OSS openSUSE repository.

Download.png - ivtv, located on 10.3 media OSS

Download.png - ivt_firmware, located on 10.3 media NON_OSS


IVTV-based cards are hardware encoders, but the firmware does not exist in the card itself. Instead, you must point your hardware to an extracted version of the firmware on disk. One of the benefits of openSUSE is that it has the closed source ivtv-firmware drivers available in the NON-OSS repository. This Firmware is licensed for use only in conjunction with Hauppauge component products. More info about the license can be found in the license agreement included in the package.

Configuration Tips
Check the IVTV console output with dmesg
dmesg | egrep -i '(ivtv|tveeprom|tuner)'

Your output should look something like this example from the Hauppauge PVR500:

ivtv:  ==================== START INIT IVTV ====================
ivtv:  version 0.x.x (tagged release) loading
ivtv:  Linux version: x.x.xx.x-default SMP mod_unload gcc-4.1
ivtv:  In case of problems please include the debug info between
ivtv:  the START INIT IVTV and END INIT IVTV lines, along with
ivtv:  any module options, when mailing the ivtv-users mailinglist.
ivtv0: Autodetected Hauppauge WinTV PVR-150 card (cx23416 based)
ivtv0: loaded v4l-cx2341x-enc.fw firmware (262144 bytes)
ivtv0: This is the first unit of a PVR500
tuner 1-0043: chip found @ 0x86 (ivtv i2c driver #0)
tuner 1-0060: chip found @ 0xc0 (ivtv i2c driver #0)
tuner 1-0061: chip found @ 0xc2 (ivtv i2c driver #0)
cx25840 1-0044: cx25843-23 found @ 0x88 (ivtv i2c driver #0)
wm8775 1-001b: chip found @ 0x36 (ivtv i2c driver #0)
ivtv0: Encoder revision: 0x02060039

The lspci command can give you more information about your card and tuner
lspci | grep -i itv
Your output should look something like this example from the Hauppauge PVR500:
03:08.0 Multimedia video controller: Internext Compression Inc iTVC16 (CX23416) MPEG-2 Encoder (rev 01)
03:09.0 Multimedia video controller: Internext Compression Inc iTVC16 (CX23416) MPEG-2 Encoder (rev 01)

Check if the firmware is installed in the correct location
ls /lib/firmware -l
  • license-end-user.txt
  • license-oemihvisv.txt
  • v4l-cx2341x-dec.fw
  • v4l-cx2341x-enc.fw
  • v4l-cx2341x-init.mpg
  • v4l-cx25840.fw
  • v4l-pvrusb2-24xxx-01.fw
  • v4l-pvrusb2-29xxx-01.fw

Check what version of ivtv is installed

To check what version is installed, issue the command:

rpm -qa | grep ivtv

Your output should look something like:


The IVTV configuration is maintained by YaST and it is not recommended to edit the file directly. To see the configuration of the device
cat /etc/modprobe.d/tv

Your output should look something like this example from the Hauppauge PVR500:

alias char-major-81 videodev
options i2c-algo-bit bit_test=1
# YaST configured TV card
# Uog3.chCB1CyIbw9:WinTV PVR 150
alias char-major-81-0 ivtv
# YaST configured TV card
# ZvjX.sZc4ePByvkF:WinTV PVR 150
alias char-major-81-1 ivtv
alias char-major-81-2 off
alias char-major-81-3 off

Reload the ivtv module manually
rmmod ivtv
modprobe ivtv

Check if the video devices are available to the system
ls /dev/vi* -l

Your output should look something like this example from the (dual tuner) Hauppauge PVR500:

lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 6 Dec 29 06:27 /dev/video -> video0
crw-rw----+ 1 root video 81, 0 Dec 29 06:27 /dev/video0
crw-rw----+ 1 root video 81, 1 Dec 29 06:27 /dev/video1
crw-rw----+ 1 root video 81, 24 Dec 29 06:27 /dev/video24
crw-rw----+ 1 root video 81, 25 Dec 29 06:27 /dev/video25
crw-rw----+ 1 root video 81, 32 Dec 29 06:27 /dev/video32
crw-rw----+ 1 root video 81, 33 Dec 29 06:27 /dev/video33

The above is for a PVR-500. Here is what each device corresponds to in this case:

Tuner unit #1: - For your info

/dev/video0 – The encoding capture device (Read-only)
/dev/video24 – The raw audio capture device (Read-only)
/dev/video32 – The raw video capture device (Read-only)
/dev/radio – The radio tuner device
/dev/vbi0 – The "vertical blank interval" (Teletext) capture device

Tuner unit #2: - For your info

/dev/video1 – The encoding capture device (Read-only)
/dev/video25 – The raw audio capture device (Read-only)
/dev/video33 – The raw video capture device (Read-only)
/dev/vbi1 – The "vertical blank interval" (Teletext) capture device

Check (and update) the hardware specific section on this page and the dedicated mythTV wiki pages

Wikipage.png - Video capure cards on the mythTV wiki page

Hauppauge PVR-150
Hauppauge PVR-150

Wikipage.png - Hauppauge_PVR-150, single tuner mythTV wiki page

Hauppauge PVR-250
Hauppauge PVR-250

Wikipage.png - Hauppauge_PVR-250 mythTV wiki page

Hauppauge PVR-350
Hauppauge PVR-350

Wikipage.png - Hauppauge_PVR-350, single tuner and TV-out mythTV wiki page

Hauppauge PVR-500
Hauppauge PVR-500

Wikipage.png - Hauppauge_PVR-500, dual tuner mythTV wiki page

If you are lost; here are some screenshots of mythtv-setup for a PVR-500 in the Netherlands.

Channels and frequencies

You can fill the channel table and frequencies from mythtv-setup

Since there must be more MythTV users in your area, this could be a good moment to make some new friends. Chances are that someone already did this and exported this channel information and published it on the web. Check the country specific information on the mythtv wiki or some local mythtv sites and with some luck you can import a channel file to your database.

Country specific information Generate mythTV Channels for the Netherlands, place holder, place holder,

Information.png Tip: For some countries, providers, areas there are channel.sql files available that hold all channels and frequencies for your area and that can be imported directly into the mySQL database. See the XMLTV page for more details about your country specific information.

Electronic Program Guide (EPG)

The most difficult part of installing/configuring MythTV is getting the data, name and frequency of all the channels in the database. One of the reasons is; it's country and region specific information and it also depends on your type of TV signal. Most analogue mythTV systems need to grab information from some local website and import it into the mythTV datastore. For this to work, a technology called grabbers is used. A grabber, 'grabs' EPG information from a website and transforms the data to XML format. Most DVB-C infrastructures send EPG information in streams over the cable so other techniques are used.

The best advise we can give you, is to search for country/provider specific information because for EPG there is no 'one size fits all'.

Country specific information Netherlands, North America data direct, North America zap2it, UK, more


mythfilldatabase is nothing more that a nice wrapper around your EPG handler. Normally mythfilldatabase is run automatically by mythbackend every 24 hours. It uses your EPG handler (grabber) as defined in mythtv-setup.


Most grabbers use XMLTV to get the EPG data into the database. Make sure you install the XMLTV software packages. XMLTV ships with a set of standard grabbers per country. Although these might work - again, search for country specific information - better grabbers may be around.

The program guide in mythTV is a listing of TV shows that you receive over the network.

XMLTV is a set of utilities to transfer and store EPG (Electronic Program Guide) in a XML format for various countries.

It's good to understand the following components before you begin:

  • XMLTV Grabber = country specific module to grab EPG (Electronic Program Guide) info from a source and translates it to XML format.
  • XMLTV ID = Value that exists in the XMLTV data and in the Channel table. It's the link/mapping to get the information on the correct channel.
  • CHANNELS = Your TV channels, with their channel number and frequencies as defined in mythtv-setup
  • CHANNEL_ICONS = Bitmaps that are displayed by mythfrontend as a graphical representation of the channel. (example: CNN logo)
  • mythfilldatabase = An mythTV application that uses the XMLTV grabber that you defined in mythtv-setup and stores the information in the MySQL database.

The most essential data in your database is the channel mapping: The mythconverg_channel table in the database links/maps the following information channel number frequency name of the channel XMLTV number Without this information the EPG (Electronic Program Guide) can not work.

Install XMLTV from pacman

For most European countries you need XMLTV and a grabber.

The first thing you should do to get listings into the database is to set up your channels. In mythtv-setup, after you have set up your card, you can configure a video source based on your geographic location. The video source config page has a field for "grabber"; select your country there and mythTV will be ready to run a program called "mythfilldatabase" that will use XMLTV and tv_grab_XX, where XX is your country specific method. So, XMLTV works by running a custom grabber for your country. This grabber collects guide data from the sources appropriate to your country.

Country specific information Netherlands, North America, UK, more

Different countries and providers have different ways of configuring XMLTV.

Wikipage.png - XMLTV mythTV wiki page

to see specifics for your country about XMLTV and the EPG:


1.) Understand what grabber technology you should use and are currently trying to configure - read !

2.) Location of the grabber config file and current user. The grabber for your country may have it's settings stored in the users home directory (~./.xmltv or ~./.mythtv). Normally your should run mythfilldatabase as user and not as root!!

3.) Check the XML-TV-ID in database and grabber

Have a quick look in the database This will show channel numbers, xmltvid etc.

mysql -u<username> -p<password> mythconverg -e 'SELECT name, freqid, chanid, channum, xmltvid  FROM `channel`  WHERE sourceid = "1"  ';

The XMLTVID should match the ID's in your grabbers configuration file. (if exists for your country)

Use and configure mythTV clients (frontends)

Integrated LCD or VFD panel (LCDProc)

Remote Control (LIRC)

Audio setup

TV Output (Proprietary Driver)

You can use several different types of connections to connect your mythTV frontend PC to a TV. The S-Video cable works well with most standard TVs. The picture below explains the different types of connections that can be used to connect yout TV.

The type of output your PC's video card can do, and the type of inputs your TV can handle are primarily what dictates what you should use to connect them. From highest- to lowest-quality, the order of consideration is: HDMI, DVI (both of which are digital), VGA, Component, S-Video and finally Composite (all of the rest are analog).


HDMI digital
DVI digital
VGA analog
Component analog
S-Video analog
Composite analog

Install the ATI driver with 1-Click Install
ATI driver from the opensuse-community

Manual download and install the driver

Download.png - Download the latest driver from ATI


Wikipage.png - AtiProprietaryDriver mythTV wiki page

Webpage.png - openSUSE AMD/ATI page

Install the NVIDIA driver with 1-Click Install
If you have a new NVIDIA cards
If you have a legacy NVIDIA cards

List of Legacy NVIDIA cards

Manual download and install the driver

Download.png - Download the latest driver from NVIDIA


Wikipage.png - NVidiaProprietaryDriver mythTV wiki page

Webpage.png - openSUSE NVIDIA page

Hauppauge PVR-350
Hauppauge PVR-350

Wikipage.png - Hauppauge_PVR-350, single tuner and TV-out mythTV wiki page

Web frontend (mythweb)

MythWeb provides a frontend for scheduling and managing recordings on your mythTV system from a web browser located on another machine. Provided the security is set up correctly on your MythBox you can access your machine from anywhere on the internet, or even your mobile phone as long as you have a compatible browser. Of course it is just as useful to browse your myth content from your laptop while your partner is watching their favorite programme.

Make sure the following packages are installed

yast2-http-server, apache2, apache2-mod-php5

You can quickly check if the package is already installed with the following command

rpm -qa | grep apache

Activate the required server module for the Apache HTTP server

The Rewrite Server Module provides a rule-based rewriting engine to rewrite requested URLs on the fly. By default it's turned off and you need to turn it on. The Environment Server Module modifies the environment passed to CGI scripts and SSI pages

Start YaST and goto the HTTP server menu (commandline: yast2 http-server) follow the menu's by next,next,next,next and click the HTTP Server Expert Configuration, here you see a tab with 'Server Modules'

The Rewrite module is disabled by default - Enable this option

The Env module is disabled by default - Enable this option

Securing mythweb

If you plan to open your mythweb to the internet, you should seriously consider securing it. That and more information can be found here. Follow the section specifically for openSUSE here

Security Example for mythweb

To secure your Mythweb you can configure the access to it. For example you can set up 'limit access'. It will ask you for an username and password if you try to access the mythweb page. It's very simple:

First make a file where you store the username and password for a user.

htpasswd2 -c /etc/apache2/htpasswd <username>

Type in a password (2x)

Then just add the lines below in your http.conf or default-server.conf

<Directory "/srv/www/htdocs/mythweb">
 AuthType Basic
 AuthName "Mythweb Login"
 AuthUserFile /etc/apache2/htpasswd
 Require user <username>

Restart apache

rcapache2 restart

If you now access the Mythweb (http://ip number/mythweb/) it will ask you for an username and password.

Information.png Tip: You can access your MythWeb remotely if you know your IP address. However, if you are a DHCP client, your IP will probably change. To resolve the issue of having an IP address that is constantly changing, you can sign up for an account with a dynamic DNS site (such as and create a unique unchanging hostname that can be forwarded to your IP address - even if it changes.

Making it an appliance

Start all required services remove the services crom cron and database maintencance tricks acpi wakeup mythfilldatabase scheduled

Tips and tricks