Record table

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Revision as of 01:02, 3 February 2007 by NigelPearson (talk | contribs)

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The record table contains the list of recording rules that have been created. The scheduler uses this information to determine which shows in the program table should be recorded and on what video capture card (listed in the capturecard table). BR The table is fairly self-explanatory, except fot the type column, which is documented in enum RecordingType in the file libs/libmythtv/recordingtypes.h. The current values:

   kNotRecording = 0,
   kSingleRecord = 1,
   kTimeslotRecord = 2,
   kChannelRecord = 3,
   kAllRecord = 4,
   kWeekslotRecord = 5,
   kFindOneRecord = 6,
   kOverrideRecord = 7,
   kDontRecord = 8,
   kFindDailyRecord = 9,
   kFindWeeklyRecord = 10