Difference between revisions of "Video-ui.xml"

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(Generic Attributes Used in most windows)
Line 256: Line 256:
| style="background:darkturquoise" | Statetype to indicate whether the item has been watched.  Values are ''yes'' and ''no''.
| style="background:darkturquoise" | Statetype to indicate whether the item has been watched.  Values are ''yes'' and ''no''.
| style="background:darkturquoise" align="center" | N
| style="background:darkturquoise" align="center" | N
| tagline
| align="center"  | textarea
| The tagline, or "stinger" phrase for the selected item.
| align="center"  | N

Revision as of 19:13, 9 May 2010

The video-ui.xml file governs the layout and behavior of the MythVideo Plugin. It consists of the following windows and named attributes:

MythVideo Windows

Window Name Type Description
manager Window The Video Manager view type.
browser Window The Browser view type.
gallery Window The Gallery view type.
tree Window The List View Type.
itemdetailpopup Popup When an item is selected in Gallery View, this window is popped up showing details before playback.
moviesel Popup Popup for selecting from multiple results from the grabber scripts
castpopup Popup The "View Cast" popup.
descriptionpopup Popup The "View Plot" popup.
filter Window The Video Filter Dialog.
playersettings Settings Screen The player settings screen.
metadatasettings Settings Screen The Metadata/Grabber Settings screen.
edit_metadata Settings Screen The Edit Metadata Screen.
file_associations Settings Screen The File Extensions screen (found at Utilities/Setup->Setup->Media Settings->Video Settings->File Types).

Generic Attributes Used in most windows

The MythVideo Manager, Browser, Gallery, List, and to a certain extent, ItemDetailPopup views are unique as they share many/most attributes, most of which are entirely optional. This allows the themer to show whichever information he or she likes across four different views. This is a list of attributes you can theme across all of the aforementioned windows.
Widget Name Widget Type Description Required?
title textarea The title of the selected item. N
director textarea The director of the selected item. N
genres textarea The genres of the selected item. N
countries textarea The countries of the selected item. N
cast textarea A comma-seperated list of the cast of the selected item. N
userrating textarea The grabber-source user rating (ie IMDB rating). N
year textarea The year of release for the selected item. N
rating textarea The ratings-body assigned rating for the selected item (G, PG, R, etc.). N
browseable textarea Whether or not the item is set to browseable. N
length textarea The length of the selected item in minutes. N
description textarea The plot/description of the selected item. N
filename textarea The path and filename of the selected item. N
coverfile textarea The path and filename of the coverfile for the selected item. N
coverart imagetype The cover image for the selected item. N
screenshotfile textarea The path and filename of the screenshot for the selected item. N
screenshot imagetype The screen shot for the selected item. N
bannerfile textarea The path and filename of the banner for the selected item. N
banner imagetype The banner image for the selected item. N
fanartfile textarea The path and filename of the fanart for the selected item. N
fanart imagetype The fanart image for the selected item. N
video_player textarea The player command line for the selected item. N
position textarea The "Position" within the library, ie "30 of 51". N
breadcrumbs textarea The path (within the library) to the selected item, ie "Videos > Television > LOST." N
inetref textarea The grabber-assigned number for the film (ie IMDB number). N
insertdate textarea The date the item was added to the library. N
novideos textarea Text area which appears when no videos are present in the library. N
userratingstate statetype The User Rating statetype (commonly "stars"). Values are 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10. N
category textarea The category of the selected item. N
child_id textarea File to play after selected item. N
videolevel statetype The Parental Level of the selected item. Values are None, Lowest, Low, Medium, and High. N
season textarea Numerical value of the selected item's season. N
episode textarea Numerical value of the selected item's episode. N
##x## textarea Season/Episode value in "1x01" format. N
s##e## textarea Season/Episode value in "s01e01" format. N
subtitle textarea The subtitle of the selected item. N
trailerstate statetype A statetype to display whether or not a given item has a trailer associated with it. Values are hasTrailer and None. N
watchedstate statetype Statetype to indicate whether the item has been watched. Values are yes and no. N
tagline textarea The tagline, or "stinger" phrase for the selected item. N

The "manager", "browser", "gallery", and "tree" windows

Aside from all of the optional attributes listed above, the Manager, Browser, Gallery, and List Views must have a name="videos" item. In the "manager", "browser", and "gallery" windows, this must be a buttonlist. In the "tree" window (List View), it must be a buttontree. Otherwise you are free to lay out these screens to the extent of your creativity!
Widget Name Widget Type Description Required?
videos buttonlist OR buttontree See discussion! A buttonlist or buttontree of all the videos in the library Yes

The "file_associations" window

Widget Name Widget Type Description Required?
extension_select buttonlist Buttonlist to selected from available, defined file extensions. Yes
command textedit Textedit to assign the player program for the selected extension. Yes
ignore_check checkbox Checkbox to set ignoring of the selected extension. Yes
default_check checkbox Checkbox to set "Use Default Player" on selected extension. Yes
done_button button The "Done" button. Yes
new_button button The "New" button. Yes
delete_button button The "Delete" button. Yes

The "edit_metadata" window

Widget Name Widget Type Description Required?
title_edit textedit Textedit to change title. Yes
player_edit textedit Textedit to change player command. Yes
coverart_text textarea Mythvideo-filled value for path and filename of coverart. Yes
screenshot_text textarea Mythvideo-filled value for path and filename of screenshot. Yes
banner_text textarea Mythvideo-filled value for path and filename of banner art. Yes
fanart_text textarea Mythvideo-filled value for path and filename of fanart. Yes
trailer_text textarea Mythvideo-filled value for path and filename of trailer. Yes
category_select buttonlist Buttonlist to choose selected item's category. Yes
level_select buttonlist Buttonlist to choose selected item's parental level. Yes
child_select buttonlist Buttonlist to choose selected item's "Play After" file. Yes
browse_check checkbox Checkbox to select browseable/non-browseable. Yes
coverart_button button Button to change coverart. Yes
banner_button button Button to change banner. Yes
fanart_button button Button to change fanart. Yes
screenshot_button button Button to change screenshot. Yes
trailer_button button Button to change trailer. Yes
done_button button The "Done" button. Yes
description_edit textedit Textedit to change Plot/description. No
subtitle_edit textedit Textedit to change the subtitle. No
rating_edit textedit Textedit to change rating/classification. No
director_edit textedit Textedit to modify the director. No
inetref_edit textedit Textedit to change IMDB/TMDB/TTVDB number. No
watched_check checkbox Checkbox to mark item as "watched." No
year_spin spinbox Spinbox for year of release. No
userrating_spin spinbox Spinbox for user rating. No
length_spin spinbox Spinbox for length in minutes. No

The "itemdetailpopup" window

The "itemdetailpopup" window is a popup that appears after selecting an item in gallery view. It can contain any or all of the generic attributes listed above to show details about the film before playing or navigating away from it.
Widget Name Widget Type Description Required?
done_button button The "Done" button. Yes
play_button button The "Play" button. Yes

The "moviesel" window

Widget Name Widget Type Description Required?
results buttonlist A list of returned values from a grabber script, for user selection. Yes

The "castpopup" window

Widget Name Widget Type Description Required?
cast buttonlist A popup list of cast/actors from the selected item. Yes

The "descriptionpopup" window

Widget Name Widget Type Description Required?
description textarea A popup for the plot of the selected film. Yes

The "filter" window

Widget Name Widget Type Description Required?
year_select buttonlist Buttonlist to select filter by year. Yes
userrating_select buttonlist Buttonlist to select filter by user rating. Yes
category_select buttonlist Buttonlist to select filter by category. Yes
country_select buttonlist Buttonlist to select filter by country. Yes
genre_select buttonlist Buttonlist to select filter by genre. Yes
cast_select buttonlist Buttonlist to select filter by cast member. Yes
runtime_select buttonlist Buttonlist to select filter by total runtime. Yes
browse_select buttonlist Buttonlist to select filter by browseable. Yes
interef_select buttonlist Buttonlist to select filter by internet/IMDB number. Yes
coverfile_select buttonlist Buttonlist to select filter by cover file. Yes
orderby_select buttonlist Buttonlist to select sort order. Yes
done_button button The "Done" button. Yes
save_button button The "Save" button Yes
numvideos_text textarea Number of available videos after filtering. Yes
watched_select buttonlist Buttonlist to select filter by watched items. Yes
textfilter_input textedit A freeform text filter entry box. Yes

The "playersettings" window

Widget Name Widget Type Description Required?
defaultplayer textedit Textedit for the default video player command. Yes
dvdplayer textedit Textedit for the default DVD player command. Yes
vcdplayer textedit Textedit for the default VCD player command. Yes
altplayer textedit Textedit for the alternate video player command. Yes
altcheck checkbox Checkbox to activate the alternate player. Yes
ok button OK Button. Yes
cancel button Cancel Button. Yes
helptext textarea The help text for the selected item. Yes
dvddrive textedit Textedit for the DVD Drive location. Yes
vcddrive textedit Textedit for the VCD Drive location. Yes

The "metadatasettings" window

Widget Name Widget Type Description Required?
moviegrabber buttonlist A list of the available movie grabber scripts. Yes
tvgrabber buttonlist A list of the available TV grabber scripts. Yes
randomtrailercheck checkbox A checkbox to enable random trailers before films. Yes
trailernum spinbox The number of random trailers to be played before a film. Yes
unknownfilecheck checkbox Enable/Disable display of unknown file types. Yes
ok button OK Button. Yes
cancel button Cancel Button. Yes
helptext textarea The help text for the selected item. Yes
treeloadsmetacheck checkbox Enable/Disable metadata loading in file browse mode. Yes