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Generic Attributes Used in most windows

Most of the views in recordings-ui.xml and schedule-ui.xml share many/most attributes, most of which are entirely optional. This allows the themer to show whichever information he or she likes across four different views. This is a list of attributes you can theme across all of the aforementioned windows, including use in their buttonlists or individually.
Widget Name Widget Type Description Required?
title textarea The title of the item. N
subtitle textarea The subtitle of the item. N
titlesubtitle textarea The title and subtitle of the item. N
description textarea The description/plot of the item. N
category textarea The category of the item. N
callsign textarea The callsign of the item's channel. N
commfree textarea The commercial free status of the item's channel. N
outputfilters textarea The playback output filters of the item's channel. N
starttime textarea The start time of the item in the user-specified format. N
startdate textarea The start date of the item in the user-specified format. N
endtime textarea The end time of the item in the user-specified format. N
enddate textarea The end date of the item in the user-specified format. N
recstarttime textarea The recording start time of the item in the user-specified format. N
recstartdate textarea The recording end date of the item in the user-specified format. N
recendtime textarea The recording end time of the item in the user-specified format. N
recenddate textarea The recording end date of the item in the user-specified format. N
lastmodifiedtime textarea The last modified time of the item in the user-specified format. N
lastmodifieddate textarea The last modified date of the item in the user-specified format. N
lastmodified textarea The last modified time and date of the item in the user-specified format. N
channum textarea The channel number on which the item was recorded. N
chanid textarea The internal myth channel ID on which the item was recorded. N
channel textarea The combined channel number/name string. N
long channel textarea The full plain english channel name/number string. N
iconpath textarea The path to the icon file for the channel on which the item was recorded. N
filesize textarea The file size of the item in bytes. N
filesize_str textarea A "plain english" filesize of the item (in MB/GB/etc.) N
lenmins textarea The length of the item in minutes. N
lentime textarea The length of the item in hours. N
rectypechar textarea The recording type of the item, single character. N
rectype textarea The recording type of the item as a string. N
rectypestatus textarea A string value for the status of an upcoming recording. N
card textarea The card upon which an item will record. N
recpriority textarea The recording priority of an item. N
recgroup textarea The recording group of an item. N
playgroup textarea The playback group of an item. N
storagegroup textarea The storage group of an item. N
programflags textarea The program flags of an item. N
audioproperties textarea The audio properties of an item. N
videoproperties textarea The videoproperties of an item. N
subtitleType textarea The subtitling information of an item. N
timedate textarea The "date, starttime-endtime" of an item. N
shorttimedate textarea The short version of the "date, starttime-endtime" of an item. N
shortstarttimedate textarea The short "date starttime" of an item. N
recstatus textarea The recording status of an item. N
repeat textarea The short repeat status of an item. (Repeat) N
longrepeat textarea The long string repeat status of an item. (Repeat Sun July 17, 2010) N
seriesid textarea The grabber-assigned Series ID of an item. N
programid textarea The grabber assigned Program ID of an item. N
catType textarea The category Type of an item. N
year textarea The year of release of an item. N
stars textarea The stars value in text of an item. (4 Stars) N
yearstars textarea The year and star values of an item. (1996, 5 stars) N
originalairdate textarea The original air date of an item. N
shortoriginalairdate textarea The short original air date of an item. N