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Qt is a software development toolkit used by MythTV as a framework for development.

Prior to version 0.22, MythTV was built using Qt3. Since then, various versions of Qt4 are required;

0.22=Qt4.4 (or trunk from March 25th, 2008)
HEAD=Qt4.6 (May 22nd, 2011) 

Most Linux distributions include a package manager, like yum which can install these libraries, and for those that compile from source, the development libraries. A typical command might be

yum install qt4 qt4-devel

Please refer to your OS specific instructions for installing packages or you can get it direct from the source (look for the "Qt library" tar.gz. Nigel thinks configuring with these flags:

./configure -fast -no-accessibility -qt-sql-mysql -no-sql-sqlite -no-sql-odbc -no-libtiff -no-libmng -nomake examples -nomake demos -no-nis -no-cups -no-phonon -no-svg

reduces the compile time and disk space.

Isaac offers these suggestions on the mythtv-dev mailing list for those updating

A few tips for those updating:

- make sure you have the qt4 mysql library installed.

- do a distclean first, then remove any stray Makefiles that didn't get
removed by the distclean.  It may use the wrong qmake (ie, qt3's qmake)
otherwise.  I just did a 'find . -name "Makefile" -exec rm -f {} \;' from the
top level checkout dirs to fix this.

- The database updates will take a couple minutes to churn through and convert
the DB over to the new format.

Temporary note for upgrading to QT4 from QT3 on Ubuntu

NOTE: I will update this as I go thru the process. This is a placeholder.

apt-get install libqt4-core libqt4-dbg libqt4-dev libqt4-gui libqt4-sql qt4-dev-tools qt4-qtconfig qt4-doc  qt4-designer

Temporary note for upgrading to QT4 from QT3 on Debian (Unstable)

NOTE: This should be enough.

apt-get install libqt4-core libqt4-dbg libqt4-dev libqt4-gui libqt4-sql qt4-dev-tools qt4-qtconfig qt4-doc qt4-designer